How to Configure Physical Link Status Updates

This procedure shows how to enable physical link status updates for virtual network devices.

You can also enable physical link status updates for a virtual switch device by following similar steps and specifying the linkprop=phys-state option to the ldm add-vsw and ldm set-vsw commands.


If linkprop=phys-state is specified and the physical link is down, the virtual network device reports its link status as down, even if the connection to the virtual switch is up. This situation occurs because the Oracle Solaris OS does not currently provide interfaces to report two distinct link states, such as virtual-link-state and physical-link-state.
  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Enable physical link status updates for the virtual device.

    You can enable physical link status updates for a virtual network device in the following ways:

    • Create a virtual network device by specifying linkprop=phys-state when running the ldm add-vnet command.

      Specifying the linkprop=phys-state option configures the virtual network device to obtain physical link state updates and report them to the stack.

      primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state if-name

      The following example enables physical link status updates for ldom1_vnet0 connected to primary-vsw0 on the logical domain ldom1:

      primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
    • Modify an existing virtual network device by specifying linkprop=phys-state when running the ldm set-vnet command.

      primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop=phys-state if-name

      The following example enables physical link status updates for vnet0 on the logical domain ldom1:

      primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet0 ldom1

    To disable physical link state updates, specify linkprop= by running the ldm set-vnet command.

    The following example disables physical link status updates for ldom1_vnet0 on the logical domain ldom1:

    primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop= ldom1_vnet0 ldom1