3 Known Issues and Workarounds

This chapter describes the known issues at the time of release.

3.1 Release — July 2018

Bug 28091901 - MySQL: Bidirectional filtering for DDL replication is not supported

Oracle GoldenGate 12(c) doesn’t support bidirectional filtering for DDL replication on MySQL.


Bug 27819094 - Oracle: Replicat error OGG-00665 OCI Error writing LOB for column xxx 24801-ORA-24801: occurred

Oracle GoldenGate does not support zero bytes to be written to a LOB.



Bug 27938481 - Non-Integrated Parallel Replicat fails with ORA-01403 error when using ALLOWDUPTARGETMAP

Integrated Replicat, Parallel Replicat in Integrated Mode, and Parallel Replicat in non-Integrated Mode may abend when the target tables have a different set of key columns because the rows cannot be found.



3.2 Release — June 2018

Bug 28091901 - MySQL: Bidirectional filtering for DDL replication is not supported

Oracle GoldenGate 12(c) doesn’t support bidirectional filtering for DDL replication on MySQL.

Bug 27819094 - Oracle: Replicat error OGG-00665 OCI Error writing LOB for column xxx 24801-ORA-24801: occurred

Oracle GoldenGate does not support zero bytes to be written to a LOB.


3.3 Release — May 2018

 Bug 27812006 — Oracle: PURGE WALLET doesn’t delete the MASTERKEY

In Oracle GoldenGate12c (, when deleting a masterkey in the wallet and then purging the wallet, the undelete operation reports that the deleted key has been added back. 

 Bug 28001613 - HP-UX: Oracle GoldenGate Collector doesn’t start if FIPS mode is enabled

FIPS 140 mode cannot be enabled on HP-UX for Oracle 11g databases to ensure that Oracle GoldenGate Collector starts.

Bug 28000908 - zLinux: Administration Server fails with SEGV in Task Manager

The Administration Server may terminate abnormally with a segment violation (SEGV) in Task Manager.

Bug 27248167 — Oracle: Time zones that are not replicated properly

Some of the time zones are not replicated properly for Oracle. These time zones are:








Bug 26782577 - Oracle: ALTID Missing data for Lob out of line columns.

The LOB data is out of sync when using the altid parameter on partitioned table. The LOB marker record in the redo log contains the object ID of the base table and is filtered out by the altid parameter.



Bug 27732417 - Linux x86-64: Oracle GoldenGate12c (

For Oracle GoldenGate OUI, you must install the latest OUI opatch version before applying any opatches to your Linux x86-64 system running Oracle Database.

3.4 Release — December 2017

Bug 26929711 - DB2 z/OS: ERROR OGG-00551 Database operation failed: init sp - execute. ODBC error

When running Oracle GoldenGate Extract against DB2 for z/OS V11, in compatibility mode, the Extract fails to correctly identify the version of the database needed for log reading APIs. Extract identifies DB2 for z/OS V11 as V10, in compatibility mode, which causes the incorrect selection of V10 stored procedures for log reading.



Bug 26929711 - Oracle: Extract abends with the OGG-10461 failed to retrieve timestamp error 

When using classic Replicat on tables where Automatic Change Detection Resolution is enabled, Extract abends because some of the inserts in the tombstone tables are missed. This occurs because the internal trigger that inserts records into tombstone tables, triggers only on user DMLs and classic Replicat suppresses all the triggers.



3.5 Release - August 2017 Initial Release

Bug 27917936 — Oracle: Task-based initial load is not supported in Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture

Task-based initial load is disabled in Oracle GoldenGate MA. However, file-based initial load is fully-supported.
Use file-based initial-load in MA

Bug 26856080 — Oracle: Admin Client AUTORESTART help commands are not working

In the Admin Client, the help commands for the AUTORESTART parameter are missing.



Bug 26190334 — Documentation update for JAgent exclusive support on 12.3 OGG Core Classic Mode

JAgent supports only the Classic mode for Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture is not supported.



