Registry Control Act Wrapper - MFMI_RM700700HT03
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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3.5 Registry Control Act Wrapper - MFMI_RM700700HT03

This section contains the following topics:

3.5.1 Introduction
3.5.2 RMIM
3.5.3 Referenced CMETs
3.5.4 Links to Artifacts

3.5.1 Introduction

The Registry Control Act Wrapper is the event wrapper for person and staff registration messages. It contains the information associated with the trigger event and the registration event. This wrapper contains the same information as the ControlAct Wrapper with the addition of the registration act, which is used to communicate the type of registry and the dates and times that a person or staff member was associated with this registry. The registration event is added to support the participation and maintenance of the IdentifiedEntity (Person), the EmploymentStaff (staff member), and the SubsumedBy (Person Merge/Unmerge) Roles.

The Registry Control Act wraps all messages where the focal class is a Role specialization.The version 6 HTB Registry Control Act Wrapper is consistent with the new class name referred by the new message wrapper.

There are some classes with attributes which have notes specific to HDR Implementation:.

  1. R_AssignedEntity is added as target role for author participation along with R_EmploymentStaff. This will facilitate the user to have person,device or an organization with a particular responsibility assigned by another organization, as author of controlActEvent.
  2. The targetRole for dataEnterer participation is changed from R_AssignedDevice to R_AssignedEntity CMET. This will facilitate the user to represent a person as well as an organization with a particular responsibility assigned by another organization as an as dataEnterer.

Table Registry Control Act Wrapper: Attributes with HDR Implementation Specific Comments

SI. No Class Name Attribute Implementation Specific Comments
1 ControlActProcess code A mandatory code specifying the particular trigger event that the Registry Control Act Process instance represents.

3.5.2 RMIM

The following figure diagrams the Registry Control Act Wrapper RMIM:

Registry Control Act Wrapper RMIM

Figure: 3.5.2-1 Registry Control Act Wrapper RMIM

See Full-size Image

3.5.3 Referenced CMETs

3.5.4 Links to Artifacts

Table 3.5.4-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File mfmi_rm700700ht03.vsd
Visio XML File mfmi_rm700700ht03.xml
Hierarchical Message Description (HMD)


Schema mfmi_mt700700ht03.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) mfmi_mt700700ht03.mif



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