R_Device (universal) - COCT_RM040005HT02
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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5.60 R_Device (universal) - COCT_RM040005HT02

This section contains the following topics:

5.60.1 Introduction
5.60.2 RMIM
5.60.3 Referenced CMETs
5.60.4 Links to Artifacts

5.60.1 Introduction

The R_Device message element type captures Device information that is relevant to device related adverse event and product reporting. This includes information about items related to the device, and it's manufacture and sales such as the manufacturer, regulatory authority, and location of the device.

A device, in this context, refers to a manufactured item that is used directly in treating and/or caring for the patient. The model captures information about devices by using one class, Device, to capture descriptive information directly related to the particular device, and another, DeviceModel, to capture information related to the kind of device.

This CMET is with HL7 Normative Edition 2006 R_Drug CMET.

5.60.2 RMIM

The following figure shows the R_Device (universal) RMIM:

R_Device (universal) RMIM

Figure: 5.60.2-1 R_Device (universal) RMIM

See Full-size Image

5.60.3 Referenced CMETs

5.60.4 Links to Artifacts

Table 5.60.4-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File coct_rm040005ht02.vsd
Visio XML File COCT_MT040005HT02.xml
Hierarchical Message Description (HMD)


Schema coct_mt040005ht02.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) coct_mt040005ht02.mif



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