B Connecting Microservices Architecture to Classic Architecture

For establishing a connection to Classic Architecture, the Distribution Server in Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture must know where to place the remote trail file for reading.

To connect Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture and Classic Architecture follow these steps:


For this procedure to work, an existing Extract must be running in Microservices Architecture.
Task 1: Add a Distribution Path
  1. From the Service Manager, click Distribution Server.

  2. Click the plus (+) sign next to Path. The Add Path page is displayed.

  3. Enter the details:

    Options Description

    Path Name

    Select a name for the path.


    Provide a description. For example, the name of the Extract and Replicat names.

    Source: Trail Name

    Select the Extract name from the drop-down list, which populates the trail name automatically. If it doesn’t, enter the trail name that you provided while adding the Extract.

    Generated Source URI:

    A URI is automatically generated for the trail based on the Extract information you provided. You can edit this URI by clicking the pencil, then modifying the source. Typically, you will need to edit the URI if you want to use reverse proxy.

    Reverse proxy enabled?

    Select to use reverse proxy. To know more about configuring you reverser proxy servers, see Reverse Proxy Support in Securing the Oracle GoldenGate Environment


    Enter the target endpoint of the path. From the drop-down list, select your data transfer protocol. The default option is wss.

    You also need to enter the URL of the target host, for example, localhost, if the target is on the same system. You may enter the port number of the Receiver Server and the trail name of the Replicat you created earlier. However, it’s not mandatory. The port is the Manager port number for Classic Architecture. Path takes the source trail and sends the date to a target trail given here, which can be consumed by any Replicats created later.

    Use Basic Authentication

    Select to add a credential to the target URI creating basic MA authentication.

    Generated Target URI

    A source URI is automatically generated for the trail based on the Extract information you provided. You can edit this URI by clicking the pencil, then modifying the source.

    Configure Trail Format

    You can optionally toggle this switch to select one of these types Plain Text, XML, or SQL.


    Select the point from where you need to log data. You can select the following options from the drop-down list:

    • Now

    • Custom Time

    • Position is Log (default)

    Source Sequence Number

    Select the sequence number of the trail from source deployment Extract.

    Source RBA Offset

    This setting provides the RBA of the record for the source deployment.


    The default value is false. If set to true, this indicates that the distribution path is critical to the deployment.

    Auto Restart

    The default value is false. If set to true, the distribution path is restarted automatically when killed.

    Rule Configuration Description
    Enable filtering

    If you enable filtering by selecting it from the toggle button and click the Add Rule button, you’ll see the Rule Definition dialog box.

    • Rule Name

    • Rule Action: Select either Exclude or Include

    • Filter Type: Select from the following list of options:

      • Object Type: Select from three object types: DML, DDL, and Procedure

      • Object Names: Select this option to provide an existing object name. A 3–part naming convention depends on whether you are using CDB. With CDB, you need to use a 3–part naming convention, otherwise a 2–part convention is mandatory. 3–part convention includes container, schema, object. 2–part convention includes schema, object name.

      • Procedure Feature Name: Select this option to filter, based on existing procedure feature name.

      • Column Based: If you select this option, you are presented with the option to enter the table and column name to which the rule applies. You can filter out using column value with LT, GT, EQ, LE, GE, NE conditions. You can also specify if you want to have before image or after image in filtered data.

      • Tag: Select this option to set the filter based on tags.

      • Chunk ID: Displays the configuration details of database shards, however, the details can’t be edited.

    • Negate: Select this check box if you need to negate any existing rule.

    You can also see the JSON script for the rule by clicking the JSON tab.

    Additional Options Description

    Eof Delay (cent sec)

    You can specify the Eof Delay in centiseconds.

    TCP Flush Bytes

    Enter the TCP flush size in bytes.

    TCP Flush Seconds

    Enter the TCP flush interval in seconds.


    Select the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value from the drop-down list, or search for it from the list.


    Select the Type of service (TOS) value from the drop-down list.


    Enable this option to prevent delay when using the Nagle’s option.

    Quick ack

    Enable this option to send quick acknowledgment after receiving data.


    Enable this option to allow using the Nagle’s algorithm cork option.

    System Send Buffer Size

    You can set the value for the send buffer size for flow control.

    System Receiver Buffer Size

    You can set the value for the receive buffer size for flow control.

  4. Click Create Path or Create and Run, as required. Select Cancel if you need to get out of the Add Path page without adding a path.

Once the path is created, you’ll be able to see the new path in the Overview page of the Distribution Server.

Task 2: Start Manager in Classic Architecture
  1. Log in to GGSCI.

  2. Use the command:


    For more information, see START MANAGER in Reference for Oracle GoldenGate.

Task 3: Create and start Replicat in Classic Architecture
If you are already logged into GGSCI, use the command:
ADD REPLICAT group_name

group_name is the name of the Replicat group. For more information, see Creating an Online Replicat Group in Administering Oracle GoldenGate and GGSCI Command Interface Help. in Reference for Oracle GoldenGate.