Chapter 3 Using the Oracle VM Manager REST API

3.1 Connecting to the REST Base URI

To access the REST web service, you must use the following base URI:


In this URI, replace hostname with the host name or IP address of Oracle VM Manager, and replace port with the number of the port where the REST web service is available - the default is 7002 (SSL).


Querying this URI directly does not provide any information and results in an error. This URI is only to be used as the base URI that REST interactions are built on, according to the available URI mappings. See Section 3.3, “What URI Mappings are Available and How do They Work?” for more information.

3.2 How do I Authenticate?

To gain access to Oracle VM Manager, a client must first authenticate successfully. Oracle VM Manager supports the HTTP Basic Authorization mode for REST. The username and password must be sent as part of the header of the initial request in order for Oracle VM Manager to authenticate the request. In subsequent requests, the session cookies, attached to the initial response, should be sent instead of continuing to send the username and password with each new request.


The login method in the OvmWsRestClient class provides an example of how to set the username and password in the request header.

Examples of the login process as required by REST are also provided in the example code included in this document. See Section 3.6.2, “Authenticating” for further examples.

The REST API also has support for certificate-based authentication. As long as you have a valid certificate that is signed and registered either with the internal Oracle VM Manager CA certificate, or with a third-party CA for which your have imported the CA certificate into the Oracle VM Manager truststore, you can authenticate easily using your certificate instead of including a username and password facility within your code. Signing and registering certificates against the internal Oracle VM Manager CA certificate can either be achieved using the provided certificate management tool, discussed in Setting Up SSL in the Oracle VM Administrator's Guide; or can be achieved programmatically using the Oracle VM Manager Utilities REST API discussed in Chapter 4, Additional Utilities Exposed in the WS-API.

3.3 What URI Mappings are Available and How do They Work?

Any REST API makes use of existing HTTP methods, such as GET and POST requests, to trigger various operations. The type of operation that is triggered depends on the HTTP method and the URI pattern that is used.

In Oracle VM, URI patterns are built around ObjectType names and the identifier for a particular instance of the ObjectType. In three cases, an identifier for an instance can be omitted:

  1. Creation of a new instance of an ObjectType, using the HTTP POST method.

  2. Full listing of all instances of an ObjectType, using the HTTP GET method.

  3. Listing of the identifiers for all instances of an ObjectType, using the HTTP GET method.

The different ObjectTypes that can be accessed via the API are described in the full API documentation provided in the SDK. Note that ObjectType names may not map perfectly onto objects that you are used to seeing in the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface or Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface. For instance, the 'resourceGroup' object is the same thing as a 'tag' in UI or CLI nomenclature. These differences are usually mentioned within the API documentation accompanying the SDK.

Since many objects within Oracle VM Manager have parent-child relationships, URI mappings are available to create, query and delete these relationships.

This table contains the basic URI patterns to interact with the available objects controlled by Oracle VM Manager:


HTTP Method

URI Path

Entity Passed In

Return Type




Object being created


Get all




Get all IDs




Get by ID







Object being modified






Action [a]


/ObjectType/{id} /action

Object being created


Add child association


/ObjectType/{id} /addChildType

Child ID


Remove child association


/ObjectType/{id} /removeChildType

Child ID


Get child associations


/ObjectType/{id} /ChildType


Get child association IDs


/ObjectType/{id} /ChildType/id


Create child object


/ParentType/{id} /ChildType

New ChildType object


Delete child object




[a] See Section 3.6.11, “Managing Servers in a Server Pool” for two good examples of action-style activities.

  • Capitalization as shown in the sample URIs is significant for the actual URI request: ObjectTypeNames are capitalized, while actions are not.

  • Actions available for an ObjectType vary depending on the ObjectType. Each action available for each ObjectType is described in the documentation provided with the SDK.

  • Only top level objects are removed using the Delete operation. For child objects, use the Delete child object operation.

  • If an object can exist outside the association of its parent it is created as a normal object and then added to the parent using the Add child association operation. The relationship between ServerPool and Server objects is an example of this. If the parent object is deleted, the child still exists.

  • If the child object cannot exist without its parent then it is created via a Create child object operation. The relationship between Vm and VmDiskMapping objects is an example of this. In this case, if the parent object is deleted, the child is also be deleted.


For GET type requests you can test out the REST API directly by using a standard web browser, as long as you have a means to modify the HTTP Request Headers to include the HTTP Basic authentication credentials required to access the API. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you could try the Modify Headers Add-On; while Google Chrome users could avail of the ModHeaders Extension.

Modify your browser headers to include the Authorization header. Set the value to BASIC and append the Base64 encoded string for your username and password in the format: username:password. Once this is done, you can simply point your browser at any URL that accepts a GET request. For example, to obtain a listing of server IDs, try pointing your browser at https://hostname:7002/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server/id where hostname is the IP address or FQDN of the Oracle VM Manager host.

3.4 Internet Media Types Used by the REST API (JSON and XML)

The REST API can use either XML or JSON to encode data sent in requests or received in responses. The Internet media type of the data returned is controlled by setting the appropriate HTTP Headers for each request. Since some languages, such as Python, have better libraries for parsing data in JSON format, as opposed to XML, you may decide to set the media type to JSON for all requests.

To notify Oracle VM Manager to return data in JSON format, you must set the Accept Header to application/json.

To send data to Oracle VM Manager in JSON format you must set the Content-Type Header to application/json.

To notify Oracle VM Manager to return data in XML format, set the Accept Header to application/xml, or rely on the default media type and do not set this parameter at all.

To send data to Oracle VM Manager in XML format, set the Content-Type Header to application/xml, or rely on the default media type and do not set this parameter at all.


For all POST and PUT operations where data is included in the body of the HTTP request, element names are case-sensitive.

3.5 Good Practice: Check the Oracle VM Manager Start Up State

The Oracle VM Manager start up process can take a number of minutes to complete. During start up, Oracle VM Manager is capable of accepting web services API calls for various debugging purposes, however jobs requested through the web services API are not initiated during start up and the contents of various model objects can change significantly over the course of the start-up process as various objects are refreshed and rediscovered. For this reason, it is good practice for an application, using the web services API, to check the running status of Oracle VM Manager before submitting API requests.

The running status of Oracle VM Manager is contained in the managerRunState property or attribute of the Manager object returned by the Oracle VM Web Services API. During start up, the value of this property is set to 'STARTING'. Once all start up operations and server rediscovery is complete, the value of this property changes to 'RUNNING'.

In your code, you should authenticate against Oracle VM Manager and then check that the managerRunState property of the Manager object is set to 'RUNNING' before performing any further operations. To do this using the REST interface, you can perform a GET query against the following URI:


An example of this and a description of how to wait until the Oracle VM Manager is actually running is provided in Section 3.6.3, “Checking Oracle VM Manager Run State”.

3.6 Example Code Using REST

The example code, provided in this section, steps through many common operations within Oracle VM Manager. For each example, we have provided code samples for both Java and Python. By nature, the REST API is language agnostic, so you may decide to use an alternative programming language to interface with the API. The code samples are provided to show how different operations might be performed using one of these two popular languages.

In a guide like this, the programming style and the choice of libraries used very much depend on the author and the version of the language used. More than likely, there are many more ways to achieve the same result, even within the same language. These samples are not intended to be authoritative in their approach, but can be used as guidelines to developing your own applications.

3.6.1 About the samples provided

About the Java samples provided

Our Java samples are built around the Java code and library provided in the SDK that is bundled with Oracle VM Manager. The sample code uses the Jersey implementation of the JAX-RS specification for Java's REST support. Jersey provides a core client library that facilitates REST communication with a REST server, and also supports the automatic creation and parsing of XML via JAXB. Jersey is not included in the SDK and should be downloaded separately from

To avoid the dependency management of multiple jersey-based jars, it is recommended that you download the Jersey Bundle Jar and import this into your project.

In addition to the Jersey libraries, the Java Sample Client takes advantage of the Jackson JSON Processor library to facilitate JSON data binding, allowing for the quick translation between JSON and POJO. Jackson is not included in the SDK and should be downloaded separately from

The Java Sample Client provided in the SDK includes all of the code required to perform the majority of supported interactions with the WS-API. The code is separated into two packages:

  • Contains the class for the REST interfaces to the API. Notably, for these examples, the and files contain much of the code referenced through this guide. In this guide, we attempt to describe how the actual client API code has been constructed to allow you to abstract many of the REST calls that you would need to make otherwise. In practice, you can use these classes without needing to know all of the underlying mechanics to the code, this is illustrated in the WSDevClient class discussed below. The source files for this class are contained in a zip file named within the source folder of the SDK zip archive.

  • Contains the WsDevClient class, which performs particular actions using the API and which is set as your main class when you run the sample client. The WsDevClient class is an example of how you can use the client API classes to create your own applications drawing on all the abstraction provided by these classes. If you're just following this guide to work out how to use the API to write your own applications, you can concentrate on the code in the WsDevClient class. The source files for this class are contained in a zip file named within the source folder of the SDK zip archive.

