E_Person (universal) - COCT_RM030200HT04
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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5.50 E_Person (universal) - COCT_RM030200HT04

This section contains the following topics:

5.50.1 Introduction
5.50.2 RMIM
5.50.3 Referenced CMETs
5.50.4 Links to Artifacts

5.50.1 Introduction

The E_Person (universal) CMET specifies information about a Person including Roles played/scoped (guarantors, contacts, and next of kin), identifications (social security number, driver's license number, and so on), primary care providers, and Language abilities/preferences.

The Person Entity represents any person. Note that certain EMPI (Enterprise Master Person Index) functions (For example: linking and deduplication) require a minimum set of Person attributes and asssociations. For more information, refer to Implementing Enterprise Master Person Index in the Oracle Healthcare Data Repository Implementation Guide, and the Oracle Healthcare Transaction Base JavaDoc.

5.50.2 RMIM

The following figure shows the E_Person (universal) RMIM:

E_Person (universal) RMIM

Figure: 5.50.2-1 E_Person (universal) RMIM

See Full-size Image

5.50.3 Referenced CMETs

5.50.4 Links to Artifacts

Table 5.50.4-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File coct_rm030200ht04.vsd
Visio XML File


Hierarchical Message Description (HMD)


Schema coct_mt030200ht04.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) coct_mt030200ht04.mif



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