Drug Comments page

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Comments can be added to drug-event combinations when you are documenting your review for one or multiple combinations.

For each drug, the Drug Comments page shows the count of each different comment type that has been entered for that drug in combination with any event. Only the most recently entered comment for each drug-event combination is included in each count.

If the signal configuration is integrated with topics, the Drug Comments page shows the count, per drug, of topics associated with drug-event combinations in each different topic workflow state.  

If the signal configuration has the private comments feature set up, counts appear for either public comments added by any user or the private comments that you have entered. Only the most recently entered comment, either public or private as selected, for each drug-event combination is included in the count. (For a superuser, the counts of private comments include only the most recent private comments you personally entered, not private comments entered by any user.)

You can also view all or a subset of the detailed comments entered for a drug from the Drug Comments page.

General activities

The following filters appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page.

You can limit the drugs that appear in the table by using the filters. You can set user preferences for default values to appear in the Group, Reviewer, and Drug filters. If you select a drug Group, the Reviewer and Drug filters are affected as follows:

To include all drugs, in the Group, Reviewer, or Drug filters, select —.  You can also specify None.

The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:

You can set your user preference, Allow SQL WHERE Clause on Signals Tab, to allow use of a SQL WHERE clause to restrict the rows that appear on the page. If this preference is checked, the Columns and Rows link replaces the Columns link.

If you use a SQL WHERE clause to restrict the rows that appear on the page, refer to the names of columns in the underlying database table, which might not be the same as the column names that appear on the page. To include a column in the SQL WHERE clause, click Show Columns in the Columns and Rows dialog box and click the column name.

The following links appear at the top of the page when the page is in the Select Rows mode. The links affect the selected drug comments:

The following options appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:

If Signal Management is integrated with Topics:

If Signal Management is not integrated with Topics:

If Signal Management supports private comments:

Row-specific activities

The View Comments menu option is available from the row menu, located in the left column of the table, and affects an individual row in the table. It allows you to see the detailed comments for combinations involving a particular drug. 

Field descriptions—Drug Comments page




Drug name.


Group name associated with the drug in the drug.

Comment:No Comment

The number of drug-event combinations that include the drug and do not have a comment.

If a drug-event combination had a comment and the comment was cleared, the combination is considered to have no comment.


The number of drug-event combinations that include the drug and have this type of comment. To determine the count, only the (public or private) comment attached most recently to a drug-event combination is used.

Topic:No Topic

The number of drug-event combinations that include the drug and do not have an associated topic.


The number of drug-event combinations that include the drug and have an associated topic in this state.