The SDK also includes the Oracle VM Manager Web Services Client library in the form of a precompiled jar file called OvmWsClient.jar. This library contains model types for all of the different ObjectTypes exposed through the API, as well as a variety of utilities that are useful to perform various actions on objects in the API. This library must be included in your project to allow you to work with typical Oracle VM ObjectTypes. The library file is contained in the lib folder of the SDK zip archive.

The Javadoc provides a complete list of all model classes that you can use. To import all these model classes use the following import statement:


To import a specific class, for example Server, use the following import statement:


You can use the package within your own projects to reduce your development overhead.

In these examples, we show how the REST client has been implemented within the package, and also how it is used for particular actions in the WsDevClient class.


The code included in the library expects that you are using JDK 7. Ensure that your project Source/Binary format is set to JDK7 and that you have the JDK7 libraries imported into your project. JDK 6 is not supported.

About the Python samples provided

Our Python samples are intended to give the reader a feel for direct access to the API for the purpose of scripting quick interactions with Oracle VM Manager. No abstraction is provided through the use of an additional library.

To keep the code simple, we have opted to make use of a couple of Python libraries that can handle HTTP session management, authentication and JSON. We selected these libraries based on the ease with which they can be used and for the brevity of the code that we are able to use. Depending on your Python version and the support provided for these libraries, you may choose to use alternatives to handle interactions with the REST API. Libraries used in these samples include:

  • Requests: An HTTP library that offers good support for HTTP Basic Authentication and session handling. This library is available at

  • time: The Python core library for time-related functions, which can be used to pause execution between queries to prevent the rapid succession of job status checking. This core library is described at

  • json: The Python core library for translating Python data objects to JSON and vice versa. This core library is described at

In an effort to keep our examples as simple as possible, we have opted to use JSON as our default media type throughout this guide. It is equally possible to make use of the default XML media type using Python. If you choose to do this, you might consider using lxml, a feature-rich XML toolkit that can be used to parse XML into native Python objects, and which can be used to construct well-formatted XML. This toolkit is available at

Your Python code should start with the following imports for the examples in this guide to work:

import requests
import json
from time import sleep

Due to our selection of libraries, and the syntax of some of our example code, we assume that you are using Python 2.6 or above. The examples presented here may not be compatible with Python 3, but can be easily adapted to work with this version of Python.

The Python examples in this guide build on top of each other. Frequently an example may refer to a function defined in a previous example. The reader should be aware that code provided for a particular example may not work without having defined some of the functions specified in the other referenced examples.

3.6.2 Authenticating

Authenticating against the REST API requires that you initially use HTTP Basic Authentication as described in RFC 2617. In subsequent requests the session cookies, returned in the initial response, should be sent instead of continuing to send the username and password with each new request.

Alternatively, you can use SSL certificates to perform authentication. You must use a certificate that has been signed and registered by a CA that is recognized by Oracle VM Manager, as described in Section 4.3, “Certificate Management for Certificate-based Authentication Using REST”. Java

Authentication against the REST API, in the Java client, makes use of a few Jersey utilities. In the RestClient provided in, a login method has been defined:

public class RestClient
   public static final String                   URI_BASE_PATH     = "/ovm/core/wsapi/rest";
   String                                       SECURE_PROTOCOL   = "https";
   String                                       INSECURE_PROTOCOL = "http";

   private static final Map<Class, GenericType> genericTypeMap = new HashMap<Class, GenericType>();

   private boolean                              debug             = false;
   private URI                                  baseURI;
   private Client                               webClient         = null;
   private List<NewCookie>                      cookies;
   private String                               mediaType         = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML;
   private Locale                               locale            = null;
   private SSLSocketFactory                     sslSocketFactory  = null;

public boolean login(final String username, final String password, final Locale locale, 
                     final String path) throws WsException
            // Make a dummy request to pass the authorization info to the server get the 
            // session id (which is returned in a cookie)
            final WebResource resource = getWebClient().resource(getBuilder().path(path).build());
            // Specify media type to accept
            final Builder resourceBuilder = resource.accept(getMediaType());

            // Append auth info
            final String authHeader = getAuthorizationHeaderValue(username, password);
            if (authHeader != null)
                resourceBuilder.header("Authorization", authHeader);

            if (locale != null)

            final ClientResponse response =;

            if (response.getClientResponseStatus() != ClientResponse.Status.OK)
                // If auth fails before reaching OVM Manager code, it is possible to receive
                // a 401 error with HTML data instead of the expected WsErrorDetails object
                if (!response.getType().toString().equals(getMediaType()))
                    throw createExceptionForUnexpectedResponse(response, null);
                final WsErrorDetails errorDetails = response.getEntity(WsErrorDetails.class);
                throw new WsException(errorDetails);

            return true;
        catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
            throw convertException(ex);

    private String getAuthorizationHeaderValue(final String username, String password)
        // Username and password are optional if using cert auth. As long as we have username
        // information, we'll pass that in an auth header.
        if (username != null)
            if (password == null)
                password = "";

            return "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(username + ":" + password));

        return null;


Note that an initial request is sent and an Authorization header is attached. The Authorization header value is obtained by calling the getAuthorizationHeaderValue method which returns the Base64 encoded username and password required for HTTP Basic authentication. The session information is returned as a cookie in the server response, and this cookie can be used for all subsequent requests.

The OvmWsRestClient class in extends the RestClient class. It provides the API function that gets called in the sample application and defines the dummy query that is performed against the API to achieve authentication:

public class OvmWsRestClient extends RestClient implements OvmWsClient
    public static final String URI_BASE_PATH = "/ovm/core/wsapi/rest";

    public OvmWsRestClient()
    public boolean login(final String username, final String password, 
                         final Locale locale, final String path) throws WsException
        final boolean success = super.login(username, password, locale, path);

        // In the case this is a second login request and the utilities endpoint is 
        // already initialized, update that endpoint to use the cookies returned 
        // from our new successful login. This means that the same OvmWsUtilitiesClient 
        // instance can continue to be used even if its session has expired, as
        // long as the session is re-established on this primary endpoint.
        if (success && utilitiesClient != null)
        return success;

Now in the WsDevClient class (the sample application), all we need to do is call this method:


public class WsDevClient
public void run()
         api = OvmWsClientFactory.getOvmWsClient(wsimpl);
            api.initialize(hostname, port, true);
         // Authenticate with the OvmApi Service
            api.login(username, password, Locale.getDefault());

There are a few things to note about how this has been implemented in the sample client. The first point is that we refer to the OvmWsClientFactory class to determine whether we are using the REST client or the SOAP client, using the string variable 'wsimpl'. This class allows us to use the same demo code to show both APIs. It contains a switch statement that sets up the appropriate client object:

switch (implementation)
            case SOAP:
                return new OvmWsSoapClient();

            case REST:
                return new OvmWsRestClient();

Note that the SOAP API is deprecated and you should ensure that you are using the REST API where possible.

Before the login method is called, an initialize method is used to set the hostname and port number on which the Oracle VM Manager is running. This method is ultimately defined in the RestClient class and simply takes all of the components that make up the base URI and constructs the base URI that is used thereafter.

A final thing to note, is that the call to the initialize and login methods provide some preset variables. In fact, the package also includes a properties file: This file contains the default values for many of the variables referenced throughout this guide. For the sample code to work according to the specifics of your own environment, many of these variables must be overridden. Instructions for handling variable overriding are provided in the comments of this properties file itself.

What about Certificate-based Authentication?

Since the code in the SDK does not assume that you have set up user certificates, there are no examples showing how to authenticate using a signed SSL certificate. However, all that is required for this to happen is for you to use the certificate for all REST requests in your session. In Java, the easiest way to do this is to ensure that you have the certificate and its associated key stored in a keystore file. You can then use the keystore to load your key manager and trust manager that can be used to initialize an SSL context that is used for all connections.

The following example code, should help to get you started. It has been stripped of any error handling that may obfuscate what is required. This code expects the following variables to be initialized:

File keystoreFile;        // A file representing the location of the KeyStore
char[] keystorePassword;  // The KeyStore password
char[] keyPassword;       // The key password - if you didn't specify one when creating your
                          // key, then use the keystorePassword for this as well

The code required to use this keystore to initialize an SSL context follows:

// Load your keystore
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(keystoreFile);
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
keystore.load(stream, keystorePassword);
// Initialize the key manager from the keystore
KeyManagerFactory kmFactory = 
kmFactory.init(keystore, keyPassword);
KeyManager km[] = kmFactory.getKeyManagers();
// Initialize the trust manager from the keystore
TrustManagerFactory tmFactory = 
TrustManager tm[] = tmFactory.getTrustManagers();
// Initialize an SSL context and make it the default for all connections
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
ctx.init(km, tm, null);

This code could be substituted in the WsDevClient class where the initial SSL context is set:

public void run() {
        try {
            // Configure the SSLContext with an insecure TrustManager
            // This is done to avoid the need to use valid certificates in the 
            // development environment.
            // This should not be done in a real / secure environment.
            final SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
            ctx.init(new KeyManager[0], new TrustManager[]{
                        new InsecureTrustManager()
                    }, new SecureRandom());
} Python

In Python, there are a variety of libraries that can take care of your HTTP request process using REST including Requests, Urllib2 and HTTPLib. In this example, we use the Requests library as it provides good support for authentication and session handling.

s.verify=False #disables SSL certificate verification

In the example code, we use an option to disable SSL certificate verification. This is helpful when testing code against a demonstration environment using the default self-signed certificates, as these may not validate properly causing the HTTP request to fail. In a production environment, this line is not recommended and your SSL certificates should be updated to be fully valid and signed by a recognized certificate authority, or you should at least ensure that the Oracle VM Manager internal CA certificate is installed locally for validation purposes.

