Start WebLogic and the Node Manager

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Start WebLogic and the Node Manager

  1. Navigate to the $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/bin directory using a command such as the following:

    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/Middleware12c/user_projects/domains/ empirica/bin

  2. Execute the following command:

    $ nohup ./ &

  3. To restart the administration server, execute the following command:

    $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &

  4. Verify that the Node Manager can be reached:
    1. In an Internet browser, enter the URL for the WebLogic Administration Console, such as the following:


    2. Log in using the WebLogic administrator credentials.
    3. In the left pane, expand Environment and select Machines.

      The Summary of Machines page appears.

    4. In the list of machines, select SignalMachine.

      The Settings for SignalMachine page appears.

    5. Select the Monitoring tab.
    6. Confirm that the status is Reachable.

      If the status is Inactive, the Node Manager is not running.

  5. Start Managed Servers using the Node Manager:
    1. In an Internet browser, enter the URL for the WebLogic Administration Console, such as the following::


    2. Log in using the WebLogic administrator credentials.
    3. In the left pane, expand Environment and select Servers.
    4. Select the Control tab.
    5. Select SignalServer and TopicsServer, and click Start.
    6. Click Yes.
  6. Apply the JRF Template to the Managed Server:
    1. In an Internet browser, enter the URL for the Oracle Enterprise Manager, such as the following:


    2. Log in using the WebLogic administrator credentials.
    3. In the left pane, click the navigation icon and expand Weblogic Domain.
    4. Expand empirica and select the SignalServer.
    5. Click the Lock icon and select Lock & Edit.
    6. At the top of the page, click Apply JRF Template.
    7. Click the Lock icon and select Activate Changes.
    8. In the left pane, click the navigation icon and expand WebLogic Domain.
    9. Expand empirica and select the TopicsServer.
    10. Click the Lock icon and select Lock & Edit.
    11. At the top of the page, click Apply JRF Template.
    12. Click the Lock icon and select Activate Changes.
  7. Restart the SignalServer and TopicsServer managed servers:
    1. In an Internet browser, enter the URL for the WebLogic Administration Console, such as the following:


    2. Log in using the WebLogic administrator credentials.
    3. In the left pane, expand Environment and select Servers.

      The Summary of Servers page appears.

    4. Select the Control tab.
    5. From the list of servers, select SignalServer and TopicsServer.
    6. From the Shutdown drop-down list, select Force Shutdown Now.
    7. After the states of the SignalServer and TopicsServer change to Shutdown, select the checkboxes for SignalServer and TopicsServer in the table, and click Start.
    8. In the left panel, expand Environment and select Coherence Clusters.
    9. In the right panel, click the defaultCoherenceCluster link.
    10. Click the Members tab and check if any server is part of the cluster.

      If such servers exist, uncheck their corresponding checkbox to remove them from the cluster.

      Note: To do this, you may need to click Lock & Edit in the left panel.

    11. Click Activate Changes.
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