Chapter 12 Oracle VM Accessibility Features

Accessibility features help people who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.

Oracle VM documentation is provided in the following formats:

  • Electronic format (HTML) is provided and is accessible.

  • PDF format is provided but is not accessible.

  • Online Help is provided in Oracle Help for Web (OHW) format for the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface. This format is accessible but known issues exist. For more information see Documentation Accessibility Bugs.

Oracle VM Manager Accessibility Features

As part of the effort to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible and usable to the disabled community, Oracle VM Manager Web Interface allows you to configure the following accessibility features:

  • Support for Screen Reader.

  • Support for High Contrast.

  • Support for Large Fonts.

You can enable these features when logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface or you can set or change the accessibility options once you have logged in.

To enable accessibility options when logging in:
  1. On the login page of the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface, click the arrow to expand Accessibility Options.

  2. Select one or more check box from the following accessibility options:

    • I use a screen reader.

    • I use high contrast.

    • I use large fonts.

  3. Alternatively, if you have already selected specific accessibility options during a previous session, you are able to restore these settings by ensuring that the 'Use saved accessibility options' checkbox is checked.

To set or change accessibility options while you are logged in:
  1. In the Global Links at the top of the right-hand-side of the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface, click Settings.

  2. From the drop-down list, select from the following accessibility options:

    • I use a screen reader.

    • I use high contrast.

    • I use large fonts.

These settings are persistent across each user login, as described in User Preference Persistence. To ensure that the same settings are applied on each subsequent login you should ensure that the Use saved accessibility options checkbox is checked on the login page when you login.

Oracle VM Manager HTML Access Keys

To access menus without using a mouse, you can use the HTML access keys. The shortcut key for a user interface item is shown as an underline of the shortcut key letter in the item name, for example, the shortcut key for the Servers and VMs tab is S, as that is the letter underlined in the tab text.

To access the shortcut key, enter the HTML access key for your browser, plus the access key letter. For example, to access a shortcut key on Microsoft Internet Explorer, press Alt + shortcut_key at the same time. See your web browser documentation to find the key combination to use for HTML access keys for your browser.

Documentation HTML Access Keys

To use the documentation without using a mouse, you can use HTML access keys. Enter the HTML access key for your browser, plus the access key letter. For example, using Mozilla Firefox, press Alt+Shift+n to go to the next page. See your web browser documentation to find the key combination to use for HTML access keys. The following table lists the tasks you can perform using access keys.


Access Key

Go to the next page


Go to the previous page


Go to the document home page


Go up a level in the document


Activate the Contents tab


Activate the Search tab


In addition to the HTML access keys, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:


Shortcut Key

Toggle hide and show the sidebar

Ctrl+Left Arrow

Toggle hide and show page header

Ctrl+Up Arrow

Documentation Accessibility Bugs

Oracle VM documentation currently exhibits the following known accessibility issues:

  • HTML page heading levels might not start at h1 (Bug ID 26717728)

  • Book title can extend off the screen with 200% zoom (Bug ID 26717874)

  • Help drawer HTML heading tags have structure violation (Bug ID 26560104)

  • Navigation header/footer uses inaccessible tables (Bug ID 26751108)

  • OHW - TOC has no summary defined in Online Help viewer window (Bug ID 26758534)

  • OHW - Unable to open TOC topics when using keyboard only functions in Online Help viewer window (Bug ID 26758747)