Since we would like to use JSON for all of our interactions with the API, it may prove worthwhile to take advantage of the Requests library's ability to append headers to all requests within a session. To do this, we can set the appropriate headers now and save ourselves the effort of doing this for each HTTP request that we make:

s.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

Finally, throughout this guide we are going to refer to the BaseURI that the REST API can be located on. For the sake of keeping our code relatively brief, we can set a variable for this now:


The baseUri specified above follows the format described in Section 3.1, “Connecting to the REST Base URI”. It may vary depending on your own environment and where you intend your script to run from. Note that you can substitute the hostname and port values according to your own application requirements. In this example, we are assuming that you are running your Python scripts on the same system where Oracle VM Manager is hosted.

What about Certificate-based Authentication?

As already mentioned, it is possible to use a signed SSL certificate to authenticate against Oracle VM Manager via the REST API. This allows you to disable any requirement to enter a username or password to perform authentication. To do this, you must have the certificate and key stored in a single PEM file available to your application. The Requests library allows you to send a certificate with each request, or to set it to be used for every request within a session:


As long as the certificate is valid and can be authenticated by Oracle VM Manager, the session is automatically logged in using your certificate.

3.6.3 Checking Oracle VM Manager Run State

As described in Section 3.5, “Good Practice: Check the Oracle VM Manager Start Up State”, it is good practice to check the running status of Oracle VM Manager before making any subsequent API calls. This is achieved by submitting a GET query to the following URI:


The running status of Oracle VM Manager is indicated by the managerRunState property, returned in the response to this query.

Your code should loop to repeat this query until the value of the managerRunState property is equivalent to 'RUNNING', before allowing any further operations. Java

By using the Oracle VM Manager Web Services Client library in your code, the REST API is almost completely abstracted. The method to query the Manager object as presented in the OvmWsRestClient class is a simple call that constructs a GET request using the Jersey Builder and returns the Manager object:

    public Manager managerGet() throws WsException
            final Builder b = getResourceFromPathElements("Manager", "Manager");

            final Manager manager = b.get(Manager.class);

            return manager;
        catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
            throw convertException(ex);

To track the manager status in Java, the API can be queried repeatedly using this managerGet() method to access the Manager object and query the ManagerRunState property value to determine whether or not the Oracle VM Manager instance has RUNNING runtime status. The code should sleep between requests to reduce the number of requests submitted to the Oracle VM Manager instance over a period and to allow time for the instance to properly start up. The following code provides an example of how you might perform the loop required to wait until the ManagerRunState is set to 'RUNNING' in your Java client application:

// Wait for the manager to be in a running state before doing any work
// Refresh the manager object once every second to get the latest run state
final Manager manager = api.managerGet();
while (manager.getManagerRunState() != ManagerRunState.RUNNING){
  catch (final InterruptedException e){}
  manager=OvmWsClientTools.refresh(api, manager);

Of interest in this loop is the call to OvmWsClientTools.refresh, which is used to refresh the manager model object on each iteration of the loop and to return an updated manager object. This code should be executed immediately after authentication before any other operations are attempted. Python

To track manager status in Python, the API can be queried repeatedly using the URI to access the Manager object and the managerRunState property value can be tested to determine whether or not the Oracle VM Manager instance has RUNNING runtime status. To keep the script polite, use the time library to sleep between requests. Since this is functionality that may be used repeatedly at different stages in a program, it is better to define it as a function:

def check_manager_state(baseUri,s):
        while True:
            if manager[0]['managerRunState'].upper() == 'RUNNING':

In this function, the while True: statement creates an infinite loop. The requests library session object is used to submit a GET request to the appropriate URI and the response content is converted from JSON into a python data object. The object is a list that contains a dictionary with all of the Manager object properties as keys. We use an if statement to test the managerRunState property to see whether it matches the string value 'RUNNING'. If a match is found, the infinite loop is broken and the function can return. If a match is not found, the time.sleep statement causes the function to wait for one second before submitting the next request, so that requests take place over a sensible period.

Usually, you would insert a call to this function directly after you authenticate, as described in Section 3.6.2, “Authenticating”. You may even incorporate this code into your authentication process, so that it is called whenever an authentication request is made within your application.

3.6.4 Listing Servers

The Web Services API provides various options to list servers that have already been discovered within an Oracle VM environment.

Get a list of all servers and their unique IDs

It is possible to obtain a concise list of servers that have been discovered within the Oracle VM environment along with their unique identifiers. This call is less bandwidth intensive than obtaining the full details for all of your servers. It can provide a quick method to obtain the IDs for servers within the environment.

The following URI can be used to perform a GET request:


It is useful to note that the IDs returned by this request contain the URL that can be used to query all the details for each server object, as described below. This makes it simple to search for the URL that you should query to get the details for a particular server.

Get all details for a server based on its unique ID

It is possible to obtain all of the details for a particular server based on its unique ID.

The following URI can be used to perform a GET request:


The id presented in the URI above should be substituted for the actual unique ID value of a server. Note that this URI is returned as part of the ID object returned in a listing of all server IDs.

Get a list of all details for all servers

Full details for all servers within an environment can be obtained easily. If your environment has a large number of servers, this call may be bandwidth intensive.

The following URI can be used to perform a GET request:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server Java

Since the HTTP query to obtain a listings of objects of a particular type is essentially the same for all ObjectTypes, the RestClient provides generic methods for these purposes, such as the getAll method:

     * Gets all objects of a given type.
    public <T> List<T> getAll(final Class<T> type) throws WsException
            final Builder b = getResourceForType(type);
            return (List) b.get(getGenericListType(type));
        catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
            throw convertException(ex);

This means that to get a listing of all servers, a serverGetAll method is defined in the OvmWsRestClient class that presents the Server class to the getAll method as follows:

    public List<Server> serverGetAll() throws WsException
        return getAll(Server.class);

From the WsDevClient code (the sample application), a call to list all Servers uses the serverGetAll method defined in the OvmWsRestClient:

final List<Server> servers = api.serverGetAll();

This populates a list, allowing you to loop through it to work with Server details as required:

for (final Server server : servers)
                if (testServerName.equals(server.getName()))
                    testServer = server;

Using the methods exposed by the Server model class, it is possible to print out various attributes specific to the Server. In the sample code, we reference the printServer method which is contained within the WsDevClient class. This method performs a variety of tasks. For the purpose of illustrating how you are able to work with a Server object, we have truncated the code in the following listing:

private void printServer(final Server server)
        System.out.println("Server id: " + server.getId());
        System.out.println("\tname: " + server.getName());
        System.out.println("\tdescription: " + server.getDescription());
        System.out.println("\tGeneration: " + server.getGeneration());
        System.out.println("\tServerPool id: " + server.getServerPoolId());
        System.out.println("\tCluster id: " + server.getClusterId());
    } Python

Building on the authentication code provided in Section 3.2, “How do I Authenticate?” we continue to use the requests.Session object to send a GET request to list all server details to the REST API. The response content is in JSON format. Fortunately, the Requests library is capable of decoding JSON automatically. This means that you can treat the content returned by the HTTP request as a native Python data object:

 for i in r.json():
       # do something with the content
       print('{name} is {state}'.format(name=i['name'],state=i['serverRunState']))

The baseUri specified above is based on the variable that we set during authentication as described in Section 3.2, “How do I Authenticate?” and we have appended the Server objecttype to it to notify the API of the type of data that we are requesting.

3.6.5 Discovering Servers

To create a server pool, you first need server objects to add to the pool. You add unassigned Oracle VM Servers to your environment by discovering them. For Server discovery, the REST API expects parameters to be passed in the URI, with the exception of sensitive information such as user credentials.

To perform server discovery modify the following URL to suit your requirements, and submit a POST request:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server/discover? \

The body of the request contains the Oracle VM Agent password, so that it is not contained in the URL string of the request. Although the URL itself is protected by HTTPS, due to the TLS wrapper around the HTTP component of the request, many servers, proxies and browsers store URLs in log files which can make information passed in this way vulnerable to exposure. By sending the password in the body of the request, this risk is mitigated. Java

The OvmWsRestClient class provides a method to handle server discovery. Since many of the parameters used to perform server discovery are used to construct the URI that must be used for the POST request, these parameters are passed to a the Jersey Builder after they have been processed for URI construction by a method defined in the RestClient class. The login credentials that Oracle VM Manager requires to connect to the Oracle VM Agent are sent within the body of the POST request as a simple string.

