Confirm you have downloaded and reviewed an archive or report shared by the sponsor

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Confirm you have downloaded and reviewed an archive or report shared by the sponsor

When do I do this? If a Confirm link appears in the Confirmation column of an archive or report it means that the sponsor wants you to confirm that you have downloaded the output and reviewed it.

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  1. Make sure that you have downloaded and reviewed the archive or report. The Confirm link does not appear on the Site Archives page until you have downloaded the shared-by-sponsor archive or report.
  2. Click Confirm.

    Tip Tip: If no Confirm link appears, the sponsor does not require you to confirm that you have downloaded the request or you do not have the right to confirm a download.

  3. On the Confirm Archival dialog, select the checkbox and click Submit.

The Confirm column and the Request History section of the Site Archives page show the date and time you confirmed the download.

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