Chapter 8 Installing and Using the Oracle VM Guest Additions

The Oracle VM Guest Additions allow bi-directional communication between Oracle VM Manager and the guest operating system of a virtual machine running in the Oracle VM environment. The Oracle VM Guest Additions provide fine-grained control over the configuration and behavior of components running within the virtual machine directly from Oracle VM Manager.

8.1 Features of the Oracle VM Guest Additions

The Oracle VM Guest Additions allow direct integration between guest software and the virtualization layer, to assist in orchestration and automation of complex, multi-virtual machine deployments. This integration can be used between Oracle Solaris, Microsoft Windows, and Oracle Linux running the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK).

The Oracle VM Guest Additions allow you to:

  • Send key-value pairs to a virtual machine, or guest, and to retrieve messages from the guest.

  • More easily get information about virtual machines within Oracle VM Manager, such as reporting on IP addressing.

  • Use the template configuration facility to automatically configure virtual machines as they are first started.

  • Trigger programmed events by sending messages directly to a virtual machine from Oracle VM Manager.

  • Query virtual machines to obtain information pertaining to previous messages.

  • Interact with the Oracle VM Utilities ovm_vmmessage command.

Virtual Machine IP Address

When you install the Oracle VM Guest Additions, the IP address of the virtual machine displays in the Networks subtab of the Virtual Machines perspective in the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface.

This figure shows the guest IP address in the Networks & Storage information of the selected virtual machine.

8.2 Oracle VM Guest Additions Packages

To install the Oracle VM Guest Additions, you first download a set of packages from a yum repository to the virtual machine. You can download the packages from the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) or the Oracle Linux Yum Server. After you download the required packages, you use the yum install to install them.

The following table lists the packages for the Oracle VM Guest Additions:



Required or Optional


Library that adds support for the Oracle VM API.



Library that adds developer support for the Oracle VM API.



Daemon that handles configuration events and enables sending and receiving of messages between the virtual machine and Oracle VM Manager.



JSON encoder and decoder for Python.



Library that communicates with the Oracle VM API kernel infrastructure.



Basic operating system configuration scripts.



Script for configuring virtual machine authentication.



Script for configuring virtual machine datetime settings.



Script for configuring virtual machine firewall.



Script for configuring virtual machine network settings.



Script for configuring virtual machine selinux settings.



Script for configuring virtual machine ssh settings.



Script for configuring virtual machine system settings.



Script for configuring virtual machine user settings.


Microsoft Windows Guests

For Microsoft Windows guests, the Oracle VM Guest Additions are included in the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers. The implementation of the guest additions consists of these components:

  • vmapi.dll: a dynamic link library that exposes callable interfaces

  • ovmsvc: the service that receives and sends events and messages

  • xenpci: the driver that interacts with the hypervisor

  • ovmcmd: the command used to invoke the guest additions


The vmapi.dll exposes interfaces to functions for communication between Windows applications and the xenpci driver in the Windows guest operating system. Applications load this library and call the exported functions to access xenpci. Normally device I/O controls (IOCTLs) are used to communicate with the xenpci driver. The following table shows function names and their descriptions:




initializes OVMAPI and optionally registers a callback


retrieves name-value pairs stored within the OVMAPI engine


creates or modifies a name-value pair


receives particular events in the application registered event handler


blocks particular events in the application registered event handler


completes the event with a finalizing status code at a later time


retrieves the size, in bytes, of a parameter value


retrieves the internal file descriptor for use in making special calls to the driver


sends application-specific events to the management server and to other OVMAPI-enabled applications running on the same VM


browses for existing parameters that may be of interest to the application


retrieves the number of existing parameters


terminates OVMAPI usage


The ovmsvc service starts automatically by default when the Windows VM is booted. The command to install or uninstall this service is ovmsvc install or ovmsvc uninstall respectively. The ovmsvc service monitors messages sent from Oracle VM Manager, and sends Windows VM specific information, such as the operating system version and the VM's IP address. It uses the vmapi.dll to implement communication between the Windows guest and Oracle VM Manager. The following figure shows ovmsvc running inside a Windows VM.

