Refine a query to create a database restriction or custom term


Selecting values

Matching a text string

Specifying ranges

Specifying report IDs

To refine a query to create a database restriction or custom term, you specify values for variables that are included in the query.

1.         From the Select Query from Library page, select the query and click Next.

2.         Specify values for query variables.

If all operators in the query are the same; that is, they are all AND, all OR, all INTERSECT, or all UNION, you do not need to specify values for every variable. If you do not specify a value for a variable and you clear Include Null values for the variable, then the application ignores that variable. If any operators differ, you need to specify values for all query variables.

The way in which you specify values depends on the type of variable.  For more information, see Selecting query variables.

3.         To include null (empty) values along with the other values that you specify for a variable, check Include Null values. For more information, including how the NOT operator works if you include null values, see Specifying query logic.

4.         Click OK.

Selecting values

·        If the Select <hierarchy> Terms link appears for a variable, click it to select terms from the hierarchy. For example, if an event variable is associated with a MedDRA version and your user preference, Enable Adverse Event Hierarchy Browser, is checked, you can click Select MedDRA Terms.

·        To select values from a list, click Select Available Values.

·        To refer to a saved list of terms, click Select Saved List. You can specify a saved list that uses the same data configuration as the query.

·        To type the terms, review the rules in Typing values in text boxes.

Note: To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, Oracle recommends that you select rather than type values.

·        To look up a drug name for a drug variable, click Trade/Generic Lookup. You can find the generic name for a drug (if you only know its trade name) or vice versa. (This link is available if the data configuration's source data included trade name-generic name mapping.)

Matching a text string

If the options Contains, Starts with, Ends with, or Equals appear for a variable, enter a text string and click a radio button to indicate the type of matching. You can also check Ignore capitalization to retrieve matching values regardless of upper or lower case.

Specifying ranges

For numeric or date variables, specify a range by entering values in the From and To fields. Values equal to or greater than the From value and equal to or less than the To value are found. If you leave the From field empty, there is no lower bound. If you leave the To field empty, there is no upper bound.

Enter date values in the format appropriate for your locale or use the calendar icon to select a date. The application uses the Oracle TO_DATE function to change the entered date to an Oracle date. For example, if you enter 03/26/2008 in the From field for the FDA_DATE variable, in the SQL generated, FDA_DATE >= to_date('2008-03-26 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss').

If you do not specify a time, the time is considered to be midnight of the specified date.

Note: If a date variable is stored as a text field in the Oracle database, you can search for it as you would search for any text string.

Specifying report IDs

For a variable specified with the type Report ID in the data configuration, you can enter a string of report IDs separated by commas.