Bug 25897967 — Oracle: Must remove deployments and stop ServiceManager process before uninstalling Oracle GoldenGate

If there are Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 processes running when OGG_HOME/deinstall/deinstall.sh is executed, then those processes continue to run after deinstallation. The orphaned services' process IDs become defunct because the associated binaries no longer exist. However, the Service Manager process is kept alive and remains listening on the original port. Subsequent attempts to add deployments (after reinstalling Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture) may be blocked due to the discovery of the active, existing Service Manager port.


When uninstalling Oracle GoldenGate MA, the best practice is to delete all affiliated deployments and/or stop their processes. In addition, identify the process ID of the Service Manager and manually kill the process. If the Service Manager is set up as an operating system service daemon, deinstall.sh does not clean up the configuration, so this task is also manual.

Bug 26104564 — Oracle: Deleting AUTORESTART task is killing ER, which was brought up by an AUTORESTART task

When an execute task is deleted, the associated ER process is killed. This is because the task owns the running state of the ER process.


The correct method of creating an “execute” task is as follows:

  1. Create the ER process in stopped state.

  2. Create the task.

  3. Start the task.

Bug 25502490 — Oracle: Unable to deploy MA on Solaris Sparc Hosts 

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 environment variables must be set correctly before running Oracle GoldenGate on Solaris Sparc or Solaris x86_64.


Before running the configuration wizard or any Oracle GoldenGate executables, you can resolve this issue in one of two ways:

  • Remove the /usr/sfw/lib/sparcv9 directory, that is installed with Solaris, from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 environment variable . Oracle recommends this workaround.

  • Update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 environment variable to include $OGG_HOME/lib as the first entry.

Bug 22826452 — Extract does not capture records if WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE is used

Do not use WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE in a multitenant environment if performing DDL on that system. Extract may fail to capture records after the DDL operations.



Bug 22739872 — Oracle: START MGR can hang for XAGENABLEd setup if the MGR process has abended

When using XAGENABLE, if you start manager from GGSCI and it immediately abends the command may hang.



Bug 22967088 — Oracle: IR abends with 3117-ORA-03117: two-task save area overflow

If Integrated Replicat abends with OGG-00665OCI Error Flushing database inbound server, ‘..’ (status = 3117-: two-task save area overflow), disabling ENABLEMONITORING.


Restart the Replicat.

Bug 19512704 — Oracle: Wrong results with @BINTOHEX and @STRCAT functions

Using STRCAT to concatenate a string that has used BINTOHEX returns the wrong information.



Bug 22854712 — Oracle: NOUSERID should force downstream mode

The NOUSERID parameter is only supported with downstream Integrated Extract.




The MAPINVISIBLECOLUMNS and NOMAPINVISIBLECOLUMNS parameters do not function properly with user exits.



XL C++ runtime environment on AIX

You must install the XL C++ runtime environment (RTE) version 13.1 on the AIX systems that you want to use Oracle GoldenGate because it cannot run with older RTE versions.


Ensure that the RTE version 13.1 is installed before you install Oracle GoldenGate.

Bug 26564428 — Solaris 10: Replicat doesn't map derived objects when schema name is specified with it

The Performance Metrics Server home page does not correctly display statistics.



Bug 26564428 — Replicat doesn't map derived objects when schema name is specified with it

When a source schema name is appended to the derived object (indexes and triggers) during DDL (like CREATE TRIGGER tkggu1.mytrigger1), then the derived object is not mapped correctly by the Replicat. Since mapderived is default for Replicat, the statement should map per the map statements.


Do not append a source schema name to the derived object name in DDL statement so that the statement is executed on the correct schema.

Bug 26533353 — Deployment creation fails when Integrate with XAG option is used 

Creating deployment with the Integrate with XAG option results in the Service manager not starting.



Bug 26501195 — realpath() resolution fails on Solaris 10 - 404 returned instead of index.html  

The MA Service Manager and server web pages do not display in Solaris 10.


To display these pages, upgrade to Solaris 11.

