Working with report graphs

1.         On the Display Report or the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.

The Choose Graph page appears. Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.

2.         Click the graph type.

  1. For information about aggregate bar graphs, see About aggregate bar graphs.
  2. For information about detail bar graphs, see About detail bar graphs.
  3. For information about box plots, see About box plots.
  4. For information about scatter plots, see About scatter plots.

The options page for the selected graph type appears.

3.         Specify the options for the selected graph type.

4.         Click Display.

The selected graph appears.

To print a graph:

1.         Click Print.

The Internet Explorer Print dialog box appears.

2.         Select print options. For more information, see Prerequisites and usage notes.

3.         Click Print.

To save the graph as an attachment to a topic:

Note: This option is available only if the Topics feature has been set up.

To copy a graph:

1.         At the bottom of the graph, click Copy to Clipboard.

2.         Open the document to which you want to add the graph(s), and Paste the graph into that document.