Viewing case details

When a case ID appears as a link anywhere in the application, you can click the link to drill down to case details. The Case Details dialog box provides information about the case, presented as a set of tables showing source data for the case. At a minimum, the following information appears:

There might also be additional information about reported outcomes, case report sources, narrative text, and so on.

If specified by the data configuration, a description of source data appears below the case details. For example: Source Data: AERS data as of 4th quarter 2004 from NTIS Public Release loaded on 2005-04-18.

Note: The application retrieves the data that appears as case details from the source data. Therefore, custom terms or values created by data transformations do not appear.

1.         Click a case ID.

The Case Details dialog box appears.

2.         If you have set your user preference to show a table of contents for case details, there is a Contents section at the top of the page. It includes links that you can click to jump to the various types of data on the page. (If the case has no data of that type, clicking the link has no effect.)

3.         To print case details, click Print.

4.         To download case details to an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Rich Text Format File, click Download.

5.         To save the case details as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic (available if the topics feature has been set up).

The Case Details dialog box might include a link at the top to go to a third-party application showing further information about the case.