Bug 26596046 — SQL Server: CDC Extract encountered OGG-14053 and not process data for myheart

Oracle GoldenGate for non-Oracle bi-directional and cascading HEARTBEATTABLE implementations are not working correctly.



Bug 26593572 — The Admin Client does not allow connection to deployment as a non-admin user

The Admin Client does not allow connection to deployment as a non-administration user.


The Admin Client can only connect to the deployment using the credentials specified during deployment.

Bug 26613655 — SQL Server CDC: GGSCI ADD HEARTBEATTABLE does not create Fetch Processes

The ADD HEARTBEATTABLE command does not create all objects needed by CDC Extract for SQL Server.


After creating the HEARTBEATTABLE entries, use GGSCI to ADD TRANDATA schema.gg_heartbeat and ADD TRANDATA schema.gg_heartbeat_seed.

Mac OS Browser Support

Mozilla Firefox browser is not supported on Mac OS for embedded UI.


Use a different browser.

Bug 25061436 — DB2 for i: On system time change rollback extract stops or loses records

An issue has been raised with IBM about the generation of system sequence numbers where the system sequence numbers roll back during the one hour window in the fall daylight savings time adjustment period at 2 a.m. This can cause a loss of data and/or hung Extract.


Shut down the Extract during the fall Daylight Savings Time change at or before 2 a.m. local time and wait until 2 a.m. standard time has passed to restart Extract.

Bug 26546679 — SQL Server CDC: Doc for the Release Notes needed regarding unsupported Data Types

For tables that contain SPARSE columns, the sql_variant data type, or the FILESTREAM attribute, Extract may fail if processing DML for these tables. .


You must remove these tables from Extract with either the TABLEEXCLUDE parameter, or you can remove TRANDATA for the specific tables with DELETE TRANDATA

Bug 26492075 — SQL Server CDC: Invalid character found in column with different character set than the database

Due to a limitation with SQL Server's Change Data Capture abilities, column level collations that are different from the database collation, may cause incorrect data to be written to the CDC tables for character data, and Extract may capture them as they are written to the CDC tables.



Bug 26046195 — SQL Server CDC: versions prior to 2012 have a problem with primary key updates

SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 Change Data Capture may write a primary key update to the CT staging table as a Delete or Insert that is not part of the same transaction. If this occurs, data written to the trail is as a Delete, followed by an Insert, and this could impact target foreign key constraints.


Disable target table foreign key constraints.

Bug 26768896 — CDC Extract for SQL Server 2016 SP1+ Standard Edition:

The DELETE HEARTBEATTABLE command does not remove all of the heartbeat objects.


You must manually delete all of the heartbeat components.

Bug 26020817 - Oracle: Extract will have actual LAG + 1 hour during DST transition from DST to Non-DST

Oracle GoldenGate Extract timestamp does not adjust after DST change. An Extract has an actual lag value + 3600 seconds (1 hour) when there is a time transition from DST to non-DST (in November of every year). This recurs during 1 AM to 2 AM non-DST.



Bug 26812463 - Oracle: GRANT ... TO ... IDENTIFIED BY DDL operation

Combination DDL operations that create a user at the same that as granting permissions to that user are not supported in DDL replication for Classic Extract. For example, GRANT DBA TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger; is not a supported DDL operation, and Replicat will abend when it encounters these types of operations.


You can workaround this by splitting the DDL operation into two separate commands. The first DDL to create the user, and a second DDL to grant the permissions to the new user.

Bug 27622553 — SQL Server CDC: Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( Replicat does not support Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( SQL Server CDC Extract LSN Formats

Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( and lower releases do not support the LSN format of the CDC Extract introduced with Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( and so, ATCSN and AFTERSCN are not supported. The LSN value that is stored in the trail by the Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( CDC Extract is different than with Classic Extract when positioning an Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( Replicat using ATCSN or AFTERCSN that was generated from an Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( CDC Extract. This is regardless of using FORMAT RELEASE Oracle GoldenGate 12c ( with the Extract.
