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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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4 Message Domains

This section provides design documentation for all HL7 V3 Message Domains that are supported by HDR Version 7.

4.1 Admit Request - PRPA_RM440001HT02
4.2 Bed Status Observation Event - PRPA_RM460001HT03
4.3 CDA Document - POCD_RM000040HT01
4.4 Clinical Document Message - POCD_RM000002HT02
4.5 Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report - PORT_RM030001HL02
4.6 Condition Problem - POPR_RM930000HT02
4.7 Detailed Financial Transaction - FIAB_RM020000HT02
4.8 Diagnostic Report Observation Event - POXX_RM112000HT02
4.9 Diet Request - PODI_RM941000HT03
4.10 Discharge Request - PRPA_RM450001HT02
4.11 Encounter Appointment - PRPA_RM410001HT02
4.12 Encounter Event - PRPA_RM400001HT04
4.13 Individual Case Safety Report (Adverse Event Report) - PORR_RM040001HT01
4.14 Intolerance Observation Event - PRPA_RM470001HT03
4.15 Medication Supply Event - POSA_RM940100HT02
4.16 Notifiable Condition (Case Report) - PORR_RM100001HT02
4.17 Observation Event - POXX_RM110000HT03
4.18 Observation Order - POXX_RM120000HT04
4.19 Patient Referral Request - REPC_RM002000HT02
4.20 Person Merge - PRPA_RM203000HT04
4.21 Person Registry - PRPA_RM201000HT03
4.22 Person Unmerge - PRPA_RM204000HT02
4.23 Procedure Order - POXX_RM130000HT04
4.24 Result Event - POLB_RM004000HT01
4.25 Specimen Observation Event - POXX_RM111000HT02
4.26 Specimen Observation Order - POXX_RM121000HT03
4.27 Staff Registry - MFPM_RM010000HT03
4.28 Substance Administration Event - POSA_RM920100HT02
4.29 Substance Administration Order - POSA_RM920000HT03
4.30 Supply Request (Order) - POSP_RM940000HT03
4.31 Transfer Request - PRPA_RM302001HT02


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