Transferring cases to a case series

On pages and in reports that display a list of cases identified by case ID, you can transfer cases to an existing case series. You can also create a new case series containing the cases.

For timestamped data, when cases are transferred to a case series, the application uses the As Of date associated with the target case series to determine whether the cases are legitimate to add. For example, if the As Of date of the case series is 06/15/2010 and the case ID 1554 did not exist until 07/01/2010, if you try to add case ID 1554 to the case series, it is not added because it did not exist on 06/15/2010.

1.         When viewing a list of cases, click Transfer to Case Series. Alternatively, click a count (N) of cases in a table or click the element of a graph, and then click Transfer to Case Series from the row menu.

The Transfer to Case Series page appears.

Available case series are those that are based on data configurations that are compatible with that of the object you are viewing.

2.         Click the row for the case series that you want to select, and then click OK.

The application adds the case IDs to the case series if they were not already in it. A message states how many cases were added to the case series.

Note: It is possible, but not recommended, to transfer cases that do not meet query criteria to a query-based case series. If the query is executed again, the transferred cases are dropped if they do not meet the query criteria.