12 Populating an ENCKEYS File with Encryption Keys

Learn how to use an ENCKEYS file.

You must generate and store encryption keys when using the security features:

You can define your own key or run the Oracle GoldenGate KEYGEN utility to create a random key.


12.1 Defining Your Own Key

Use a tool of your choice. The key value can be up to 256 bits (32 bytes) as either of the following:

  • a quoted alphanumeric string (for example "Dailykey")

  • a hex string with the prefix 0x (for example 0x420E61BE7002D63560929CCA17A4E1FB)

12.2 Using KEYGEN to Generate a Key

Change directories to the Oracle GoldenGate home directory on the source system, and issue the following shell command. You can create multiple keys, if needed. The key values are returned to your screen. You can copy and paste them into the ENCKEYS file.

KEYGEN key_length n


  • key_length is the encryption key length, up to 256 bits (32 bytes).

  • n represents the number of keys to generate.


KEYGEN 128 4

12.3 Creating and Populating the ENCKEYS Lookup File

  1. On the source system, open a new ASCII text file.
  2. For each key value that you generated, enter a logical name of your choosing, followed by the key value itself.
    • The key name can be a string of 1 to 24 alphanumeric characters without spaces or quotes.

    • Place multiple key definitions on separate lines.

    • Do not enclose a key name or value within quotes; otherwise it will be interpreted as text.

      Use the following sample ENCKEYS file as a guide.

      Encryption key name Encryption key value
      ## Key name
      Key value
  3. Save the file as the name ENCKEYS in all upper case letters, without an extension, in the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory.
  4. Copy the ENCKEYS file to the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory on every system. The key names and values in all of the ENCKEYS files must be identical, or else the data exchange will fail and Extract and Collector will abort with the following message:
    GGS error 118 – TCP/IP Server with invalid data.