Many of the examples in this guide use basic methods that are defined within the RestClient class in These methods use Jersey to set up a web client and also provide constructors to handle tasks like URI construction and XML construction using JAXB. These base methods are not discussed in detail within this guide, but should be studied by the reader if further understanding is required.

    public Job serverDiscover(final String serverName, final String agentPassword, 
            final boolean takeOwnership)
        final Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        queryParameters.put("serverName", serverName);
        queryParameters.put("takeOwnershipIfUnowned", takeOwnership);

        final Builder b =
                     queryParameters, Server.class.getSimpleName(), "discover");

        return b.type(getMediaType()).post(Job.class, agentPassword);

The WSDevClient class, in the sample code, does not include an example of server discovery, however to do server discovery, the code in your main class can be as simple as the following:

final Job serverCreateJob = api.serverDiscover("", "p4ssword", true);
System.out.println("create server job id: " + serverCreateJob.getId());
sid=waitForJobComplete(api, serverCreateJob, Server.class);

Note that the XML response returned by the API contains information about the job that has been created to carry out the process requested. This is why we use the output from the serverDiscover method to populate a Job object. Using this object, you can easily track job status with the waitForJobComplete method, which also returns the server ID object if the job is successful.


ID objects include the URI by which the complete object can be referenced. In Java, the URI can be quickly obtained using the getUri method against the ID object. Python

Continuing on from the previous example, in Section 3.6.4, “Listing Servers”, the session object can be used to submit a POST request containing the agent password specified as a simple string:

uri_params={'serverName':'', 'takeOwnershipIfUnowned':'True'}
data='p4ssword''/Server/discover', data, params=uri_params)

If the request has been formatted correctly and the API accepts it, the JSON response returned contains information about the job that has been created to carry out the process requested. You can easily obtain the job URI from the response data and use it to track job status with the wait_for_job function:

print('Job: {name} for {server}'.format(name=job['id']['name'],server=''))

ID objects include the URI by which the complete object can be referenced. We can easily obtain this URI to perform another query against the API for the Job object so that we can track its status. In this example we reference the wait_for_job function, which has not been defined. Before you attempt to use this function, refer to Section 3.6.6, “Working with Jobs” to find out how you should go about defining it.

3.6.6 Working with Jobs

For most write-requests, using the POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP methods, the response from the API contains an XML or JSON representation of the job data specific to the process that has been queued on Oracle VM Manager for the task that you are performing. Since many jobs within Oracle VM Manager may only succeed if they are run sequentially and each job can take time to complete, it is common to check whether a job is complete before continuing. It is also useful to obtain job information to determine whether a task has succeeded or failed, along with error messages for job failure.

You can obtain details for a particular job by sending a GET request to the following URI:


Substitute the id in the URI with the ID that is generated for the job. Remember that the job URI is sent in the XML or JSON response returned for any POST, PUT or DELETE request.

Note that checking for job completion and checking for job failure is not always a requirement. For instance, more complex applications may spawn multiple independent, long running operations at the same time and may check status over a period of time. This approach is helpful for jobs such as imports and clones, where the operation may take a really long time to complete. Functions to wait until a job is complete, as described below, are more useful for a series of short operations that are dependent on each other. Java

Tracking Job Status

The WSDevClient class, in the sample code, includes an example method to handle tracking Job status, so that your application can wait until job completion before continuing to submit requests that may be dependent on a job completing.

The method expects to be passed a Job object, which it uses to continually query the API to detect whether a Job is done or not. We check the summaryDone property of the job to determine whether the job is complete, as this provides a more complete view of the status of any spawned child jobs as opposed to the done property. See Section 2.1.4, “Working with Jobs” for more information on this. Usually, when performing a write type request against the API, a Job object is returned in the response from the API. This allows you to obtain the Job ID to perform these repeated queries.

    public <T> Id<T> waitForJobComplete(final OvmWsClient api, Job job, 
             final Class<T> type) throws WsException
        while (job.isSummaryDone() == false)
            catch (final Exception e)

            job = api.jobGetById(job.getId());

            if (job.getJobRunState().equals(JobRunState.FAILURE))
                final JobError error = job.getError();
                if (error != null)
                    System.out.println(" error type: " + error.getType());
                    System.out.println(" error message: " + error.getMessage());
                System.out.println(" transcript: " + api.jobGetDebugTranscript(job.getId()));

        final Id resultId = job.getResultId();
        if (type == null)
            return resultId;
            final Id<T> typedResultId = resultId;
            return typedResultId;

Note that to track job status, the method makes a call to the jobGetById method exposed in the OvmWsRestClient class, which contains the following code:

    public Job jobGetById(final Id<Job> jobId) throws WsException
        return getById(jobId, Job.class);

Earlier in this guide, we mentioned that there were some generic methods available in the OvmWsRestClient class, that can be reused to query different ObjectTypes within Oracle VM Manager. The getById method is one of these methods. In actual fact, this method calls the getResourceById method defined in the RestClient class, which in turn calls the getResourceFromURI method. The method is finally capable of using Jersey's Builder API to construct a REST GET request and to return an object. This chain of methods can get confusing to follow. For the sake of keeping things simple, we present the code for the getById method below:

public <T> T getById(final Id<T> id, final Class<T> type) throws WsException
            final Builder b = getResourceById(id);

            return b.get(type);
        catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
            throw convertException(ex);

It is recommended that readers continue to follow through each of the methods called in the above code to see how the URI and request is constructed. For most developers, however, reusing the code already provided in the sample client can help to abstract the HTTP level of the REST API. Python

Track Job Status

To track job status in Python, we can repeatedly query the API using the job URI returned in each response. To keep our script polite, we use the time library to sleep between requests. Since this is functionality that we require for a variety of tasks it is better to define it as a function:

def wait_for_job(joburi,s):
        while True:
            if job['summaryDone']:
                print('{name}: {runState}'.format(name=job['name'], runState=job['jobRunState']))
                if job['jobRunState'].upper() == 'FAILURE':
                    raise Exception('Job failed: {error}'.format(error=job['error']))
                elif job['jobRunState'].upper() == 'SUCCESS':
                    if 'resultId' in job:
                        return job['resultId']

A completed job that consists of an action where an object is created in Oracle VM Manager also includes the ID of the object that has been created. We check the summaryDone property of the job to determine whether the job is complete, as this provides a more complete view of the status of any spawned child jobs as opposed to the done property. See Section 2.1.4, “Working with Jobs” for more information on this. For these types of activities, it is useful to return this value after the job is complete, so that it is easier to perform subsequent tasks related to the same object. Only return this value if the job was successful and no error was returned.

3.6.7 Searching For Objects And IDs

There are a number of common operations that you are likely to perform when working with the REST API. As you have already seen, it is relatively straightforward to get a listing of all of the objects for a particular object type by simply performing the following basic GET request:


Substitute ObjectType with the name of the object type that you wish to list the items for. For instance, to get a listing of all of the servers within the environment, simply replace ObjectType with 'Server'.

To reduce overhead in such a request, you can query an object type for a listing of the IDs for all matching objects within the environment:


It is fairly common when designing a client to provide some base operations that allow you to search through these listings quickly to retrieve an object or the ID for an object so that you are able to perform subsequent operations against that specific object. This functionality is not provided directly by the API and the logic for it must be coded into your own application. In this section we describe how to go about providing tools to perform common search style operations. Your approach to the design of these tools may vary. Java

The client provided within the SDK already includes many tools to perform searches for objects and IDs. These tools are provided in the OvmWsClientTools class. Search tools that interface with the REST API must first query for a list of objects or IDs for an object type and must then search the returned list for a match.

Searching for an Object by Name

In the OvmWsClientTools class, the following method can be found that performs a match for an object type (wsClassName) based on a string that matches the object's name:

public static <T extends BaseObject<T>> List<T> findObjectsByName(final Object api, final String 
              wsClassName, final String name)
        throws Exception
        nullCheck(api, "api");
        nullCheck(wsClassName, "wsClassName");

        final List<T> resultList = new ArrayList<T>();
        final List<Id<T>> ids = findIdsByName(api, wsClassName, name);
        if (ids != null && ids.size() > 0)
            final Class wsClass = getWsClass(wsClassName);
            for (final Id<T> id : ids)
                final Object object = getById(api, id, wsClass);
                if (object != null)
                    resultList.add((T) object);
        return resultList;

Note that this method actually calls the findIdsByName method described below in Searching for an Object ID by Name. It uses the IDs returned by this method to get the actual objects and add them to a list that it returns for the query.