This figure shows a screenshot from inside a Windows VM. It displays the properties of the Oracle VM Service, indicating that the service is in started status.

When ovmsvc is started, it opens the xenpci device and registers a callback function where messages are processed. A thread is created to monitor events corresponding with vmapi messages. The current callback function of ovmsvc processes VM shutdown messages; other messages, for example "snapshot", could be implemented as additional features.


Applications exchanging messages with Oracle VM Manager use the xenpci driver, which implements several IOCTLs to process messages. The xenpci driver directly accesses xenstore, a memory area shared by Xen domains. The ovmsvc calls API functions to send or read VM messages to or from xenstore.

The xenpci driver uses the xenbus_watch function to monitor incoming messages. The xenpci driver initialization registers a watch function on the xenstore key "control/oracle-vmapi/to-guest/last-write". Messages sent by Oracle VM Manager are set in this xenstore key. The watch function of xenpci is triggered when this xenstore key changes. The watch function checks and sends out events, a monitor thread acknowledges events, and a callback function processes API messages.

The ovmsvc sends Windows VM messages during its startup process, and uses an IOCTL in xenpci to write the xenstore key "control/oracle-vmapi/from-guest/%d/%s". The ovmsvc updates the message periodically to synchronize the information, such as guest IP address, from the guest to Oracle VM Manager.

Oracle Solaris

The Oracle VM Guest Additions are also available for Oracle Solaris, both on SPARC and x86. They can be optionally installed from a Solaris IPS repository: pkg://solaris/system/management/ovm-guest-additions.

8.3 Downloading the Oracle VM Guest Additions Packages

The Oracle VM Guest Additions packages are available for download from the addons channel for the guest operating system on the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) or the Oracle Linux Yum Server. The appropriate channels for the Oracle Linux guest operating systems on the Oracle Linux yum server are:

Downloading from ULN

To download the Oracle VM Guest Additions packages from ULN, subscribe your system to the addons channel.

Alternatively, you can create a yum server that acts as a local mirror of the ULN addons channel.

For Oracle Linux Release 8, see the Oracle Linux documentation for more information at Registering With the Unbreakable Linux Network

For Oracle Linux Release 7: or Oracle Linux Release 6, see the following Oracle Linux documentation for more information:

Downloading from the Oracle Linux Yum Server

By default, the yum repository configuration file on Oracle Linux contains a section that defines the addons channel on the Oracle Linux Yum Server.

To download the Oracle VM Guest Additions packages from the public yum repository, you need to enable the addons channel in the yum configuration file.

For Oracle Linux Release 8, see the Oracle Linux documentation for more information at Obtaining Errata and Updates From the Oracle Linux Yum Server

For Oracle Linux Release 7: or Oracle Linux Release 6, see the following Oracle Linux documentation for more information:

Microsoft Windows Guests

For Microsoft Windows guests, the Oracle VM Guest Additions are included in the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers. Refer to the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers for Microsoft Windows documentation library. Follow the download instructions for the selected release of the paravirtual drivers.

Oracle Solaris

For Oracle Solaris, both on SPARC and x86, the Oracle VM Guest Additions can be downloaded from a Solaris IPS repository at or through with your support contract access.

8.4 Installing the Oracle VM Guest Additions

To install the Oracle VM Guest Additions, do the following:

  1. Download the required packages for the Oracle VM Guest Additions.

  2. Run the yum install command to install the packages; for example,

    # yum install libovmapi xenstoreprovider ovmd python-simplejson xenstoreprovider

Microsoft Windows Guests

For Microsoft Windows guests, the Oracle VM Guest Additions are included in the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers. Refer to the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers for Microsoft Windows documentation library. Follow the installation instructions for the selected release of the paravirtual drivers.

Oracle Solaris

To install the Oracle VM Guest Additions on Oracle Solaris, do the following:

  1. Ensure that an appropriate 'solaris' repository publisher is configured.

  2. Run the IPS command to install the package; for example,

    # pkg install ovm-guest-additions

8.5 Upgrading the Oracle VM Guest Additions

You should update the Oracle VM Guest Additions packages regularly to ensure they function correctly. You should update the packages after you create a new virtual machine from an Oracle VM template on which the Oracle VM Guest Additions are installed.

