Linking topics

When you edit a topic, you can add a cross-reference from that topic to another topic by adding a topic link. After you link two topics, information about the link appears in the Topic Links section when you view or edit either of the topics.

Note: Your topic workflow configuration defines whether you can link a topic to any other topic, or only to topics that are currently in a final state such as Closed.

1.         Click the Topics tab.

The Topics page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the topic, and then click Edit.

The Topic page appears.

3.         In the Topic Links section, click Add Topic Link.

The Add Topic Link dialog box appears, listing all available topics.

4.         Optionally, limit the display using the lists that appear above the table. For example, select a project or enter a keyword to list only topics that match the specified project or keyword.

5.         Click the radio button of the row for the topic that you want to select.

6.         Click OK.

The Topic page appears. The selected topic appears in the Topic Links section.

To remove a link:

1.         Click the Topics tab.

The Topics page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the topic, and then click Edit.

The Topic page appears.

3.         In the Topic Links section, click Remove Link.

4.         To the message asking if you want to remove the link, click OK.