3.1 Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Director Server

To configure Oracle GoldenGate Director Server, use the Oracle GoldenGate Director Administrator program. You can change the administrator login credential, manage user accounts and data sources, configure the monitoring agent, and set default domain suffixes.

3.1.1 Starting Oracle GoldenGate Director Administrator

Follow these steps to start Oracle GoldenGate Director Administrator on UNIX, Linux, and Windows.

  1. Run the program as follows:
    • (UNIX/Linux) Run the run-admin.sh script from the bin sub-directory of the installation directory.

    • (Windows) From the Oracle GoldenGate Director Client directory, run GDSC Admin Tool.exe or use the Programs shortcut.

  2. At the login prompts, enter the following:
    • The name and password of the Oracle GoldenGate Director administrator user. If this is your first time logging in to , you can use one of the following default user names and passwords:

      • If using this release of Oracle GoldenGate Director with WebLogic Server version 12.1.2 or later, the default user name is diradmin, with a password of diradmin.

      • If using this release of Oracle GoldenGate Director with an earlier version of WebLogic Server, you can use either admin with password admin or diradmin with password diradmin.

      You should change the admin or diradmin password for security purposes. You also can enter or change other information about the admin user. See Managing User Accounts.

    • The name or IP address of the host where Oracle GoldenGate Director Server is running, followed by a colon, and then the html port where the server component is running (the default is 7001), for example: sysa:7001.

3.1.2 Managing User Accounts

All users of Oracle GoldenGate Director Client must have an account with Oracle GoldenGate Director Server. Use the Accounts tab to manage Oracle GoldenGate Director user accounts. Adding a User Account

  1. At the bottom of the Accounts tab, click New/Clear.
  2. Under Account Info, type the name of the user. (Required)
  3. Under Contact, type the phone number and email address of the user. (Optional)
  4. Under Name, type the name of the user. (Optional)
  5. Under Password, type and confirm an Oracle GoldenGate Director login password for the user. (Required)
  6. Click Save. The user is added to the UserID list. Changing a User Account

  1. In the UserID list of the Accounts tab, select the user whose information you want to change.
  2. Change the information in Account Info, Contact, Name, and Password as needed.
  3. Click Save. Deleting a User Account

  1. In the UserID list of the Accounts tab, select the user that you want to delete. You are prompted to confirm this action.
  2. Click Delete to delete the account.
  3. Click Save.

3.1.3 Managing Oracle GoldenGate Data Sources

To view an Oracle GoldenGate instance from Oracle GoldenGate Director Client, its connection information must be stored in the Oracle GoldenGate Director Server repository. Users can add any or all defined instances to their personal views within their clients. Oracle GoldenGate instances appear as data sources within the client diagram.

Use the Data Sources tab to manage information about Oracle GoldenGate instances. Adding an Oracle GoldenGate Data Source

Adding an Oracle GoldenGate instance as a data source adds information about its Manager process to the Oracle GoldenGate Director database repository.

  1. Start the Manager process of the Oracle GoldenGate instance that you want to add as a data source.
  2. At the bottom of the Data Sources tab, click New/Clear.
  3. Under Host Identity, type the following:
    • Fully Qualified Domain Name: The fully qualified domain name can be the IP address or the full host name, such as sys1.earth.company.com. A host name must be registered with a Domain Name Server (DNS).

    • Manager Port: The port where Manager is running. Click Check Connection to make certain a connection can be made.

    • Data Source Name: A name for the Oracle GoldenGate instance (for example GGS1). This name is displayed as a data source in the Oracle GoldenGate Director Client interface.


      Once an Oracle GoldenGate instance has been added as a data source, the fully qualified domain name and port number cannot be changed without deleting the data source and then adding it back again. If that instance is being used as a data source in client diagrams, those diagrams must be recreated, and the logging and reporting streams will be reset. Attributes other than the fully qualified domain name and port number can be changed without affecting user diagrams.

  4. Under GoldenGate Info, type or select the following:
    • Host Operating System: The type of operating system of the host. Select WU for Windows, UNIX, and IBM AIX platforms. Select NSK for NonStop Server. Select IBM for IBM z/OS and OS/390 systems running UNIX System Services.

    • Database: The type of database against which the Oracle GoldenGate instance is running. See Table 3-1 for a list of database codes.

      Table 3-1 Database Codes for Oracle GoldenGate

      Database Code Database




      Microsoft SQL Server




      Enscribe or NonStop SQL


      ODBC data source (Open Database Connectivity compliant)








      NonStop SQL/MX


      Any database (other than Teradata) for which a vendor-access module is used to interface with the Extract process.

    • GoldenGate Version: The X.x.x.x version of Oracle GoldenGate that is installed on the system, for example It is important to specify an accurate version so that the correct parameters are displayed in the Oracle GoldenGate Director Client parameter editor.

  5. Under Default DB Credentials, enter the following:
    • DSN: If Oracle GoldenGate connects to the database through ODBC, type the ODBC Data Source Name of the database; otherwise leave blank.

    • Username: The name of a default user for connecting to the database.

    • Password: The password for the user.