To update the Oracle VM Guest Additions, do the following:

  1. Ensure your virtual machine is connected to a yum repository that contains the packages for the Oracle VM Guest Additions.

  2. Run the yum update command to install the packages; for example,

    # yum update libovmapi xenstoreprovider ovmd python-simplejson xenstoreprovider

Microsoft Windows Guests

For Microsoft Windows guests, the Oracle VM Guest Additions are included in the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers. Refer to the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers for Microsoft Windows documentation library. Follow the upgrade instructions for the selected release of the paravirtual drivers. Silent upgrade is available in case you need to upgrade a large number of Windows guests.

Oracle Solaris

To upgrade the Oracle VM Guest Additions on Oracle Solaris, do the following:

  1. Ensure that an appropriate 'solaris' repository publisher is configured.

  2. Run the IPS command to update the package; for example,

    # pkg update ovm-guest-additions

8.6 Using the Oracle VM Guest Additions (ovmd)

The Oracle VM Guest Additions daemon, ovmd, facilitates a bi-directional messaging channel between Oracle VM Manager and the guest. It allows first-boot installation configuration, and is capable of sending and receiving messages consisting of key-value pairs.

In previous releases you could use the ovmd utility to send key/value messages to a virtual machine. This feature is now included directly in Oracle VM Manager. Although this section mentions the options available to send messages to a virtual machine using ovmd, you should instead use the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface or Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface to send key/value messages. The virtual machine must have the Oracle VM Guest Additions daemon installed and running. See sendVmMessage in the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface User's Guide , or the Send VM Messages section in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide for more information.

Used in conjunction with the ovm-template-config script, the ovmd utility can be used to remotely configure system and application configuration parameters within a virtual machine as it boots. See Section 8.8, “The Oracle VM Template Configuration Script and Modules” for more information on this facility.

Oracle VM Manager makes use of ovmd in order to obtain IP addressing information from the guest to include in the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface when displaying detailed virtual machine information. See Virtual Machine IP Address.

You can run ovmd directly from the command line to perform actions outside of ovmd's function as a daemon or system service. Running ovmd using the --help parameter provides you with a breakdown of the options supported when run directly from the command line.


On Oracle Solaris, the command options and script names may differ from those presented for Oracle Linux. For details, please refer to the ovmd(1M) man page, which is installed along with the ovm-guest-additions package on Oracle Solaris.


ovmd [ { -p | --set-param= } param ] [ { -g | --get-param= } key ] [ { -r | --delete-param= } key ] [ { -x | --delete-params } ] [ { -l | --list-params } ] [ { -e | --event= } event ] [ { -s | --script= } script ] [ { -d | --debug= } { 0 | 1 | 2 } ] [ { -f | --pid-file= } filename ] [ { -t | --time-period= } seconds ] [ { -v | --version } ] [ { -h | --help } ]


The following table shows the available options for this command:



{ -p | --set-param= } param

Set a parameter in the format of key=value.

{ -g | --get-param= } key

Get the value of the parameter by key name.

{ -r | --delete-param= } key

Delete the parameter by key name.

{ -x | --delete-params }

Delete all parameters.

{ -l | --list-params }

List all parameters.

{ -e | --event= } event

Inject an event.

{ -s | --script= } script

Run a script on the virtual machine.

{ -d | --debug= } { 0 | 1 | 2 }

Set the debug level. 0 is DEBUG_OFF, 1 is DEBUG_STDERR, and 2 is DEBUG_SYSLOG. The default is 2.

{ -f | --pid-file= } filename

Set the path name of the process ID (PID) file.

{ -t | --time-period= } seconds

Set the period for daemon mode. The default is 10 seconds.

{ -v | --version }

Show the ovmd script version number and exit.

{ -h | --help }

Show help on the ovmd command options.


