Defining breakdown by grouped values

If you click Grouped Values in the Breakdown Details window, the report will include a column or row for every group that you define. This option results in a static list of breakdown values that does not automatically adjust to changing source data.

Note: If there are more than 20,000 available values for the breakdown variable, you cannot use a breakdown by grouped values.

1.         In the Breakdown Details window, click Grouped Values.

2.         Next to the Groups field, click New.

A message asks for the new group's name.

3.         Enter a name for the new group, and click OK.

4.         To include a column or row to represent null (missing) values for the variable, check Include a category for Null values.

5.         From the All Values list, select values to include in the group.

  1. To highlight multiple non-contiguous values, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking each value.
  2. To highlight multiple contiguous values, click a value, hold down the Shift key, and click another value. Values between and including those values are highlighted.
  3. To remove highlighting from a value, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the selected value.
  4. To move values back and forth between the list of all values and the list of selected values, you can double-click a highlighted value or use the arrow keys as follows:


Use To

<move item to the right> button

Move highlighted values from the list of all values to the list of selected entries.

<move all items to the right> button

Move all values from the list of all values to the list of selected values.

<move item to the left> button

Move highlighted values from the list of selected values to the list of available values.

<move all items to the left> button

Move all values from the list of selected values to the list of available values.

6.         Create other groups and select values to be included in them. Make sure that each group includes at least one value.

7.         From the Breakdown values order field, select the breakdown values order:

A.        To sort the values in ascending order, click Sorted.

B.         To show values in the order in which they appear in the Selected Values list, click Listed order.

8.         To rename or delete groups, on the Breakdown Details dialog box to the right of the Groups box, click Rename or Delete.

9.         To include a column or row to represent null (missing) values for the variable, check Include a category for Null values.

10.      To include a column or row in the report to represent all selected values for the variable (including null values if Include a category for Null values is checked), check Include a category for ALL selected values. For reports that display percentages, the report must include a row or column for All.

Note: If a case is counted in multiple columns or rows, a count in the All column or row is not necessarily the same as the total of counts in other columns or rows of the report. Also, percentages in the columns or rows may add up to greater than 100 percent.

11.      To include a column or row for values that are not represented by any other columns, check Include a category for all unselected values.

12.      When you are satisfied with the groups and other options, click OK.

The Edit Definition page shows the selected values. Click Save to save your report definition so far.

Note: You cannot save the report definition if all groups are empty (that is, have no values in them). If some groups are empty, the report definition is saved and the empty groups are ignored.