Making a topic visible to a work team

A work team is a group of Empirica Signal users who have an interest in a set of topics. When a topic is made visible to a work team, the members of that team can view the topic and any actions defined for it. The topic and its individual actions can also be assigned to different members of the work team. Users with appropriate work team permissions can then edit the topic or action in addition to viewing it.

1.         Click the Topics tab.

The Topics page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a topic, and then click Edit.

The Edit Topic page appears with a set of fields for topic-related information. The specific fields that appear depend on your topic workflow configuration.

3.         Next to the Visible to work team field, click Browse.

The Browse Work Teams dialog box appears and provides information about each work team for which you have the edit topics/actions permission, in a table that might include these standard columns:




The name of the work team.


Descriptive text about the work team.

Login Group

The name of the login group. Each work team is a subset of a login group.

All Users

Yes, if all users in the login group are members of the work team.  

No, if users have been individually added to the work team.


The full name and Empirica Signal username of each member of the work team.

Blank, if all users in the login group are members of the work team.

Created By

Name of the user who created the work team.


Date and time when the work team was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the work team.


Date and time when the work team was last modified.

The table may also include columns for custom fields added by your organization.

4.         Click the radio button of the row for the work team that you want to select.

5.         Click OK.

The Add Topic page appears with the selected work team in the Visible to work team drop-down list.

For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.

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