Example 8.1 Showing the ovmd script version
# ovmd -v

Example 8.2 Running a script on a virtual machine
# ovmd --script=/scripts/cleanup

Example 8.3 Sending a message from a virtual machine to Oracle VM Manager
# ovmd -p key1=value1

See Section 8.6.2, “Sending Messages to Virtual Machines” for more information on sending and receiving messages using the ovmd script.

Example 8.4 Listing messages sent from Oracle VM Manager on a virtual machine
# ovmd -\-list

Example 8.5 Deleting a message on a virtual machine
# ovmd -r key1

8.6.1 Using the Oracle VM Guest Additions Daemon to Enable First-Boot Configuration

If you are configuring a virtual machine to act as a template, or if you intend to clone it, you can enable a first-boot configuration. This configuration causes the virtual machine to behave as if it is booting for the first time each time it boots. As a result, the virtual machine prompts for configuration input either by the VM API or on the virtual machine console. This can be achieved by running the following commands as root within the virtual machine:

# ovmd -s cleanup
# service ovmd enable-initial-config
# shutdown -h now

On next boot, the virtual machine acts as if it is performing a first-time boot.

If you have configured ovmd to run as a service, you can configure it remotely using the messaging facility and the ovm-template-config script.

See the example Section 8.6.2, “Sending Messages to Virtual Machines” for more information on using the messaging channel. Also see Section 8.8, “The Oracle VM Template Configuration Script and Modules” for information about the ovm-template-config script.

8.6.2 Sending Messages to Virtual Machines

This section gives an example of a message exchange between Oracle VM Manager and a running Oracle Linux virtual machine with Oracle VM Guest Additions installed.

Example 8.6 Sending a message from the guest to Oracle VM Manager

Using ovmd, you send information from within the virtual machine to your Oracle VM Manager using the following syntax:

# ovmd -p key1=value1

The message appears in the Oracle VM Manager user interface, as a Virtual Machine API Incoming Message event for the virtual machine in question. When you expand the event, the description shows the key-value pair and the date and time when the information exchange took place.

Example 8.7 Sending a message from Oracle VM Manager to a virtual machine

Using ovmd from within the guest, you can retrieve the message sent from Oracle VM Manager using the following syntax:

# ovmd -\-list

The ovmd -\-list command retrieves all messages, both sent and received. You can identify the specific message you are looking for by its key. To remove obsolete messages, use the following syntax:

# ovmd -r key1
# ovmd -\-list

8.6.3 Configuring the Oracle VM Guest Additions Daemon to Run as a Service

To enable ovmd to run as a service on Oracle Linux, run the chkconfig command as root:

# chkconfig ovmd on

To start the ovmd service, run the following as root:

# service ovmd start

When configured as a service, ovmd listens for message requests sent from Oracle VM Manager.

8.7 Using the Oracle VM Guest Additions with Microsoft Windows (ovmcmd)

The Oracle VM Guest Additions provide a command line tool named ovmcmd for interacting with their functions, similar to the ovmd command in Linux. The command line tool is distributed during installation of the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers, and is located in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle Corporation\Oracle VM Windows PV Drivers.

The Shell

The executable binary file ovmcmd is used with 32-bit Windows, while ovmcmd_64 is used with 64-bit Windows. You can run ovmcmd directly by using the Windows command line. The ovmcmd command provides its own shell mode, which is convenient for setting multiple variables. Enter ovmcmd without any parameter to display the list of supported interfaces.

This figure shows a screenshot of the command window inside a Windows VM. It displays the list of supported interfaces with the ovmcmd command, which appears when ovmcmd is entered without additional parameters.

Enter one of these commands to run ovmcmd in shell mode:

  • 32-bit Windows: ovmcmd ovmapishell

  • 64-bit Windows: ovmcmd_x64 ovmapishell

This example shows the ovmcmd shell on a 64-bit Windows:

This figure shows a screenshot of the ovmcmd shell inside a 64-bit Windows VM.

