Create the file 12c

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Create the file 12c

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Navigate to the $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/bin directory. For example:


  2. Start the Node Manager by executing the following command:

    $ ./ <listen_address> 5556

    where <listen_address> is the value you entered in Create and configure WebLogic domain 12c.

  3. When the <secure socket listener started on port 5556> message appears in the Console, press Ctrl+C.

    The Node Manager stops.

  4. Navigate to the $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/empirica/nodemanager directory. For example:


  5. Review the file:
    1. Edit the file. For example:

      $ vi

    2. Set the values of the following properties to true:
      • SecureListener

        Note: For a non-SSL environment, set this property to false.

      • weblogic.StopScriptEnabled
      • weblogic.StartScriptEnabled
  6. Save the file, then exit the vi editor.
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