Creating a case series from drill-down information

On pages and in reports that display a list of cases identified by case ID, you can save the list of cases for future use. The named and saved list of cases is referred to as a case series. You can also transfer cases to an existing case series.

1.         When viewing a list of cases, click Create Case Series. Alternatively, click a count (N) of cases in a table or click an element of a graph, and then click Create Case Series from the row menu.

The Create Case Series page appears.

2.         In the Name field, type a name for the new case series. The name does not need to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you use a unique name.

3.         In the Description field, enter a description of the case series. A default description, which you can modify, might appear.

4.         To add the case series to a project, click Add to existing project and select the project from the drop-down list of projects associated with objects that you created or that are published to you.

5.         To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new project named and type a project name.

6.         Click Create.