The Commands

In shell mode, ovmcmd sets up a session and connects an event handler. The user can enter commands at the OVMAPIShell shell prompt without having to re-issue ovmcmd. This is optional, as individual commands can be specified on the Windows command line executing ovmcmd. Shell mode can be used to send and receive messages containing parameter values, or to display the contents of the xenstore. Commands for sending and receiving messages are illustrated under Conversation Between Guest and Oracle VM Manager. Command names in ovmcmd are not case sensitive.

The Xenstore commands should only be used by people with substantial knowledge of the internals of Xen. Those commands are:

  • XenstoreRead: reads the value of a xenstore key. The parameter following the subcommand is the xenstore key to read.

    OVMAPIShell>XenstoreRead /local/domain/708/device/vif/0/state
  • XenstoreWrite: writes a value to a xenstore key or creates a new xenstore key. The parameters are the xenstore key and the value to be written. If the xenstore key is read-only, an error message appears.

    OVMAPIShell>XenstoreWrite /local/domain/708/control/test 1
    Operation Succeeded
    OVMAPIShell>XenstoreWrite /local/domain/708/test 2
    Operation Failed
  • XenstoreDir: lists a xenstore directory. The parameter is the xenstore directory to display.

    OVMAPIShell>XenstoreDir /local/domain/0

The SendMessage command is used to send messages. However, messages sent this way are not saved.

OVMAPIShell>SendMessage value 1
Operation Succeeded

To send a message and at the same time save the parameter key/value pair, use the ParamSetValue command.

OVMAPIShell>ParamSetValue guestparam1 guestval 1
ParamSetValue returned 0
OVMAPIShell>OVMCmdEventHandler: Received Event type 64, size 12, ID 6
ParamSetValue returned 0

To retrieve the value of a specified parameter, use the ParamGetValue command.

OVMAPIShell>ParamGetValue guestparam1 guestval
ParamGetValue returned 0, guestparam1 = guestval (len = 9)

Conversation Between Guest and Oracle VM Manager

Conversations between the guest VM and Oracle VM Manager are based on sending and receiving messages.

From the Windows VM side of the conversation: use the ovmcmd command ParamSetValue to set a parameter and send a message from the guest VM to Oracle VM Manager. For example ParamSetValue mykey myval sets the value of key "mykey" to "myval", and sends a message to Oracle VM Manager.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle Corporation\Oracle VM Windows PV Drivers>OVMCmd_64 ParamSetValue mykey myval
ParamSetValue returned 0

The SendMessage command can also be used.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle Corporation\Oracle VM Windows PV Drivers>OVMCmd_64 SendMessage foo bar
Operation Succeeded

Use the ReadParameter command as shown below to read messages from Oracle VM Manager. Output can optionally be piped to a file for later processing.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle Corporation\Oracle VM Windows PV Drivers>OVMCmd_64 ReadParameter sesame
Success: sesame = street (7)

For the Oracle VM Manager side of the conversation: to display the message from the Oracle VM Manager user interface, select the VM in the Servers and VMs tab, right click, and select Display Events.

Alternatively, send a message to the guest with the Oracle VM CLI sendVmMessage command.

OVM> sendvmmessage vm name=VMNAME key=managerparam message=managerval log=no

See sendVmMessage in the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface User's Guide for more information.

8.8 The Oracle VM Template Configuration Script and Modules

The Oracle VM Guest Additions include a set of packages that can help with the automatic configuration of virtual machine as they are created from a template and booted for the first time. The master package for this facility is known as ovm-template-config. The Oracle VM template configuration script can be used to configure a virtual machine remotely using the Oracle VM messaging facility via ovmd.

8.8.1 Template Configuration Script (ovm-template-config)

The Oracle VM Template Configuration Script, ovm-template-config works in conjunction with a set of modular configuration scripts that function in a manner very similar to the standard Linux System V, init.d and chkconfig, script model. Control over how configuration modules are run is handled within the /etc/template.d directory on the guest virtual machine. The configuration module scripts are stored in /etc/template.d/scripts.

The ovm-template-config script is the master script that is used to control all enabled modules. Running ovm-template-config with the --help parameter provides a usage breakdown.