Searching for an Object ID by Name

To search for object IDs that match a name, we query the API for all of the IDs for the required object type and loop through the returned result to build a list of entries with a name value that matches the query string. In the findIdsByName method, defined in the OvmWsClientTools class, some additional work is performed to derive the name of the appropriate client method to call for each different object type, represented by the wsClassName string.

public static <T extends BaseObject<T>> List<Id<T>> findIdsByName(final Object api, 
               final String wsClassName, final String name)
        throws Exception
        nullCheck(api, "api");
        nullCheck(wsClassName, "wsClassName");

        final Class wsClass = getWsClass(wsClassName);

        final List<Id<T>> resultList = new ArrayList<Id<T>>();
        final String wsModelClassName = wsClass.getSimpleName();
        final String methodName = makeInitialLowerCase(wsModelClassName) + "GetIds";
        final Method getMethod = api.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
        final List<Id<T>> idList = (List<Id<T>>) getMethod.invoke(api);

        if (idList != null && idList.size() > 0)
            for (final Id<T> id : idList)
                if (name != null && id.getName() != null && name.equals(id.getName()))

                // allow for getting all objects of a type with a null name
                if (name == null && id.getName() == null)

        return resultList;
    } Python

Searching for an Object by Name

The example below shows how you can loop through a query for objects matching a particular object type (resource) and perform a match on an object name. If a match is found the entire object is returned:

def get_obj_from_name(s,baseUri,resource,obj_name):
        for obj in r.json():
           if 'name' in obj.keys():
            if obj['name']==obj_name:
                return obj
        raise Exception('Failed to find object named {name}'.format(name=obj_name))

In this example, we are assuming that the object names for your objects are unique and that the first item that matches is the object ID that you are expecting. It is possible that you have multiple items in your environment with the same object name. If this is the case, you may need to modify this function to generate a list of matches and return this instead. This is the approach taken in the Java example of this function.

Searching for an Object ID by Name

The example code listed below provides a quick function that loops through a query for the list of IDs for a particular object type (resource) and matches on the object name. If a match is found the ID is returned:

def get_id_from_name(s,baseUri,resource,obj_name):
        for obj in r.json():
           if 'name' in obj.keys():
            if obj['name']==obj_name:
                return obj
        raise Exception('Failed to find id for {name}'.format(name=obj_name))

In this example, we are assuming that the object names for your objects are unique and that the first item that matches is the object ID that you are expecting. It is possible that you have multiple items in your environment with the same object name. If this is the case, you may need to modify this function to generate a list of matches and return this instead. This is the approach taken in the Java example of this function.


In terms of the WS-API, an ID for an object contains a collection of information, including the object name, the model type used by the API to define the object, the URI that can be used to query the object, and the unique ID value. ID Values are typically used in URI's to identify a particular object, while IDs are usually passed as XML or JSON objects within the body of a POST or PUT request. For this reason, we distinguish between an ID and ID Value throughout this document. In this case, we return the entire ID object as this contains the full collection of information that may be required.

3.6.8 Discovering a Network File Server

In this example, we show how to discover a Network File Server using the REST API. Shared storage is required for a number of purposes within Oracle VM, such as storing the pool file system used for the cluster heartbeat device.

A Network File Server is frequently used to provide shared storage, but is not the only form of shared storage that can be used within your environment. For this reason, you need to specify which Storage Connect plug-in you are using when you add a new storage resource. In this case, we use the "Oracle Generic Network File System" plug-in that is configured when Oracle VM is installed. For this reason, we must obtain the plug-in's object ID before we set up the filer, as this is required as one of the parameters that is sent in the API request.

Additionally, a Network File Server requires that at least one Admin Server is specified to handle administrative tasks on the filer. This must be the object ID for one of the servers that you have already discovered in your environment.

Once you have this information available, you can discover a Network File Server on your network by submitting a POST request to the following URI:


After discovery of a file server is complete, to make file server exports available to Oracle VM, it is usual to perform a file server refresh. This is achieved by obtaining the ID value for the newly added file server, and then submitting a PUT request to the following URI:


For the file server exports to become usable within Oracle VM it is also important that you perform a file system refresh for each file system available on the file server. This is achieved by submitting a PUT request to the following URI for each file-system:


You can get a listing for all the file systems exported on a particular file server, after it has been refreshed, by submitting a GET request on the following URI:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/FileServer/id/FileSystem/id Java

The WsDevClient class included in the sample code does not include an example to discover a Network File Server. Certainly, it expects that a Network File Server has already been discovered within your Oracle VM environment and that its file systems have already been refreshed. However, the OvmWsRestClient class included in the sample code does include all of the methods required to fully set up and configure a Network File Server. The following examples indicate the steps that you would need to take to perform these tasks.

As this process is fairly intensive, we have concentrated on using the methods available in the OvmWsRestClient class. We encourage the reader to refer to the code for each of these methods, to see how these methods actually use the Jersey REST Client to perform each query against the Oracle VM Manager REST API.

Discovering the Network File Server

The FileServer object requires a number of parameters to be set before it can be created. Significantly, you must obtain the File Server Oracle VM Storage Connect plug-in ID that should be used by the FileServer object. The generic Oracle VM Storage Connect plug-ins are created at installation time. This means that to select the appropriate plug-in you need to obtain its ID by looping through the existing plug-in IDs. In this example, we search for the "Oracle Generic Network File System" which can be used to connect to a Network File Server. The following code populates the FileServerPlugin Id object instance called testfileServerPluginId:

// Get a list of all File Server Plug-ins
final List<Id<FileServerPlugin>> fileServerPluginIds = api.fileServerPluginGetIds();
for (final Id<FileServerPlugin> fileServerPluginId : fileServerPluginIds)
    if (fileServerPluginId.getName().equals("Oracle Generic Network File System"))
       testfileServerPluginId = fileServerPluginId;

Since this process of searching for an ID based on the name of the object is an operation that you may perform more frequently through your code, this is a typical scenario where you may use one of the tools in the OvmWsClientTools class as described in Searching for an Object ID by Name.

Also required for the creation of a FileServer object is a list of Server ID object instances for each server that you want to configure as Admin Servers for your Network File Server. You could narrow this down to one or more specific servers. For the sake of simplicity, we create a list that contains all server IDs, which are then used as Admin Servers:

// Get a list of all Servers (to keep things simple, all servers are added)
final List<Id<Server>> servIds = api.serverGetIds();

Now we can set up the FileServer object, and call the fileServerDiscover method to create the FileServer object. We ensure that we also obtain the FileServer ID value from the waitForJobComplete method, so that we are able to use it for refresh tasks that need to be performed once the Network File Server has been discovered.

// Discover FileServer
FileServer fileserver = new FileServer();
// Set the Name for your FileServer object
// Set the AccessHost to the IP address or Hostname of the FileServer
// Set the Admin Server IDs, this is a list of ids
// In this example we are adding all servers in the environment
// Set the Fileserver Type, can be LOCAL, NETWORK or UNKNOWN
// Set the Plugin ID
// Set the FileServer as having Uniform Exports
final Job fileserverCreateJob = api.fileServerDiscover(fileserver);
System.out.println("create fileserver job id: " + fileserverCreateJob.getId());
fsid=waitForJobComplete(api, fileserverCreateJob, FileServer.class);
Refresh The Network File Server

Once the Network File Server has been successfully discovered, it must be refreshed before it can be used within Oracle VM Manager. This can be achieved by obtaining its ID and then calling the fileServerRefresh method:

// Create a Job for FileServer Refreshing
final Job fileserverRefreshJob = api.fileServerRefresh(fsid);
System.out.println("refresh fileserver job id: " + fileserverRefreshJob.getId());
Refresh File Systems

Finally, you must refresh the file systems so that they can be used within your Oracle VM environment. To do this, it is possible to use the getFileSystemIds method exposed by the FileServer model type to populate a list of file system IDs. Loop through this list calling the fileSystemRefresh method for each file system ID:

// For all of the fileSystems on the FileServer, do a refresh  
fileserver = api.fileServerGetById(fsid);          
final List<Id<FileSystem>> fileSystemIds = fileserver.getFileSystemIds();
   for (final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId : fileSystemIds)
    final Job filesystemRefreshJob = api.fileSystemRefresh(fileSystemId);
    waitForJobComplete(api,file systemRefreshJob);
   } Python

Discovering the Network File Server

In this example, we need to perform a number of tasks. The JSON object that we must send in the POST request contains the server ID for an admin server that is used to perform administrative tasks on the filer. It must also contain the ID for the Oracle VM Storage Connect plug-in that Oracle VM should use to connect to the filer. To handle this, we could simply loop through all of the FileServerPlugin object types to perform a match and extract the ID from that:

for id in r.json():
   if id['name']=='Oracle Generic Network File System':

Since this is the type of action that may need to be repeated for other objects in the environment, such as getting the ID for a specified admin server, it is a typical scenario where creating a utility to search for an object by name is useful. In this situation, you may simply use the get_id_from_name function that we defined in Searching for an Object ID by Name:

pluginname="Oracle Generic Network File System"

Now we can construct the JSON object for the network file server discovery and send the initial POST request:

        'name': 'MyNFSFiler',
        'accessHost': '',
        'fileServerType': 'NETWORK',
        'fileServerPluginId': plugin_id,
        'adminServerIds': [admin_id],
        'uniformExports': True,
# wait for the job to complete
Refresh The Network File Server

To make use of the file systems that are exported by the network file server, you need to refresh the network file server:

# get the idval for the nfs
# wait for the job to complete
Refresh File Systems

Now you finally need to obtain the file system ID values for each file system exported by the network file server, and refresh the file system for each of these:

for id in fsids:
    # wait for the job to complete

3.6.9 Creating a Server Pool

After you have discovered the Oracle VM Servers within your environment, you can create a server pool. A server pool is a domain of physical and virtual resources that performs virtual machine migration, HA, and so on.

