Using Link-Based IPMP in Oracle VM Server for SPARC Virtual Networking

The virtual network and virtual switch devices support link status updates to the network stack. By default, a virtual network device reports the status of its virtual link (its LDC to the virtual switch) and physical link. This configuration is enabled by default and does not require you to perform additional configuration steps.


The linkprop property is set to phys-state by default depending on backing device support. You do not need to perform the tasks in this section unless you disabled the linkprop property manually and are now attempting to set the property to the phys-state value.

You can use standard Oracle Solaris network administration commands such as dladm and ifconfig to check the link status. In addition, the link status is also logged in the /var/adm/messages file. For Oracle Solaris 10, see the dladm(1M) and ifconfig(1M) man pages. For Oracle Solaris 11 releases prior to Oracle Solaris 11.4, see the dladm(1M), ipadm(1M), and ipmpstat(1M) man pages. For Oracle Solaris 11.4, see the dladm(8), ipadm(8), and ipmpstat(8) man pages.