For remote configuration, ovm-template-config is used in conjunction with ovmd to capture configuration parameters that have been sent to the guest using the Oracle VM messaging facility. When this is the case, ovm-template-config targets are presented to ovmd as --script parameters:

# ovmd -s cleanup
# ovmd -s configure 

When performing remote configuration, using ovmd to process messages containing configuration keys, the authentication module must be enabled. Processing of messages can only be completed if the final message contains the root user password. See Section 8.8.2, “Enabling and Disabling Configuration Modules (ovm-chkconfig)” for more information on this module.

See Section 8.8.4, “Triggering Configuration Changes” for more information on calling this script directly.


ovm-template-config [ -e | --enumerate ] [ --human-readable ] [ { -i | --input= } input ] [ { -o | --output= } output ] [ --stdin ] [ --console-input ] [ --ovf-transport-iso ] [ { -s | --script= } script ] [ --logfile= logfile ] [ --loglevel= loglevel ] [ --version ] [ { -h | --help } ] target

Where target is:

{ configure | unconfigure | reconfigure | cleanup | suspend | resume | migrate | shutdown }


The following table shows the available options for this command.



[ -e | --enumerate ]

Enumerate the parameters for target.


Print in human readable format when enumerate parameters.

{ -i | --input= } input

Input parameters from this file descriptor.

{ -o | --output= } output

Output parameters to this file descriptor.


Build parameters from stdin.


Build parameters from the console input.


Build parameters from the OVF transport ISO.

{ -s | --script= } script

Specify a script.

--logfile= logfile

Set the name of the log file.

--loglevel= loglevel

Set the logging level.


Show the ovm-template-config script version number and exit.

{ -h | --help }

Show help on the ovm-template-config command options.


Example 8.8 Listing the key pairs in configuration modules
# ovm-template-config --enumerate configure

Example 8.9 Listing the key pairs specific to the network configuration module
# ovm-template-config --enumerate --script network configure

Example 8.10 Passing configuration information to the script from STDIN
# ovm-template-config --stdin configure

Example 8.11 Passing configuration information from the command line prompt (prompting for values)
# ovm-template-config --console-input configure

Example 8.12 Passing configuration information from an OVF transport mounted on a CDROM device
# ovm-template-config --ovf-transport-iso configure

8.8.2 Enabling and Disabling Configuration Modules (ovm-chkconfig)

When a module is enabled, symlinks to the module script are made to other subdirectories within /etc/template.d based on the type of target the module provides, in much the same way that the System V init process works. When a module gets added, the header of the module script is read to verify the name, priority and targets and then a symlink is made to the corresponding subdirectories under /etc/template.d.

Enabling and disabling targets for any module is handled using the ovm-chkconfig script. Usage of this command is outlined using the --help parameter.


ovm-chkconfig [ --list [ name ] ] [ --add name ] [ --del name ] [ --target= target ... name { on | off } ] [ --version ] [ { -h | --help } ]

Where target is:

{ configure | unconfigure | reconfigure | cleanup | suspend | resume | migrate | shutdown }


The following table shows the available options for this command.



[ --list [ name ] ]

Lists the status of the script name.

[ --add name ]

Add a new script name.

[ --del name ]

Delete a script name.

[ --target= target ... name { on | off } ]

Specify the targets in a comma separated list, for example:



Show the ovm-chkconfig script version number and exit.

{ -h | --help }

Show help on the ovm-chkconfig command options.


Example 8.13 Listing available modules and their target runtime status
# ovm-chkconfig --list
name            configure unconfigure reconfigure cleanup suspend resume migrate shutdown 
authentication  on:90     off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
datetime        on:50     off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
firewall        on:41     off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
network         off       off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
selinux         off       off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
ssh             off       off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
system          off       off         off         off     off     off    off     off     
user            off       off         off         off     off     off    off     off

Example 8.14 Enabling all targets supported by a module
# ovm-chkconfig --add authentication

Example 8.15 Disabling all targets supported by a module
# ovm-chkconfig --del datetime

Example 8.16 Disabling particular targets for a module
# ovm-chkconfig --target=cleanup user off