To create a server pool you may optionally provide a Virtual IP address, and for usability reasons, a meaningful name. The Virtual IP address is deprecated in the 3.4 release of Oracle VM Manager, but can be configured for backward compatibility if you intend to include Oracle VM Servers from the previous release within the server pool.

For more information about HA, see the Oracle VM Concepts Guide .

A server pool is created by sending a POST request to the following URI:


The body of the POST request should contain values for attributes that you wish to set in the format that you have set for the Internet Media Type to use during your session. See Section 3.4, “Internet Media Types Used by the REST API (JSON and XML)” for more information. Java

Creating a Server Pool in Java is a fairly straightforward operation. The WsDevClient class (the sample application) contains an example of this:

// Create a new server pool
ServerPool testPool = new ServerPool();

final Job serverPoolCreateJob = api.serverPoolCreate(testPool);
System.out.println("create server pool job id: " + serverPoolCreateJob.getId());
testPoolId = waitForJobComplete(api, serverPoolCreateJob, ServerPool.class); 

In this example, we create a new ServerPool object using the ServerPool model type provided by the Oracle VM Manager client library included in the SDK. Using this model type, we set various parameters specific to the object. In this case, we set the required server pool name parameter. In the example code, this is set to the value defined for the testServerPoolName variable referenced in the file.

As described previously, a Job object is populated immediately in the return value provided by the serverPoolCreate method. We use this object to call the waitForJobComplete method, which ensures that the server pool object is successfully created before continuing. We use the return value from the waitForJobComplete method to populate testPoolId value, which we use later to handle other server pool related activity for the newly created server pool.

The serverPoolCreate method is called from the OvmWsRestClient class, where the following code is defined:

    public Job serverPoolCreate(final ServerPool serverPool) throws WsException
        return create(serverPool);

As you can see, the action uses a more generic method defined within OvmWsRestClient which can be applied to create any ObjectType. This code uses the Jersey Builder to create the required REST request, and creates the required XML using the Java object that is passed to the method:

public <T extends BaseObject<T>> Job create(final T newObject) throws WsException
        final Builder b = getResourceForType(newObject.getClass());
        return b.type(getMediaType()).post(Job.class, createJAXBElement(newObject));
    catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
        throw convertException(ex);
} Python

As in our previous example, Section 3.6.5, “Discovering Servers”, the session object can be used to submit a POST request, this time containing the serverPool object which is described as a Python dictionary and converted to a JSON string as it is submitted. In this case, the dictionary only contains the required server pool name, but could equally contain other attributes such as an optional virtual IP address for backward compatibility. Example code follows:

data = {
            'name': 'MyServerPool',
uri='{base}/ServerPool'.format(base=baseUri), data=json.dumps(data))
# wait for the job to complete

As before, the response content returned by Oracle VM Manager, contains a JSON object describing the job that is created to add the server pool. See Track Job Status for more information on how to handle this content. Assuming this server pool is created without any hitch, the wait_for_job function should return the ID for the server pool that has been created, so we populate the sp_id variable with the contents returned by the wait_for_job function. This makes it easier for us to perform other immediate actions, such as setting up clustering.

3.6.10 Clustering

To configure HA functionality, you must set up a cluster and create a cluster heartbeat device.

A cluster is a component of the server pool and is created by submitting a POST request to the server pool's URI:


The cluster heartbeat device is a component of the cluster itself, and is created by submitting a POST request to the cluster's URI:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cluster/id/ClusterHeartbeatDevice Java

Create the Cluster Object

A cluster, in terms of Oracle VM, is a child object of a server pool. The WsDevClient class in the sample code includes an example where a cluster object is created for the server pool created in the previous example. The code is straightforward:

// Create a new cluster
Cluster testCluster = new Cluster();

final Job clusterCreateJob = api.serverPoolCreateCluster(testPoolId, testCluster);
System.out.println("create cluster job id: " + clusterCreateJob.getId());
testClusterId = waitForJobComplete(api, clusterCreateJob, Cluster.class);

A cluster object only requires that a name is set for the object instance. Once this has been done, the serverPoolCreateCluster method is called from the OvmWsRestClient class. Note that two parameters are passed to this method: the server pool ID value, obtained during the creation of the server pool, and the cluster object itself. The code for the serverPoolCreateCluster method is presented below:

    public Job serverPoolCreateCluster(final Id<ServerPool> serverPoolId, 
        final Cluster cluster) 
      throws WsException
        return createChildObject(serverPoolId, cluster);

As expected, this method uses a more generic method that allows you to create a child object for any ObjectType. This method is reused for other actions later in this guide. Once again, the createChildObject method in OvmWsRestClient uses the Jersey Builder to construct the XML message:

public <O extends BaseObject<O>, P extends BaseObject<P>> Job 
     createChildObject(final Id<P> parentId, final O newObject, final 
     Map<String, Object> queryParameters)
   throws WsException
     final Builder b = getResourceForCreateChild(parentId, newObject.getClass(), 
     return b.type(getMediaType()).post(Job.class, createJAXBElement(newObject));
   catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
     throw convertException(ex);
Create a Cluster Heartbeat Device

A cluster requires a heartbeat device that can be located on shared storage accessible to all servers that get added to the server pool. For this purpose, we need to create the heartbeat device as a child object of the cluster object. The WsDevClient class contains an example of this:

ClusterHeartbeatDevice hbDevice = new ClusterHeartbeatDevice();
switch (clusterHeartbeatStorageDeviceType)
   case NFS:
     throw new Exception(
     "Invalid cluster heartbeat storage device type: " + 

final Job hbDeviceCreateJob = api.clusterCreateHeartbeatDevice(testClusterId, hbDevice);
System.out.println("create cluster heartbeat device job id: " + 
testHeartbeatDeviceId = waitForJobComplete(api, hbDeviceCreateJob, 

The cluster heartbeat device requires a number of parameters that need to be set before the object is created. In the example, the code sets a variety of parameters based on variables defined in the file. This provides the user of the example client with the option to define whether to use an NFS storage repository or an alternative such as an ISCSI LUN. Depending on the storage device type selected, the appropriate heartbeat device parameter, indicating the storage ID within Oracle VM Manager must be set.

Once the heartbeat device object parameters are set, the clusterCreateHeartbeatDevice method is called from the OvmWsRestClient class. Since the heartbeat device is a child object of the cluster the method expects the parent cluster ID value, as well as the heartbeat device object:

public Job clusterCreateHeartbeatDevice(final Id<Cluster> clusterId, final 
    ClusterHeartbeatDevice heartbeatDevice)
    throws WsException
        return createChildObject(clusterId, heartbeatDevice);

As expected, this method calls the more generic createChildObject discussed earlier. Python

Create the Cluster Object

Now to create the cluster, we submit a POST request to the URI that we construct using the server pool ID. You may still have the value of the server pool ID from when you created the server pool, however you could equally use the get_id_from_name function that we defined in Searching for an Object ID by Name to obtain this value :

uri='{base}/ServerPool/{spid}/Cluster'.format(base=baseUri, spid=sp_id['value']),data=json.dumps(data))
# wait for the job to complete

Note that in this piece of code, we assume that you have populated the sp_id with the dictionary returned for the server pool ID. In the URL that we are posting to, we specify the server pool ID Value, to attach the cluster to the correct server pool. Once again, we wait for the job to complete using the function that we defined previously, and expect the successful completion of the job to return the cluster ID. We need this, so that we can create a Cluster Heartbeat Device attached to this new cluster object.

Create the Cluster Heartbeat Device

Finally, to create a cluster heartbeat device you need to choose a shared storage repository that can be used for the heartbeat device. If you have not already set up a storage repository, you must do so before continuing. See Section 3.6.8, “Discovering a Network File Server” and Section 3.6.12, “Creating a Storage Repository” for more information. In our example, we use an NFS repository that is already available within Oracle VM Manager, and obtain the ID for a File System that we have already reserved for the purpose of acting as a server pool file system. For this, we use the get_id_from_name function that we defined previously [1] :

nfs_id=get_id_from_name(s,baseUri,'FileSystem','nfs on')
        'networkFileSystemId': nfs_id,
# wait for the job to complete

3.6.11 Managing Servers in a Server Pool

Once your server pool is fully set up, you can manage the servers that belong to the server pool.

To add a server to the server pool, you send a PUT request to the following URI:


Similarly, to remove a server, send a PUT request to:


In both cases, the body of your request should contain an XML or JSON object that describes the server that you are managing. These two request types are good examples of action-style activities as described in Section 3.3, “What URI Mappings are Available and How do They Work?”.

