View the history of an archive or report

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View the history of an archive or report

Why do this? If you need a detailed history of processing, downloading, and confirmation of the archive or report, follow this procedure.

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  1. On the Site Archives page, select an archive or history request checkbox or click anywhere on the row and the Request History appears below the request table. The information includes:
    • Request Name—The default or custom request name.
    • Available—Date and time when processing of the archive or report was complete, along with the user name of the site or sponsor user who created the request.
    • Confirmed—Date and time the site user shown confirmed the download of the archive or report the sponsor shared with the site. This information does not appear for site requests.
    • Deleted—Date and time the archive or report was deleted and the user who deleted it.
    • Download Log—The most recent three downloads. Click More to display the full list of downloads.
  2. To close the history section, click Request History.
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