Arranging table columns

For Empirica Signal pages that present information in a tabular format, you can:

On some pages, you can also filter rows in the table by specifying a SQL WHERE clause.

1.         Click Columns.

The Columns dialog box appears.

Note: If your user preference is set to allow a SQL WHERE clause on tabs, the link is Columns and Rows.

2.         To select columns that you want to include in the table, move them from the Available Columns list to the Selected Columns list. See Selecting entries.

For data mining results, you can check Show All Columns to list all possible columns in the Available Columns list. Otherwise, only columns that are considered most likely to be needed are in the Available Columns list.

If a table includes a lot of columns or the columns contain long values, the entire table may not fit across your browser window. Scroll to the right to see the rest of the table.

3.         To change the order in which columns display in a table, in the Selected Columns list, click the column name and:

  1. Click Up arrow to move the column up in the list.
  2. Click Down arrow to move the column down in the list.

4.         To move multiple columns, hold down the Ctrl key while you click the column names and then use the up or down arrows.

Note: For most tables, rows with empty cells appear first when you sort that column in ascending order, and last if you sort in descending order. On the Drug Overviews page, the Drug-Event Combinations page, and the Drug Comments page, empty columns are always displayed last, regardless of the sort order.

5.         If you want to replace your choices with the Empirica Signal defaults, click Reset. The table columns and sorting return to the default values.

6.         Specify the sort order.

If you sorted the table by clicking column headers, that sort order appears in the Column Name and Sort Order fields. Otherwise, the Column Sort Order fields are empty. To specify a sort order:

A.        From the Column Name drop-down lists, select a column name for up to three columns.

B.        From the Sort Order drop-down list, select Asc (ascending order: A-Z, 1-9) or Desc (descending order: Z-A, 9-1).

If the link was Columns and Rows (instead of Columns), you can specify a SQL WHERE clause to filter rows of the table. You can click Show Columns to insert variable names into the Where clause.

7.         Additional options may also appear for specific tables, or if you have specific user permissions. For example, for data mining results, you can check an option to use the current layout (table arrangement) as the default the first time you view results of any run of the same type and dimension.

8.         If you have the Administer Users permission, you have the option to make the current layout the default for all of the users in your login group. This replaces the default table layout supplied by the application with your current layout for any user who has not yet arranged that table.

9.         Click OK.

For your username (and across your Empirica Signal sessions), the application saves your arrangement of columns and rows and uses it as a default for the specific table, until you change the arrangement.

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