It is interesting to note that these operations create associations between server objects and the server pool object. In many ways it may appear as though the server is treated as a child object of the server pool, this is not strictly true although the methods may behave similarly. To distinguish between operations on child objects and operations on associations, the API uses the add/remove nomenclature for methods that add or remove an association, and uses the create/delete nomenclature for methods that add or remove a child object. This may become clearer when studying the examples below. Java

The WsDevClient class includes an example where a server is added to the test server pool. The code checks whether the server belongs to another server pool already, and removes it from the server pool if it does. It then goes on to perform the add operation. This provides an example of both activities. To keep things simple, the code presented in this guide focuses on the actual operations required to perform each action.

Adding a server to a server pool.

Although server objects are not technically child objects, in the case where a server is added to a server pool it is treated as if it was a child object for this action. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the serverPoolAddServer function both the server pool ID value and the server ID object. The code to do this, as extracted from the WsDevClient class in the sample code is as follows:

final Job job = api.serverPoolAddServer(testPoolId, testServer.getId());
System.out.println("add server to pool job id: " + job.getId());
waitForJobComplete(api, job); 

Since the action is effectively the same as adding a child object to its parent, the serverPoolAddServer method in the OvmWsRestClient class uses the more generic method addChildObject:

public Job serverPoolAddServer(final Id<ServerPool> serverPoolId, 
  final Id<Server> serverId) 
  throws WsException
    return addChildObject(serverPoolId, serverId);

The addChildObject method code follows:

public Job addChildObject(final Id<?> parent, final Id<?> child) throws WsException
        return action(parent, "add" + getSimpleName(child.getType()), child);
    catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
        throw convertException(ex);
Removing a server from a server pool.

Removing a server from a server pool in Java is a similar process to adding one. Example code extracted from the WsDevClient class in the sample code follows:

final Id<ServerPool> testServerPoolId = testServer.getServerPoolId();
Job job = api.serverPoolRemoveServer(testServerPoolId, testServer.getId());
System.out.println("remove server from pool job id: " + job.getId());
waitForJobComplete(api, job);

In a similar manner to other more generic operations, the serverPoolRemoveServer method in the OvmWsRestClient class actually refers to the generic removeChildObject method:

public Job removeChildObject(final Id<?> parent, final Id<?> child) 
 throws WsException
         return action(parent, "remove" + getSimpleName(child.getType()), child);
     catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
         throw convertException(ex);

It is important to understand that although the behavior of removing a server from a server pool is essentially the same as removing a child object from its parent, a server is not really a child object. The distinction is important, since the removal of a server pool object cannot result in the removal of the server. Technically, Oracle VM Manager does not allow you to remove a server pool until all of the servers have been removed from it, but the distinction remains. Python

Adding a server to a server pool.

By searching for the IDs for each server name we wish to add to the server pool, it is straightforward to add a server to the server pool that we created:

# wait for the job to complete

Note that we assume that you have the sp_id variable set, from one of the previous examples. If you do not have this set, you must populate it with the id for the server pool that you are configuring.

Removing a server from a server pool.

Using the same logic as we used to add a server, it is also straightforward to remove a server from the server pool that we created:

# wait for the job to complete

Note that we assume that you have the sp_id variable set, from one of the previous examples. If you do not have this set, you must populate it with the id for the server pool that you are configuring.

3.6.12 Creating a Storage Repository

When you have discovered the exposed file systems on a network file server, and have refreshed the file system of your choice, you can create a storage repository on it. A storage repository is a child object of the file system that it is created on. In this example, we use a file system located on a Network File Server, however a repository can equally be created on alternate shared storage, such as an ISCSI LUN.

Add a storage repository by submitting a submitting a POST request to the following URI:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/FileSystem/id/Repository Java

The WsDevClient class in the sample code does not contain an example showing how to create a repository. The sample code expects that a repository has already been created within your environment and that its details have been provided in the file.

Creating a storage repository is not complicated and the process can be extrapolated from the other examples or from the API documentation included with the SDK. In this example, we use the information that we have already learned to create a storage repository.

A storage repository is a child object of a FileSystem object. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the ID of the FileSystem object where the storage repository must be created. The following loop can be used to populate the testfileSystemId with the ID of a file system located at the path "":

fileserver = api.fileServerGetById(fsid);
final List<Id<FileSystem>> fileSystemIds = fileserver.getFileSystemIds();
for (final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId : fileSystemIds)
   if (fileSystemId.getPath().equals("")){
        testfileSystemId = fileSystemId;   

Creating the repository, once you have the file system ID is straightforward, using the fileSystemCreateRepository method provided by the OvmWsRestClient class:

// Create a repository
Repository myrepo = new Repository();
final Job repositoryCreateJob = api.fileSystemCreateRepository(testfileSystemId, 
System.out.println("create repository job id: " + repositoryCreateJob.getId());
myrepoId = waitForJobComplete(api, repositoryCreateJob, Repository.class);

A quick glance at the code for the fileSystemCreateRepository method confirms that this method uses the generic createChildObject method that we first encountered when we created the cluster object.

    public Job fileSystemCreateRepository(final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId, 
       final Repository repository) throws WsException
        return createChildObject(fileSystemId, repository);
    } Python

Get a File System ID From The Path

Earlier in this guide, we explained how to create a function to get the ID of an object based on the object name. In some situations, this may not be the best approach, since the name of an object is mutable within Oracle VM Manager while other attributes are not. A particular case where this is true and where this may be very helpful is the path of a FileSystem object. By modifying the get_id_from_name function that we defined in Searching for an Object ID by Name, it is fairly trivial to create a function that allows us to do this particular match on FileSystem objects:

def get_fsid_from_path(s,baseUri,path):
        for obj in r.json():
           if 'path' in obj.keys():
            if obj['path']==path:
                return obj
        raise Exception('Failed to find id for {path}'.format(name=path))
Create the Repository

In this example, we use the get_fsid_from_path function to obtain the file system ID value for a file system on an NFS filer, at the path "". We use this value to construct the URI where we need to submit the POST request required to create the repository.

        'name': 'MyRepository',
uri='{base}/FileSystem/{fsid}/Repository'.format(base=baseUri, fsid=fsid['value']),data=json.dumps(data))
# wait for the job to complete

3.6.13 Presenting a Storage Repository

When you have created the storage repository, you must decide to which Oracle VM Servers you are going to present it.

Present a repository to a server by submitting a PUT request to the following URI:


The body of the message must contain an XML representation of the Server ID object to which the repository is to be presented. Java

In the WsDevClient class, there is an example showing how to present a repository to a server, if it has not already been presented. Using the Repository model type, it is possible to use the getPresentedServerIds method to check where the repository has already been presented.

Presenting a repository to a server is an action performed against the repository. The following code is extracted from the WsDevClient class:

final Repository testRepository = api.repositoryGetById(testRepoId);
if (testRepository.getPresentedServerIds() == null || 
         repoPresentJob = api.repositoryPresent(testRepoId, testServerId);
         System.out.println("present repository job id: " + repoPresentJob.getId());
         waitForJobComplete(api, repoPresentJob);

The repositoryPresent method is called from the OvmWsRestClient class:

    public Job repositoryPresent(final Id<Repository> repositoryId, 
    final Id<Server> serverId) 
    throws WsException
        return action(repositoryId, "present", serverId);

This method calls the more generic action method in the same class. The action method, in turn, ultimately resolves to calling the actionWithQueryParameters method in the RestClient class, which allows you to send additional parameters to an ObjectType in the API for an action event.

public Job actionWithQueryParameters(final Id<?> id, final String actionName, final 
   Map<String, Object> queryParameters, final Object argument)
   throws WsException
     if (argument instanceof List || argument instanceof Map)
         throw new WsException(new WsErrorDetails(null, 
              "Invalid use of a list or map in argument"));
         final Builder b = getResourceForAction(id, actionName, queryParameters);
         if (argument != null)
          return b.put(Job.class);
     catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
         throw convertException(ex);

The actionWithQueryParameters method relies on the Jersey Builder to construct the correct URI to query, to build the XML object that should be sent, and to submit an HTTP PUT request to the set URI. It finally returns the response as a Job object. Python

For this request, we must obtain the server ID object for the server to which we wish to present the repository. To achieve this, we use the get_id_from_name function that we defined in Searching for an Object ID by Name.

uri='{base}/Repository/{rid}/present'.format(base=baseUri, rid=repo_id['value'])
# wait for the job to complete

3.6.14 Creating Networks

It is possible to create different network types within Oracle VM Manager. In this example we show how to create a standard network object, as well as a local network limited to a single server.