8.8.3 Key-Value Pairs Used By Available Configuration Modules

To obtain a full listing of all of the key pairs that are used to trigger configuration changes through the ovm-template-config configuration modules, run the following command on the guest system where ovm-template-config is installed:

# ovm-template-config --human-readable --enumerate configure

The output from this command is printed as a Python data structure, that is easy to parse and understand. Content can be limited to the information specific to a configuration module by using the --script parameter as presented below:

# ovm-template-config --human-readable --enumerate configure --script datetime        
  [{u'description': u'System date and time in format year-month-day-hour-minute-second, 
                     e.g., "2011-4-7-9-2-42".',
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''},
   {u'description': u'System time zone, e.g., "America/New_York".',
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''},
   {u'description': u'Whether to keep hardware clock in UTC: True or False.',
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''},
   {u'description': u'Whether to enable NTP service: True or False.',
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''},
   {u'description': u'NTP servers separated by comma, e.g., 
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''},
   {u'description': u'Whether to enable NTP local time source: True or False.',
    u'hidden': True,
    u'key': u''}])]

From the output, it becomes clear as to which configuration modules are triggered at which runlevel and what keys and values they accept. Note that all key names are structured so that they are prefixed with, to avoid conflicts with any custom modules that you may intend to develop for your own purposes.

Key value pairs are actually passed to ovm-template-config in JSON format:


8.8.4 Triggering Configuration Changes

There are a variety of approaches that can be used to trigger a configuration change using ovm-template-config. Most commonly, this is done by setting the ovmd service to run using in enable-initial-config mode. This causes the virtual machine to wait to be provided with configuration parameters either on via the console, or via the ovmd messaging facility, after the next boot. This is the usual approach when configuring a virtual machine to act as a template.

To manually force ovmd to pass messages to the ovm-template-config script, simply run ovmd with the --script parameter set to point to one of the ovm-template-config targets:

# ovmd --list
# ovmd -s configure

To perform an action using messaging parameters and ovm-template-config, the authentication module must be enabled and your final message should include an authentication request in the form of a key-value message:


When running ovmd like this, ovmd prepares two pipes (infd and outfd) and calls the ovm-template-config script transparently in the background in the following way:

# ovm-template-config --input <infd> --output <outfd> configure

During testing, it may be useful to simply pass configuration information directly to the script from STDIN on the command line. This can be achieved by calling the script directly with the --stdin parameter:

# ovm-template-config --stdin configure <<EOF
> {"": "disabled"}
> {"": "ovsroot"}

Configuration can also be achieved directly from the console by running the script using the --console-input option. Doing this will prompt you for values for each of the keys that need to be defined for any enabled modules:

# ovm-template-config --console-input configure

8.8.5 Developing Oracle VM Template Configuration Modules

The provided module scripts are developed in Python. Theoretically, it is possible to develop module scripts in a different language, as long as the input, output and argument handling remains the same. The example provided in this section makes use of the Python programming language.

Each module script consists of two main parts:

  1. The script header, which contains information like script name, targets, priorities and description.

  2. The actual script, which handles a small set of parameters.

For examples of functional module scripts, refer to the existing modules in the /etc/template.d/scripts directory.

Module Script Header

Module script headers require a very specific comment block in order for ovm-chkconfig to handle enabling and disabling your script functionality. The format for the script header is as follows:

# name: [script name]
# [target]: [priority]
# [target]: [priority]
# description: a description that can
#   cross multiple lines.

When developing your own module script, you must include a header following the exact same format. Provide your own script name, which will be used when calling ovm-chkconfig, the targets that your script will support, and the priority for your script. The priority will specify in what order the script gets executed. You do not have to implement all targets. If you have a configure target but no cleanup target, this is still acceptable. The configure target gets called when a first boot/initial start of the virtual machine happens. The cleanup target happens when you manually initiate a cleanup in your virtual machine or when you want to restore the virtual machine to its original state. An example of the network module script header is provided below:

# name: network
# configure: 50
# cleanup: 50
# description: Script to configure template network.

Module Script Body

The main requirement for the module script body is that it accepts at least one target parameter. Target parameters that might get presented by the ovm-template-configure script include:

  • configure

  • unconfigure

  • reconfigure

  • cleanup

  • suspend

  • resume

  • migrate

  • shutdown

Your script can handle any other arguments that you require. There is one optional parameter which is useful to implement and this is -e or --enumerate. ovm-template-config uses this to be able to enumerate or list the parameters for a target supported by your script.

