Creating and Configuring an Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance

This section describes the procedures for creating and configuring an Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance. This process is comprised of these six steps:

  1. Create the Instance
  2. Update the Configuration Properties
  3. Create Wallet Credentials
  4. Copy the SSL Certificate Files
  5. Start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent
  6. Check Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance Log Files

Create the Instance

  1. Go to the directory that contains the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent creation script, For example:
  2. Run the script:

    The system responds:

    Please enter absolute path of Oracle GoldenGate home directory : 
  3. Enter the absolute path to your Oracle GoldenGate home directory. For example, /u01/ogg/replication/oggcore1.

    The system responds:

    Please enter absolute path of OGG Agent instance : 
  4. Enter the directory that contains your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance, which can be an existing directory. For example, /u01/ogg/agents/oggmon/agent1. This directory should be different than the Oracle GoldenGate home directory to avoid overwriting your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent JAR and configuration files the next time you install or patch Oracle GoldenGate.

    The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance directory can be an existing directory location. In that case, you are prompted:

    OGG Agent instance directory already exists, do you want to overwrite the contents (yes | no)". 

    If you choose yes, the execution of the script will continue and all the contents related to Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent will be overwritten on that location. If you choose no, the execution of the script will stop.

    The system responds:

    Please enter unique name to replace timestamp in startMonitorAgent script.
  5. Enter the unique name that you want to replace the timestamp in the script file.

    You can create additional instances using this same process though you must ensure that you create them in unique directories. For example, you can point a new Monitor Agent instance to the same Oracle GoldenGate Instance directory (such as, /u01/ogg/replication/oggcore1) or a different Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance, and theOracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance directory must always be a new directory (such as, /u01/ogg/agents/oggmon/agent2). The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent reports Oracle GoldenGate monitoring statistics to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server based on how it is configured. For example, the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent and Oracle GoldenGate instance configuration and communication.

Update the Configuration Properties

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent operates in one of two modes, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server or Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Management Plug-In. You set the configuration properties for the mode you want to operate in using the following steps:

  1. Once you have completed the steps in the preceding sections, copy the file from the OGG_MONITORSERVER_DOMAIN/config/monitorserver/cfg directory to the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/cfg directory of all of your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instances.
  2. Edit the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/cfg/ file.
  3. Review and set the properties for one of the following modes:

    Oracle GoldenGate Monitor (OGGMON):

    Use the default or change to the complete hostname or IP of the machine where Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent (jagent) is running.


    Use the default or change to your preferred port.

    Set to the hostname you provided during your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent installation.


    Set to the port you provided during your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent installation.


    Set to the user name you provided during your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent installation


    Set a jagent user name.


    Ensure it is set to OGGMON.


    Ensure it is set to false.


    Ensure it is set to false.


    Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Management Plug-In (OEM):

    Use the default or change to the complete hostname or IP of the machine where Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent (jagent) is running.


    Set a jagent user name.


    Use the default or change to a specific port.


    Set it to OEM.


    Ensure it is set to false.


    Ensure it is set to false.

  4. Close and save the file.

The file is required to create the wallet. For instructions, see "Edit Monitor Properties" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Create Wallet Credentials

Navigate to the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/bin directory, and then use one of the following sections to create the Oracle Wallet for your operating mode, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor or Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Management Plug-In.

Creating an Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Password File

  1. Delete any existing dirwlt directory.
  2. Ensure that the file is copied into the cfg directory.
  3. Start creating the wallet credentials:

  4. ./ -create
  5. Enter and confirm a user password for your jagent.username property.
    Please create a password for Java Agent: 
    Please confirm password for Java Agent: 
  6. Enter and confirm a user password for your monitor.jmx.username property.
    Please enter Monitor Server JMX password: 

  7. Please confirm Monitor Server JMX password: The system responds:Password is stored successfully

    This creates the file in the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME directory.

Creating an Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Management Plug-In Wallet

  1. Start creating the wallet credentials:

  2. ./ -jagentonly
  3. Enter and confirm a user password for your jagent.username property.
    Please create a password for Java Agent: 
    Please confirm password for Java Agent: 

    The system responds:

    Jan 06, 2014 5:17:22 PM start
    INFO: Jps initializing.
    Wallet is created successfully.

    This creates the wallet cwallet.sso and cwallet.sso.lck files in dirwlt in the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME directory.

Copy the SSL Certificate Files


This step is required only if the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent is running in SSL mode.

Go to the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/dircrt and copy the Keystore and Truststore files.

After copying the keystore and truststore files, do the following:

  1. Using the (or .bat, on Windows) utility, update the wallet with keystore and truststore passwords, as described in "Updating Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Passwords" .
  2. Update the jagent.keystore and jagent.truststore values in the file; for example:

Prepare the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance for Monitoring

  1. Create a file named GLOBALS in your Oracle GoldenGate home directory, if this file does not exist.
  2. Edit the GLOBALS file.
  3. Add ENABLEMONITORING on a new line.
  4. Close and save the file.
  5. Create the datastore using the CREATE DATASTORE command:


Start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent

Go to the Oracle GoldenGate Core GGSCI console, and start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent by executing the start jagent command:

GGSCI> start jagent

Check Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance Log Files

Once you have completed the preceding steps and Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent is running, the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent log details will be written to the ogg_agent.log file, which is in OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/logs.