2 Overview of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Interface

This topic describes the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor components and how they relate to one another. It includes the following subtopics:

2.1 Utility Bar

The Utility Bar contains the Oracle logo and, to the right-hand side, links to the following functions:

  • Purge Data: (Visible only to Administrator and Power Operator users) Enables you to purge old information. See Purging Historical Data.

  • User Profile: Enables the current (logged on) user to make changes to his or her login information and alert services. See Managing Your User Profile.

  • About: Provides release and version information about the implementation of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor you are running.

  • Help: Activates context-sensitive help topics.

  • Logout: Logs the current user out of the interface and displays the Log-In prompt.

2.2 Status Bar

The Status Bar is directly below the Utility Bar. It displays the name of the logged-in user and, to the right-hand side, displays status information for the overall system, including when the data was last updated. No matter what tab you have active, you will always be able to see any status changes and alerts in the Status Bar.

See About the Status Indicators.

2.3 Navigation Tree

Some tabs of the interface contain a Navigation Tree on the left-hand side of the window. The tree displays a hierarchical series of nodes that can be expanded to show Oracle GoldenGate instances and their components, topology views called Solutions, and customized Views.

See About the Objects

2.4 Diagram View

Some tabs of the interface contain a Diagram View that displays the same objects that are shown in the Navigation Tree, but in their logical relationships to one another.

See About the Diagram View.

2.5 Overview Panel

The Overview Panel interacts with the Diagram View to help you focus on specific areas of the topology.

2.6 Attributes Panel

The Attributes Panel displays the names and values of the attributes that are associated with an Oracle GoldenGate object that is selected in the Navigation Tree or Diagram View. See About the Metrics.


Key Summary attributes are also displayed in the Diagram View, to enable instant evaluation of its state.

The Attributes panel is context-sensitive. For example, when a Capture object is selected, you will see checkpoint information, run status, the name of the group, lag, and other attributes that are related to a Capture group. To interact with the Attributes Panel panel, you can:

  • Double-click the header area, or click the embedded arrow, to expand or collapse the panel.

  • Sort the metric alphabetically by the Name column.

  • Click a chart icon ( chart icon; present only if valid for the metric) to go to the Historical Data tab for that metric and object. See Working with Historical Data.

2.7 Alerts Panel

The Alerts Panel shows all active alerts for the selected object. See About Alerts.

2.8 Tabs

A series of tabs comprise the two main functional areas of the interface: the Monitoring Tabs and the Administrative Tabs. These tabs contain some or all of the interface components that are described in this topic.

2.8.1 The Monitoring Tabs

The monitoring tabs are the main areas for monitoring the Oracle GoldenGate instances. These tabs can be viewed by any user, regardless of his or her security role.

See Overview of the Monitoring Workspace.

2.8.2 The Administrative Tabs

The administrative tabs are configuration tabs that perform the following functions:

These functions require at least a Power Operator security role or higher, depending on the tab. These tabs are not visible to users who do not have the appropriate security role.

Related Topics

Understanding User Security Roles

2.9 Alert Descriptions

A yellow or red alert icon indicates that an alert has been triggered. The color indicates the severity of the condition, as specified in the alert definition. See Configuring an Alert Definition.

Alert-warning icon
Alert-error icon

Related Topics

About Alerts

2.10 About the Objects

This topic explains the objects that appear in the Navigation Tree and Diagram View in the monitoring tabs throughout Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. The objects described here are divided into these two groups:

Related Topics

About the Status Indicators

About Views

2.10.1 Container Objects

Root tree node icon System This is the root tree node. It displays the name of this installation of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server component.

System contains the following nodes:

Host node icon Host This is the root node for one or more Host sub-nodes. A counter at this node indicates how many Host sub-nodes there are. The Host nodes organize the Oracle GoldenGate components according to the hosts where they are running. Each Host node represents one host (server) within the Oracle GoldenGate enterprise and bears the name of that host. Each Host node contains one or more sub-nodes that represent objects that are part of an Oracle GoldenGate configuration on that host.
Solutions node icon Solutions This is the root node for one or more Oracle GoldenGate Solution sub-nodes. A counter at this node indicates how many Solution sub-nodes there are. Each solution represents a complete Oracle GoldenGate source-to-target(s) topology and shows all of the Oracle GoldenGate components in that topology, including the source and target databases. If any component of a solution is removed, the solution disappears from the Navigation Tree.
View icon Views This is the root node for one or more View nodes. A counter at this node indicates how many View sub-nodes there are. A view is a customized container that can consist of any Oracle GoldenGate object or objects (including databases) that you want to monitor as a unit.

2.10.2 Oracle GoldenGate Objects

Within a Host, Solution, or View node in the Navigation Tree, or within a Diagram View, the following Oracle GoldenGate components are monitored. The Oracle GoldenGate objects are discovered automatically when you start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor and whenever there is a configuration change. The exception is when an object is removed; in that case, the object remains in the client displays until the Manager process of the Oracle GoldenGate Instance is restarted.

Host node icon Host This node represents a physical machine on which there are Oracle GoldenGate components.
Instance node graphic Instance This node represents an Oracle GoldenGate instance. Each Instance includes the Oracle GoldenGate processes and their associated trails and files. Each Instance is identified by its host name and the port number on which the Manager process is running.
Capture node icon Capture This node represents one Oracle GoldenGate Extract group. There can be one or more Capture nodes in an Oracle GoldenGate Instance, depending on the underlying Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Delivery node icon Delivery This node represents one Oracle GoldenGate Replicat group. There can be one or more Delivery nodes in an Oracle GoldenGate Instance, depending on the underlying Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Database node icon Database This node represents a database that is either a source or target within the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
Trail node icon Trail This node represents one Oracle GoldenGate trail or file.

