6 Deinstalling Monitor Server

This chapter describes how to deinstall Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server. It contains these sections:

Stop the Servers

First, stop any running Oracle GoldenGate Monitor managed servers. and, if necessary, the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server.

To stop the Managed Server(s):

To stop the managed server, log in to the server, navigate to OGGMON_DOMAIN/bin or OGGMON_DOMAIN\bin on Windows, and enter the following command:

On Linux:

$ ./stopManagedWebLogic.sh MONITORSERVER_server1 

On Windows:

C:\path\to\bin> stopManagedWebLogic.cmd 


If you are stopping a managed server after stopping the administration server, you need to specify the managed server's URL in the stop script; for example (on Linux):

$ ./stopManagedWebLogic.sh MONITORSERVER_server1 t3://hostname:ManagedServerPort"

To stop the Administration Server:

You only need to stop the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server if your domain contains only the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor application and you plan to delete the domain.

To stop an Administration Server, log in to the server, navigate to DOMAIN_HOME/bin or DOMAIN_HOME\bin on Windows, and enter:

On Linux:

$ ./stopWebLogic.sh username password admin_url

On Windows

C:\path\to\bin>stopWebLogic.cmd username password admin_url

where admin_url is the URL to your Oracle WebLogic Administration Server console.

Drop the Repositories

Next, you must run the Repository Creation Unit (RCU) to drop the repositories you created during the repository creation stage described in Creating a Repository.

To drop repositories:

  1. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/ (ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin\ on Windows) and enter:

    On Linux:

    $ ./rcu.sh

    On Windows:"

    C:\path\to\bin> rcu.cmd

    The RCU Welcome screen appears.

  2. Click Next.

    The Create Repository screen appears.

  3. Select Drop Repository and click Next.

    The Database Connection Details appears.

  4. Enter the connection details for the database you are dropping and click Next.

    A confirmation window opens, verifying that the Global Prerequisites are implemented.

  5. Click OK.

    The Select Components screen appears.

  6. Click Next and continue through the RCU process, as described in Creating a Repository.

    After you click Close on the Completion Summary screen, the repository will be dropped.

Delete the WebLogic Domain

Next, you need to delete the WebLogic domain you created in Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Oracle Databases. To do this, simply delete the domain directory from your file system.

Uninstall Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

Finally, to complete the uninstall process, you need to uninstall Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

To uninstall Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server:

  1. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin (ORACLE_HOME\oui\bin on Windows) and enter

    On Linux:


    On Windows:


    The deinstallation program launches and the Welcome screen appears.

  2. Navigate through the deinstallation screens as described in the following table. For additional information on any of the deinstallation screens, click the screen name.
    Screen Description/Action


    This screen introduces you to the product deinstaller.

    Deinstallation Summary

    This screen shows the Oracle home directory and its contents that will be deinstalled. Verify that this is the correct directory.

    Click Deinstall to begin removing the software.

    Deinstallation Progress

    This screen shows the progress of the deinstallation.

    Deinstallation Complete

    This screen appears when the deinstallation is complete. Review the information on this screen then click Finish to dismiss the deinstaller.

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server is successfully removed from your system.