Resubmit a failed request

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Resubmit a failed request

When do I do this? When a request fails, the status on the My Requests - Completed page becomes Failed. In many instances, resubmitting the request will correct the error.

Tip Tip: If available storage space is exceeded, requests will continue to fail. The status will be Failed-out of storage space. You can delete outdated or downloaded archives and reports.

  1. On the My Requests - Completed page, locate a request with a Failed status.
  2. Click the Request Name.

    On the Request Details page, the reason for failure appears in red in the State column:

    • Connector Failed—CRF Submit could not retrieve data from the InForm database.
    • DocGen Failed—CRF Submit could not store data in the form of a PDF.
    • Storage Failed—CRF Submit could not store generated data on the file system.
  3. For more information about the error, click the value in the State column.

    The error dialog box provides an error number, which you must provide if you contact Oracle Support about this problem.

  4. To dismiss the dialog box, click Ok.
  5. To return to the My Requests - Completed page, click Return.
  6. Before you notify Oracle Support, try resubmitting the request by selecting the checkbox of the failed request and clicking Resubmit.

    Tip Tip: If the Resubmit button does not appear, click anywhere else on the page and it will appear.

  7. Click OK. CRF Submit moves the request to the My Requests - Processing page.
    • When processing is complete, the request moves to the My Requests - Completed page and, if successful, the status changes to Complete.
    • If the PDF request fails again, note the reason for failure (see steps 2 and 3) and contact Oracle Support.
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