To create a standard network for your environment to use, submit a POST request to the following URI:


To create a local network for your environment, it must be attached to the Oracle VM Server where it will run. To do this, submit a POST request to the following URI:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server/id/Network Java

Creating a Network

Network objects are straightforward to create in themselves and don't require that anything other than the network Name attribute is set. The WsDevClient includes the following example code:

Network network = new Network();
network.setDescription("Creating a test network named " + testNetworkName);

final Job networkCreateJob = api.networkCreate(network);
System.out.println("create network job id: " + networkCreateJob.getId());
testNetworkId = waitForJobComplete(api, networkCreateJob, Network.class);

As expected, in terms of the REST API, the networkCreate method in the OvmWsRestClient class, calls the more generic create method discussed in other examples within this guide:

public Job networkCreate(final Network network) throws WsException
    return create(network);
Creating a Local Network for a Server

Local networks differ from other network types in that they are flagged differently and the API call must be made against the server object that they are attached to. This is because local networks are true child objects of the server object. This means that they are always associated only with the server that they were created with and that if the server is deleted, then all local networks created on the server are also deleted at the same time. The following example code exists within the WsDevClient class included in the SDK:

// Create a new server local network
Network serverLocalNetwork = new Network();
testServerId = testServer.getId();

final Job localNetworkCreateJob = api.serverCreateNetwork(testServerId, network);
System.out.println("create server local network job id: " + 
testServerLocalNetworkId = waitForJobComplete(api, localNetworkCreateJob, 

The serverCreateNetwork expects the ID for the server that the local network is being created for. Checking the method in the OvmWsRestClient class confirms that the method uses the more generic createChildObject method to construct the XML and URI required to perform the POST request. Python

Creating a Network

Creating a network in Python is straightforward. The JSON object expected by the API consists of the network name, and optionally a description. The following code builds on our previous examples:

data = {
        'description': 'A test network using the REST API',
# wait for the job to complete
Creating a Local Network for a Server

To create a local network for a specific server, we can use the get_id_from_name function that we defined in Searching for an Object ID by Name to obtain an ID object for a specific server. We can then construct the JSON body to send in the POST requests and construct the URI to create a local network for the server:

data = {
        'name': 'MyLocalNetwork',
        'description': 'Test network for',
# wait for the job to complete

3.6.15 Creating Virtual Machines

In this section, we describe how to create a virtual machine. Your virtual machine configuration may vary and you may want to explore other aspects of the API to fit your own requirements. The examples given provide a basic guideline to getting started.

To create a virtual machine using the REST API, submit a POST request to:


The body content of the request should contain an XML representation of the virtual machine object, which should also include the server pool id where the virtual machine should be hosted. Java

The WsDevClient class contains an example of the creation of a virtual machine:

Vm testVm = new Vm();

final Job vmCreateJob = api.vmCreate(testVm, testPoolId);
System.out.println("create vm job id: " + vmCreateJob.getId());
testVmId = waitForJobComplete(api, vmCreateJob, Vm.class); 

In this code, some basic attributes of the virtual machine are set before it is created. In fact, there are a large number of attributes specific to a virtual machine that can be set to control how the virtual machine is configured. Here the most basic attributes have been selected to create a virtual machine using Xen hardware virtualization with its configuration located on the repository defined in the file.

The vmCreate method also requires the server pool ID to be provided so that the virtual machine is created within the correct server pool. In fact, the method sets the value for the ServerPoolId attribute of the VM object before calling the more generic create method:

    public Job vmCreate(final Vm vm, final Id<ServerPool> serverPoolId) throws WsException
        return create(vm);

The WsDevClient class goes on to demonstrate many other actions that can be performed on a virtual machine via the REST API including removing and restoring server pool association, basic modifications of attributes, assigning VNICs and killing a virtual machine. It is recommended that the reader explore these examples and how they relate to methods within the OvmWsRestClient class to understand how to expand any interactions with virtual machines through the REST API. Python

In the following code, some basic attributes of the virtual machine are set before it is created. In fact, there are a large number of attributes specific to a virtual machine that can be set to control how the virtual machine is configured. Here the most basic attributes have been selected to create a virtual machine using Xen para-virtualization with its configuration located on the repository called 'MyRepository'. The virtual machine is also attached to the server pool called 'MyServerPool'.

        'name': 'MyVirtualMachine',
        'description': 'A virtual machine created using the REST API',
        'vmDomainType': 'XEN_PVM',
        'repositoryId': repo_id,
        'serverPoolId': sp_id,
# wait for the job to complete

The VM created in this example is very simple and few attributes have been configured. If you intend to create virtual machines like this, it is worthwhile referring to the API documentation to discover what attributes can be set to fully configure your virtual machine.

3.6.16 Importing Virtual Appliances

The final example in this guide is designed to show how to import a virtual appliance that contains a configuration of one or more virtual machines along with their virtual disks and any inter-connectivity between them, to ease set up and creation of your virtual machines within Oracle VM Manager.


In previous releases of Oracle VM Manager, virtual appliances were referred to as assemblies. To maintain backwards compatibility, Oracle VM Web Services API uses the term assembly throughout the code. However the Oracle VM Manager user interface and command line interface use the term virtual appliance.

A virtual appliance is imported into a repository and its import is handled by an action request on the repository. You can import a virtual appliance into a repository by submitting a PUT request to the following URI:


The PUT request should contain a data body that provides a list of the URLs where the appliance or appliances can be downloaded from.

Once the virtual appliance has been imported into the repository, you can import a virtual machine from within the virtual appliance into your environment by submitting a PUT request to the following URI:

https://hostname:port/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm/createFromAssemblyVm/Assemblyid Java

Importing the Virtual Appliance

The WsDevClient class contains the following code to handle the virtual appliance import:

// Test import Assembly
final Job importAssemblyJob = api.repositoryImportAssembly(testRepoId, assemblyUrl, null);
System.out.println("import assembly job id: " + importAssemblyJob.getId());
testAssemblyId = waitForJobComplete(api, importAssemblyJob, Assembly.class);

The assemblyUrl is defined in the file. The URL must point to a valid virtual appliance package that Oracle VM Manager can access and download. The repositoryImportAssembly method adds the url to an ArrayList which is passed to a more generic RepositoryImport. This method handles the construction of the URI and then submits the PUT request using the Jersey Builder:

    public Job repositoryImportAssembly(final Id<Repository> repositoryId, final String url, final String proxy) throws WsException
        final List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();
        final RepositoryImport repositoryImport = new RepositoryImport(urls, proxy);

        return action(repositoryId, "importAssembly", repositoryImport);
Importing a Virtual Machine From a Virtual Appliance

After the virtual appliance has been imported into Oracle VM Manager you may want to import a virtual machine from within the virtual appliance into your environment. First, you need to obtain the assemblyVm ID for the virtual machine that you want to import. For this, the WsDevClient class includes the following code to loop over the Vm ID's within the virtual appliance. The code is simple and selects the first ID that it detects in the loop.

assemblyVms = api.assemblyVmGetListById(assembly.getAssemblyVmIds());
Id<AssemblyVm> testAssemblyVmId = null;
for (final AssemblyVm assemblyVm : assemblyVms)
    if (testAssemblyVmId == null)
        testAssemblyVmId = assemblyVm.getId();

Once an assemblyVmId has been set, the vmCreateFromAssemblyVm method can be called from OvmWsRestClient:

if (testAssemblyVmId != null)
    final Job importVmFromAssemblyJob = api.vmCreateFromAssemblyVm(testAssemblyVmId);
    System.out.println("import vm from assembly job id: " + importVmFromAssemblyJob.getId());
    importedAssemblyVmId = waitForJobComplete(api, importVmFromAssemblyJob, Vm.class);

Although this is an action request that functions through a PUT request, the URI construction is different to the format that we used when importing the virtual appliance into Oracle VM Manager. For this reason, the vmCreateFromAssemblyVm method does not rely on a more generic method to construct the request:

public Job vmCreateFromAssemblyVm(final Id<AssemblyVm> assemblyVmId) 
             throws WsException
        final Builder b = getResourceFromPathElements(Vm.class.getSimpleName(), 
                    "createFromAssemblyVm", assemblyVmId.getValue());
        final Job job = b.put(Job.class);
        return job;
    catch (final UniformInterfaceException ex)
       throw convertException(ex);
} Python

Importing the Virtual Appliance

Importing a virtual appliance into Oracle VM Manager using the REST API only requires you to submit a PUT request to a properly constructed URI and send a list of URLs where the appliance can be downloaded. The following Python code illustrates this:

data={'urls': [assembly_url] }
# wait for the job to complete
Importing a Virtual Machine From a Virtual Appliance

Once the virtual appliance has completed its import, it is possible to query the API to obtain the ID values for virtual machines contained within the virtual appliance. An assemblyVmId is required to import it as a functional virtual machine within your environment. In this example we import all of the virtual machines in the virtual appliance into our environment:

for i in assembly['assemblyVmIds']:
    # wait for the job to complete

By sending a GET request to the API first to obtain the full list of details for the virtual appliance that we are working with, we can loop through each of the assemblyVmIds. In this loop, we are able to construct the URI required for the PUT request that must be submitted to trigger the import.

[1] Since object names may change, it may be worth creating an alternative function that allows you to match on the path attribute of a filesystem object, so that you can easily search for an object match on the immutable path value. See Get a File System ID From The Path for more information on how to do this.