Adding a topic action

1.         Click the Topics tab

The Topics page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a topic, and then click Edit.

The Topic page appears.

3.         In the Topic Actions section of the Topic page, click Add Topic Action.

The Add Topic Action dialog box appears.

4.         Specify values for the fields.

The fields listed below are standard fields that might appear with the same or different field names.



Action name

Identifying name for the action (required).

Action description

Description of the action.

Action state

The progress of the action in the workflow. Action states are defined by your organization to represent expected workflow stages and are specified in the topic workflow configuration.

Assigned to user

User to whom the action is assigned. By default, an action that you add is assigned to you. If you assign it to a different user, that user can view or act on the action.

The users in the drop-down list are users in all of the work teams that you belong to, and to which the topic (as a whole) is visible.

Planned completion date

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) when the action is expected to be complete. Used to produce the Topics by Action Due Date report.

Actual completion date

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) when the action was completed. Used to produce the Topics by Action Due Date report.

Additional, custom fields might also appear.

5.         Click Save.

The action is created and appears in the Topic Actions section of the Topic page.

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