A very basic template to use for your script body follows:

    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json
from templateconfig.cli import main

def do_enumerate(target):
    param = []
    if target == 'configure':
        param += []
    elif target == 'cleanup':
        param += []
    return json.dumps(param)

def do_configure(param):
    param = json.loads(param)
    return json.dumps(param)

def do_cleanup(param):
    param = json.loads(param)
    return json.dumps(param)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(do_enumerate, {'configure': do_configure, 'cleanup': do_cleanup})

This script supports the configure and cleanup targets.

You can fill out the script with your own code. For instance, for the do_enumerate function, you would populate the parameters that are supported for each target in the script. An example from the firewall module is presented below:

def do_enumerate(target):
    param = []
    if target == 'configure':
        param += [{'key': '',
                   'description': 'Whether to enable network firewall: True or False.',
                   'hidden': True}]
    return json.dumps(param)

Each target function begins by reading the JSON parameters passed to the script, using the param = json.loads(param) statement. From this point, code can be written to perform actions based on the values of the keys that the script expects to receive. Once again, the example provided below is from the firewall module:

def do_configure(param):
    param = json.loads(param)
    firewall = param.get('')
    if firewall == 'True':
        shell_cmd('service iptables start')
        shell_cmd('service ip6tables start')
        shell_cmd('chkconfig --level 2345 iptables on')
        shell_cmd('chkconfig --level 2345 ip6tables on')
    elif firewall == 'False':
        shell_cmd('service iptables stop')
        shell_cmd('service ip6tables stop')
        shell_cmd('chkconfig --level 2345 iptables off')
        shell_cmd('chkconfig --level 2345 ip6tables off')
    return json.dumps(param)

Module Script Packaging

Once you have written one or more configuration module scripts, you may want to package them as RPMs that can be deployed on other systems. In order to install and configure template configure scripts, they have to be packaged in an RPM, with a specific naming convention. Package the script as ovm-template-config-[scriptname]. Ideally in the post install of the RPM you should add the script automatically by executing # /usr/sbin/ovm-chkconfig --add scriptname. When uninstalling a script/RPM, remove it at uninstall time using # /usr/sbin/ovm-chkconfig --del scriptname. This is illustrated in the following example of an RPM spec file that can be used:

Name: ovm-template-config-example
Version: 3.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Oracle VM template example configuration script.
Group: Applications/System
License: GPL
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: ovm-template-config

Oracle VM template example configuration script.

%setup -q



if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
    /usr/sbin/ovm-chkconfig --add example

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
    /usr/sbin/ovm-chkconfig --del example


* Tue Mar 22 2011 John Smith  - 3.0-1
- Initial build.

Edit the example spec file to reference your own script name.

In order to create RPMs, you must install rpmbuild:

# yum install rpm-build

The following is an example Makefile that you might assist in automating the build process:

You must edit this Makefile to reference your own script.


@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo '  install    - install program'
@echo '  dist       - create a source tarball'
@echo '  rpm        - build RPM packages'
@echo '  clean      - remove files created by other targets'

dist: clean
tar -cSp --to-stdout --exclude .svn --exclude .hg --exclude .hgignore \
--exclude $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) * | tar -x -C $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
tar -czSpf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)

install -D example $(DESTDIR)/etc/template.d/scripts/example

rpm: dist
rpmbuild -ta $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz

rm -fr $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
find . -name '*.py[cdo]' -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
rm -f *.tar.gz

.PHONY: dist install rpm clean

Create a working directory, copy over your script, the spec file and the Makefile. Run the following command to create a src tarball of your code:

# make dist

Run the following command to generate an RPM file:

# make rpm

The preceding command generates an RPM in the RPMS/noarch directory within your working directory, for example: RPMS/noarch/ovm-template-config-test-3.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm.