Change log

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Change log

Change Log


Revised part number


May 2020


In the Validation and deploy a study section, Step 3, updated the following topic to add guidance about deleting manual deployment packages:



In the Integrate InForm with Argus Safety section, updated the following topics to add guidance on sending causaility information from InForm to Argus.



In the Integrate InForm with Argus Safety section, updated the following topic to add guidance about searching for a Release Notes document in order to download the data mappings:



In the FAQs - Import and export section, updated the following topic to add guidance about working with in-place revisions:



In the FAQs - Rules section, removed the following topic:



Added the FAQs - Partial SDV section with the following topics to provide new information:



In the FAQs - Validation and deployment, Validation section, updated the following topics to add guidance about working with in-place revisions:



In the FAQs - Post-design activities, Decommissioning and archiving FAQs section, updated the Direct deployment records row in the following topic to add guidance about working with in-place revisions:



In the Option and property descriptions section, updated the following topic in the Setting up and administering a study, Study administration data section to clarify the descriptions and default values for the Partial SDV settings:



Added this Change log topic.

July 2019


Original version of this document.

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