Step 4j: Create a regulatory document form (optional)

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Step 4j: Create a regulatory document form (optional)

A regulatory document form is a form that a monitor fills out when inspecting a site. For example, the regulatory document form might contain questions about whether a site has complied with documentation requirements such as the availability of the study protocol. You do not need to add this form to a visit. During deployment, a visit is created and this form is added to it.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Forms and Transactions (Forms and Transactions) button, and expand the InForm folder and the Forms folder, if necessary.
  2. Right-click the Non-Clinical folder, and select New Reg Docs Form.
  3. Enter a title, RefName, and description, and click OK.

    Tip Tip: A regulatory document form is not repeating by default, but you can mark it as repeating.

  4. Add a section to the form.
  5. Add an item to the section.
  6. Create a layout for your form:
    1. In the Project Explorer, select the form.
    2. Select the Layout tab, and click the Create Layout button in the middle of the page.

    By default, the layout for the form uses the study-level styles that you or your study administrator configured. If you want to change the form's appearance, or the appearance of one or more of its study objects, see Set the default appearance for a single form and its study objects (form-level styles) and Set the appearance of a single study object (control styles).

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