Medication Supply Event - POSA_RM940100HT02
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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4.15 Medication Supply Event - POSA_RM940100HT02

This section contains the following topics:

4.15.1 Introduction
4.15.2 RMIM
4.15.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events
4.15.4 Interactions
4.15.5 Referenced CMETs
4.15.6 Links to Artifacts

4.15.1 Introduction

The Medication Supply Event RMIM represents the verified dispense of medications by a pharmacist, pharmacy technician or device for use by a particular patient. Medication Supply Events do not include the dispense of non-drug supply of items or items not intended to be administered to a patient.

4.15.2 RMIM

The following figure diagrams the Medication Supply Event RMIM:

Medication Supply Event RMIM

Figure: 4.15.2-1 Medication Supply Event RMIM

See Full-size Image

4.15.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events

The list of trigger events follows:

Table 4.15.3-1 Medication Supply Event - Trigger Events
Begin State End State Trigger ID Trigger Event
active active POSP_TE000112 Revise active Medication Supply Event
active completed POSP_TE000102 Complete Medication Supply Event
active nullified POSP_TE000105 Nullify Medication Supply Event
completed completed POSP_TE000110 Revise completed Medication Supply Event
completed nullified POSP_TE000105 Nullify Medication Supply Event
null active POSP_TE000101 Activate Medication Supply Event
null completed POSP_TE000102 Complete Medication Supply Event

4.15.4 Interactions

The list of Interactions follows:

Table 4.15.4-1 Medication Supply Event - Interactions
Interaction ID Trigger Event Transmission Wrapper Control Act Wrapper
POSP_IN000101 POSP_TE000101 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
POSP_IN000102 POSP_TE000102 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
POSP_IN000105 POSP_TE000105 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
POSP_IN000110 POSP_TE000110 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
POSP_IN000112 POSP_TE000112 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01

4.15.5 Referenced CMETs

4.15.6 Links to Artifacts

Table 4.15.6-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File posa_rm940100ht02.vsd
Visio XML File posa_rm940100ht02.xml
Hierarchical Message Description (HMD) posa_hd940100ht02.xls
Schema posa_mt940100ht02.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) posa_mt940100ht02.mif
Side Effect Configuration Spreadsheet (for use in WebADI) posa_mt940100ht02.csv
Interaction Schemas posp_in000101.xsd



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