2.10.3 Status Changes

A status or alert indicator (or both) on an object in the tree indicates that there is a condition that requires attention. A status change is indicated by one of these icons:

Manager Warning icon
Manager Alert icon

See About the Status Indicators.

2.10.4 Context Menu Actions for These Nodes

By right-clicking a node to get the context menu, you can take the following actions:

  • If an object is part of a Solution, a Show Solution command is available to display that solution in the diagram (Navigation Tree only).

  • If a node contains sub-nodes, Expand and Collapse commands are available to show or hide the sub-nodes.

  • If an object can be renamed, a Rename command is available. This command renames the object within Oracle GoldenGate Monitor (for all users), but does not rename the underlying component in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration. You can use up to 30 characters, including numbers, upper and lower-case letters, dashes, and underscores.

2.11 About the Diagram View

The Diagram View displays Oracle GoldenGate objects in the correct schematic relationship to one another. For example, a Host node would be shown with all of the Oracle GoldenGate components on that system, whereas an Instance node would only be shown with the components in that Oracle GoldenGate instance.

Summary attributes are displayed beneath the objects in the diagram to help you quickly see the state of important monitoring information, such as lag and process status.

You can change the amount of space that the Diagram View occupies:

  • Click the expand or collapse arrows on the side of the Diagram View panel to expand or collapse the side panels (Navigation Tree, Overview, Attributes, and Alerts as applicable to the tab you are viewing).

  • Click-and-drag the border of the Diagram View panel to expand or shrink it without collapsing the side panels.

The Diagram Toolbar

The diagram tools enable you to interact with and customize the display of the Oracle GoldenGate objects in the Diagram View.

Select tool Select Selects an object for which to display metric information in the Attributes panel.
Zoom-select tool Zoom Select Enables click-and-drag selection to enlarge and focus on objects within a specific area of the diagram.
Pan tool Pan Enables click-and-drag movement of a large topology within the diagram so that different areas can be viewed.
Show/Hide Tooltip tool Show/Hide Tooltips Enables or disables tooltips for the objects in the diagram. When tool tips are enabled, you can hover your pointer over any object to view an Attributes panel that displays summary information for that object. Tooltips show the same summary information that is shown in the diagram itself, but they are useful when those attributes are not readable in the diagram because of its scale.
Zoom-in Tool Zoom-in Enlarges the entire diagram.
Zoom-out Tool Zoom-out Reduces the entire diagram.
Show All tool Show All Resets the diagram so that all of the objects are contained within the visible area.
Left-to-right Layout Tool Left-to-Right Layout Arranges the objects in their logical order from left to right, starting with the root object (that being the node that is selected in the Navigation Tree).
Top-to-bottom layout tool, Top-to-Bottom Layout Arranges the objects in their logical order from top to bottom, starting with the root object (that being the node that is selected in the Navigation Tree).
Star Layout tool Star Layout Arranges the objects in their logical order from the center, starting with the root object (that being the node that is selected in the Navigation Tree).
Right arrow starts instance Start Starts the Oracle GoldenGate instance you want to monitor. This control appears only when an Extract or Replicat instance is selected.
Square block stops instance Stop Stops the Oracle GoldenGate instance you are monitoring. This control appears only when an Extract or Replicat instance is selected.
Kill Icon: a large X Kill Stops the Oracle GoldenGate instance you are monitoring. This control appears only when an Extract or Replicat instance is selected.

Related Topics

Overview of the Monitoring Workspace

2.12 About the Metrics

Each Oracle GoldenGate component is associated with a specific set of Metrics. When you select a component in the Navigation Tree or Diagram View, the current state of the attributes of that object are shown in the Attributes panel and summary attributes are shown with the object in the diagram. Together, the various attributes present an accurate view of the overall health of the selected component.

All attributes measured by Oracle GoldenGate Monitor are listed and described in Appendix A, "Attributes".

Related Topics

Overview of the Monitoring Workspace

2.13 About the Status Indicators

The status indicators are displayed in the Status Bar and alongside Oracle GoldenGate objects in the Navigation Tree and Diagram View. In the Status Bar, they can be viewed regardless of which tab is currently active. When displayed in the Status Bar, the indicator shows that there is something that requires attention somewhere in the system.

When you see an indicator or alert, check the Navigation Tree to find the node where the same indicator appears and continue to drill down from nodes where it is displayed until you find the object that is affected. Another way to detect problematic objects is to switch to the Problem Summary tab, which shows all objects that have a status other than Running. See Focusing on Problem Areas.

Affected objects look similar to the following examples:

Manager Warning icon
Manager Alert icon
Database icon in error status
Solution icon with warning status

2.13.1 Status Descriptions

The following are the possible status indicators:

Running icon Running All Oracle GoldenGate components are running properly.
status of warning Warning The status is other than "Running," which could indicate a potential problem. The status can be one of the following:
  • Unknown

  • Created

  • Registered

  • Initializing

  • Starting

  • Restarting

  • Recovering

  • Stopping

  • Forced Stop

  • Aborted

  • Unresponsive

  • Orphaned

  • Shadowed

Status of error Error One of the following: errors occurred:
  • Stopped

  • Killed

  • Suspended

  • Paused

  • Deregistered

  • Error

  Last Updated The last refresh of the attributes was performed at this time.