Sections of the Topics page

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On the Topic page, you can view and edit topic information. The page includes sections in which you can view general information about the topic, topic links, comments, attachments, actions, and history. When the page is in Edit mode, you can also perform activities based on your permissions and topic workflow configuration.

To expand the sections on this page, click Show All, or click Expand icon for a single section. To hide section details, click Collapse icon for a section or click Hide All.




Available actions

Topic General Information

Displays the current field values that describe a topic:

  • The fields might be read-only, editable, or required. If a field is required, an asterisk (*) appears next to it and you cannot save the topic until you provide a value for the field.
  • Each field accepts text, numeric, or date values, or provides a list of predefined values that you can select. If a value is not required in the field, you can select (a blank value) to indicate no value for the field. A field that accepts text may also offer a Select Available Values link so you can select one or more values from a list.
  • Arrow icons may appear after the names of a pair of fields to show that they are a linked pair. For example, if fields for MedDRA SOC (Linked pair icon) and MedDRA HLGT (Linked pair icon) appear, the arrows indicate that you must select a value for the MedDRA SOC field first and then select a value for the MedDRA HLGT field. You cannot select an HLGT value first: the values available for HLGT depend on the SOC you select.
  • The Visible to work teams field displays a comma-separated list of work teams whose members can use the topic. When the page is in the edit mode, it appears as a list.
  • In edit mode, to save changes to the Topic General Information section, click Save. Saved changes are shown as entries in the History of Topic General Information section.

Note: The Save button affects only the Topic General Information section of the topic. You do not need to click Save after you work with other sections of this page.


Topic Links

Displays information about the topics that are linked to a topic. When the page is in edit mode, you can click Add Topic Link to select a topic and link it to this one. For each linked topic, you can click Remove Link or View details about the linked topic.

A set of filters appear for the section, determined by the Filter attribute on the Topic context fields in the Workflow Configuration. These might include some or all of the following, plus filters customized for your organization:

  • ProjectIncludes projects that contain the linked topics.
  • Current stateIncludes current topic states of the linked topics.
  • Assigned to userIncludes names of users currently assigned to the linked topics.
  • NameIncludes names for the linked topics.


Remove Link




Topic Comments

Displays each comment added to the topic. When in the edit mode, you can click Add Topic Comment to add a comment. You cannot modify or remove a comment.

Note: This section appears only if your topic workflow configuration allows topic comments.


Topic Attachments

Displays information about each item attached to the topic. Your topic workflow configuration determines the types of attachments you can add, such as files, URLs, free-text notes, or Empirica Signal objects. When in the edit mode, you can click Add Topic Attachment to add a document-style attachment (for example, file, URL, or note).


View Source Details







Topic Actions

Displays a list of each specific activity identified for the topic. Actions may reflect research activities, such as literature searches and scheduled meetings, or any other activity you wish to track for the topic. In the edit mode, you can click Add Topic Action to add an action, or click Row menu to edit, add attachments, or add comments.







History of Topic General Information

Displays information on changes that have taken place for the topic. A new row is added to the table each time you click Save in the Topic General Information section.




Field descriptions—Topic General Information

Depending on your organization’s workflow configuration, the following fields appear in this section.



Visible to work team(s)

The work team or teams whose members can view or act on the topic. You can click Browse to select a work team from a descriptive list.

Topic name

Name of the topic.

Current state

State of the topic in the topic workflow. States are specified in the topic workflow configuration to represent your organization's expected workflow for topics.

A topic may require all of its associated actions to be in a final state before you can assign a final state to the topic itself. In this case, a message appears if you try to assign a final state to the topic with actions that are not in a final state.

Assigned to user

User to whom the topic is assigned. By default, a topic that you add is assigned to you. If you assign the topic to a different user, that user can view or act on the topic, depending on his or her work team permissions.


Free text that you can use to filter the topics that appear in a table, or to search for a topic. There might be many keywords included for the topic.

If another user edits the same topic at the same time, the first one to save the topic will have their changes saved. The second user will get an error indicating the topic has been changed since the edit session began.In some cases, the General Information section of the page becomes visible, allowing the user to print or take a screen shot, so that the information can be re-entered.