  6. Under Access Control, select the following:
    • Owner: One of the users listed on the Accounts tab that always will have full control of this data source. If no owner is specified, all users can see and access the processes associated with this data source.

    • Host is observable: Select this option to allow other users to see this data source from their Oracle GoldenGate Director clients. They can see the host, monitor the Manager and Oracle GoldenGate processes, and view the parameters. They can query for status and configuration information, but they cannot control processes or alter configurations.

  7. Click Save. The new information appears in the Manager Information list. Changing an Oracle GoldenGate Data Source

Changing data source information in Oracle GoldenGate Director Server does not affect the underlying Manager process in any way.

  1. In the Manager Information list of the Data Sources tab, select the Oracle GoldenGate data source that you want to change.
  2. Change anything in the Host Identity, GoldenGate Info, Default DB Credentials, and Access Control groups except for the fully qualified domain name or port number.
  3. Click Save. Deleting an Oracle GoldenGate Data Source

Deleting a data source removes its Manager information from the Oracle GoldenGate Director Server but does not delete or affect the Manager process itself. Client diagrams that use this data source no longer will have access to it.

  1. In the Manager Information list of the Data Sources tab, select the Oracle GoldenGate data source that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the instance.
  4. Click Save.

3.1.4 Configuring the Monitor Agent

Oracle GoldenGate Director Server creates threads that monitor the Manager processes of the Oracle GoldenGate instances that are registered with Oracle GoldenGate Director Server. Each thread is called a monitor.

Use the Monitor Agent tab to do the following:

  • View Manager processing and monitoring status

  • Configure monitor settings

  • Start and stop monitor threads Viewing Manager Processing and Monitoring Status

To view Manager processing and monitoring status, you can do the following:

  • To view the monitoring status of an Oracle GoldenGate data source, view the Monitor Active column of the Monitor and Manager Status list.

  • To find out whether or not a Manager process is running, view the Manager is Alive column of the Monitor and Manager Status list.

  • To refresh the Monitor and Manager Status list, click Refresh. The status of the monitor agent and the associated Manager process is reset every time the Monitor Agent tab is made active. It can take up to the amount of time that is specified with Host Wait Seconds to update the statistics. Refresh starts that interval over again. Configuring Monitor Settings

These instructions help you understand and configure the settings that control the monitoring function of Oracle GoldenGate Director.

  1. In the Go Back Hours box, type the number of hours of recent event history to capture. Events are displayed in the Oracle GoldenGate Log in client diagrams. For example, you can capture the last five hours worth of events. To start monitoring from the present time, type 0.
  2. In the Host Wait Seconds box, type the amount of time that Manager should wait for an event before sending a status report. The lower the value, the more reports that are sent. The higher the value, the fewer the reports, but the longer it will take for non-event updates to appear on client diagrams. The monitor agent polls the hosts at the specified interval to make certain the Manager process is alive. If a problem at the level of the operating system were to occur so that Oracle GoldenGate could not write to the event log, the polling ensures that this status is reflected within the Oracle GoldenGate Director Web interface.


    There is another type of communication between Oracle GoldenGate Director Server and the hosts (besides Manager polling) that involves the immediate communication of changes made to Oracle GoldenGate processes. This communication process is not configurable.

  3. In the Log Purge Hours or Log Purge Minutes box, type the number of hours or minutes to keep information in the Oracle GoldenGate Log before purging the data. The purge function helps you to maintain the logs at a reasonable size on disk.
  4. Use Ignore Alert Events Older Than (Minutes) if using Oracle GoldenGate Director email alerts. It prevents duplicate alerts from being sent if Oracle GoldenGate Director Server is shut down and restarted. Specify the age, in minutes, of the oldest alert to keep.
  5. To activate the values that you set, click Save and Restart. This action restarts the log purge thread and the active monitor threads. Starting or Stopping Monitor Threads

To start or stop the monitoring of one or more Oracle GoldenGate data sources, use standard selection methods to select them in the Monitor and Manager Status list, and then click Start Selected Monitor or Stop Selected Monitor.To start or stop the monitoring of all data sources in the list, click Start All or Stop All.

3.1.5 Setting Default Suffixes

Oracle GoldenGate Director Server attempts to resolve host names or IP addresses into fully qualified domain names. Use the Default Suffix tab to add, change, or delete domain suffixes for Oracle GoldenGate Director Server to use when attempting to qualify a non-qualified host name that appears in an Oracle GoldenGate parameter file.

For example, if the domain is anycompany.com and the fully qualified domain name of a host is sysa.anycompany.com, you would put anycompany.com into the suffix table. For more complex domain setups, you could use something like office.anycompany.com and offsite.anycompany.com. Adding a Domain Suffix

  1. Click Add to display a blank row in the suffixes list.
  2. Type the new suffix in the row.
  3. Click Save. Changing a Domain Suffix

  1. In the suffixes list, select the one that you want to change.
  2. Change the suffix as needed.
  3. Click Save. Deleting a Domain Suffix

  1. In the suffixes list, put the cursor in the row that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the suffix.
  4. Click Save.