Migrating a Domain

You can use the ldm migrate-domain command to initiate the migration of a domain from one host machine to another host machine.


If you migrate a domain, any named resources that you assigned by using the cid and mblock properties are dropped. Instead, the domain uses anonymous resources on the target system.

For information about migrating an active domain while it continues to run, see Migrating an Active Domain. For information about migrating a bound or inactive domain, see Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains.

For information about the migration options and operands, see the ldm(8) man page.


After a domain migration completes, save a new SP configuration to the SP of both the source and target systems. As a result, the state of the migrated domain is correct if either the source or target system undergoes a power cycle.

Starting with Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5, an SP configuration can be saved automatically following a successful migration. For more information, see Saving Post-Migration SP Configurations Automatically.


In rare circumstances, a successful domain migration reports the following error:
Unable to send suspend request to domain domain-name
This issue occurs when the Logical Domains Manager detects an error while suspending the domain, and the Logical Domains Manager is able to recover and completes the migration. The exit status of the command is 0, reflecting the successful migration. Because the migration completes successfully, you can ignore the error message.