4 Bugs Fixed and Enhancements

This chapter describes the bugs fixed and enhancements at the time of release.

The Bug number is the number of the BugDB ticket. For questions on specific tickets or issues, consult Oracle Support.

4.1 Release — June 2018

Bug 27825674 — SQL Server: High Virtual Memory Consumption by CDC Extract

An internal change to the core VAM module was made, resulting in reduced memory consumption by the Extract.

Bug 27591005 — SQL Server: Performance Impact from the trigger on CDC objects

An internal table did not have a key causing slow execution plans in some cases so a primary key was added to the table.

Bug 27563948 — SQL Server: Extract Process abend after adding HEARTBEATTABLE with OGG-05253

The Extract ADD functionality is not fully compatible with SNAC driver to handle all data types, which was fixed.

Bug 27680797 — SQL Server: CDC version upgrade does not correctly update all Oracle GoldenGate stored procedures

An issue with CDC Extract was fixed to properly handle upgrading Oracle GoldenGate stored procedures when upgrading Oracle GoldenGate releases.

Bug 27724611 — SQL Server: Updates made to Boolean (Bit data type) were not captured when using a FILTER

The Extract filtering for Bit data type columns was corrected to treat them as numeric not binary.

Bug 27585219 — SQL Server: WARNING OGG-00784 Unable to determine computed column Fetching error

The Extract fetch query was modified to output the computed column query as integer rather than a string.

4.2 Release — May 2018

Bug 27701581 - Increase the upper limit of the DBOPTIONS parameter options LOBBUFSIZE and XMLBUFSIZE

The upper limit for LOBBUFSIZE and XMLBUFSIZE was increased from 10485760 to 104857600.

Bug 27752568 - Oracle: Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Replicat does not detect primary keys

An issue where if the table in an Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud instance has a primary key defined, then Replicat doesn’t detect it was fixed.

4.3 Release — March 2018

Bug 26608571 — SQL Server: CDC Extract Support when Native Transactional Replication is also enabled

The CDC Extract was enhanced to coexist with native SQL Server Transactional Replication, which uses the Trans Repl log reader agent to populate the change tracking tables instead of the CDC Capture job.

Bug 27384760 — SQL Server CDC: Extract - TRANDATA not added when existing customer CDC table exists

An issue where TRANDATA wasn’t getting added in case an existing customer CDC table exists was fixed.

Bug 27208108 — SQL Server CDC: Extract requires the SQL Server CDC cleanup job to be dropped

An issue where the CDC Extract and ogg_cdc_cleanup_setup.bat required that the SQL Server CDC Cleanup job be deleted, was fixed to allow disabling the SQL Server CDC Cleanup job as an alternative.

Bug 26917526 — SQL Server CDC : Extract abends with Timestamp out of range when attempting to retrieve the record timestamp using GETENV

An issue with Extract abending with the Timestamp out of range error, was fixed. The error occurred when Extract attempts to retrieve the record timestamp using GETENV.

Bug 26742447 — SQL Server: Replicat abends with the OGG-10124 Parsing error for REPERROR value

An issue with REPERROR not being able to accommodate the 10 digit SQL Server error code was fixed. Previously, REPERROR allow 1–7 digits of error code only.

Bug 27024348 — SQL Server CDC: Extract reports it cannot find the Oracle GoldenGate Cleanup job, although it exists on the  server 

An issue where, if the database name argument is in a different case than the database name on the server, Extract fails to find the Oracle GoldenGate Cleanup job was fixed.

Bug 26981364 — SQL Server: Replicat for SQL Server tries to execute the DDL statement from an Oracle Database instead of ignoring it

An issue with Replicat for SQL Server executing the DDL statement from the Oracle Database instead of ignoring it was fixed.

Bug 27448935 — SQL Server: Oracle GoldenGate Replicat for SQL Server throws error 2147217887 when mapping the IBM i timestamp format 

An issue where applying IBM source containing a timestamp column to SQL Server target erroring was fixed. The error occurs because IBM used periods (HH:MM:SS), which causes SQL Server apply to fail when attempting to issue the target SQL against the DB2 for i database. In the timecnv.c function with TIMECNV_convert_to_db_timestamp, make sure that the periods are changed to colons for SQL Server targets.

Bug 27450186: SQL Server — DATETIMEOFFSET fails for midnight and the trail shows a 24:00 timestamp

An issue where SQL Server DATETIMEOFFSET failed for midnight and the trail showed a 24:00 time, was fixed. Any +TZ datetimeoffsetfor the exact time 00:00:00 fails because the date goes back one day and the time gets extracted as 24:00:00.

Bug 27305163 - Extract fails to read log records from a data sharing DB2 version 10 subsystem

The ERROR OGG-01741  Unexpected Log Sequence encountered error may occur when extracting from a DB2 version 10 data sharing system was fixed.

4.4 Release — December 2017

Bug 27012878 — ReverseProxySettings application has two new parameters

The ReverseProxySettings application has two new parameters in Oracle GoldenGate version and later:
  • -P: Password for Service Manager account

  • -u: Name of Service Manager account to use

Doc 27033479 — New option, SQLMODE, is added for the DBOPTIONS parameter

The SQLMODE option is added for the DBOPTIONS parameter. When this option is enabled, the sql_mode variable is set to ‘ANSI_QUOTES’.

Doc 27061717 — Oracle: Replicat issues replicating TIMESTAMP (6) with TIMEZONE

The daylight saving time adjustment issue when UTC timestamp value converted from local timestamp hits daylight saving time transition period was fixed. From standard time to daylight saving time 1 hour window. Replicat applies timestamp value 1 hour off from expected value.

Bug 26742447 — SQL Server: Replicat abends with OGG-10124 parsing error for REPERROR value

The REPERROR option allowed 1-7 digits of error code only, whereas the SQL Server error code contains 10 digits. To fix this, the regular expression was modified to accumulate 10 digits of SQL Server error code.

4.5 Release - September 2017

No changes in this release.

4.6 Initial Release – August 2017

CACHEMGR and CACHESIZE can be placed in GLOBALS parameter

For Extracts and Replicats,CACHEMGR and all its options can be placed in the GLOBALS parameter, except for CACHEDIRECTORY.

Extended Timestamp Precision for RECORD, TIMESTAMP

@GETENV has a new value TIMESTAMP_PRECISE. It is used with @GETENV ('RECORD', 'TIMESTAMP_PRECISE') and @GETENV ('TRANSACTION', 'TIMESTAMP_PRECISE'). When used with @GETENV, it returns the timestamp value with fractional precision, which implies that the values are returned from YEAR to MICROSECONDS or MILLISECONDS, depending on the type of database.


@STREQNULL and @STRCMPNULL functions work the same way as @STREQ and @STRCMPNULL, respectively. However, when two arguments passed to the function are both NULL, the functions return value because both values are identical. @STREQNULL returns 1 and @STRCMPNULL .returns 0.

The SQLEXEC Before Image is Supported with SQLEXECONBEFOREIMAGE the Parameter

A new parameter SQLEXECONBEFOREIMAGE introduced to support SQLEXEC execution on Before Image records, because SQLEXEC execution only happens after image records.

Enhancement of SQL Server Classic Extract to Support TRANLOGOPTIONS EXCLUDEUSER

SQL Server classic Extract can now filter by user using TRANLOGOPTIONS EXCLUDEUSER.