Patient Referral Request - REPC_RM002000HT02
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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4.19 Patient Referral Request - REPC_RM002000HT02

This section contains the following topics:

4.19.1 Introduction
4.19.2 RMIM
4.19.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events
4.19.4 Interactions
4.19.5 Referenced CMETs
4.19.6 Links to Artifacts

4.19.1 Introduction

The Patient Referral Request RMIM is used for referrals of patients from one health care provider to another, for example, general practitioner to specialist. The Care Provision Request message specification provides a means to pass information about the Person who is the subject (patient), clinical information that constitutes the reason for the request, as well as other relevant clinical information required to be passed to the provider taking over responsibility for care of the Patient. The specific array of data elements that is passed depends on the reason for the referral. The author participant is the provider requesting a referral, and the performer Participation is the provider being asked to take responsibility for the care of the Patient.

Implementation Constraint on this Model

The clinicalStatementChoice object in the RMIM represents a collection of Acts that can be assembled in a message instance to represent clinical information about the Patient that is relevant to the referral. Once such participation is participant with typeCode as ParticipationType. An optional set of Participations of the ClinicalStatementChoice with Patients, or Persons, Devices, or Organizations, or Mutual Relationships representing participations that cannot be represented with one of the more specific participations

Please note that this participation must not be used to represent any of the participations that are already explicitly included as ClinicalStatementChoice participations in this model. Consequently, this participation may be of any participation type except subject, recordTarget, performer, author, verifier, dataEnterer or informant.

4.19.2 RMIM

The following figure diagrams the Patient Referral Request RMIM:

Patient Referral Request RMIM

Figure: 4.19.2-1 Patient Referral Request RMIM

See Full-size Image

4.19.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events

The list of trigger events follows:

Table 4.19.3-1 Patient Referral Request - Trigger Events
Begin State End State Trigger ID Trigger Event
aborted nullified REPC_TE002005 Care Provision Request Nullify
active aborted REPC_TE002003 Care Provision Request Abort
active active REPC_TE002003 Care Provision Request Abort
active active REPC_TE002012 Care Provision Request Revise Active
active completed REPC_TE002002 Care Provision Request Complete
active nullified REPC_TE002005 Care Provision Request Nullify
active suspended REPC_TE002004 Care Provision Request Suspend
completed completed REPC_TE002010 Care Provision Request Revise Completed
completed nullified REPC_TE002005 Care Provision Request Nullify
new active REPC_TE002003 Care Provision Request Abort
null aborted REPC_TE002002 Care Provision Request Complete
null active REPC_TE002001 Care Provision Request Activate
null completed REPC_TE002002 Care Provision Request Complete
suspended aborted REPC_TE002003 Care Provision Request Abort
suspended active REPC_TE002011 Care Provision Request Resume
suspended nullified REPC_TE002005 Care Provision Request Nullify
suspended suspended REPC_TE002009 Care Provision Request Revise Suspended

4.19.4 Interactions

The list of Interactions follows:

Table 4.19.4-1 Patient Referral Request - Interactions
Interaction ID Trigger Event Transmission Wrapper Control Act Wrapper
REPC_IN002001 REPC_TE002001 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002002 REPC_TE002002 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002003 REPC_TE002003 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002004 REPC_TE002004 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002005 REPC_TE002005 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002009 REPC_TE002009 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002010 REPC_TE002010 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002011 REPC_TE002011 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01
REPC_IN002012 REPC_TE002012 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01

4.19.5 Referenced CMETs

4.19.6 Links to Artifacts

Table 4.19.6-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File repc_rm002000ht02.vsd
Visio XML File repc_rm002000ht02.xml
Hierarchical Message Description (HMD)


Schema repc_mt002000ht02.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) repc_mt002000ht02.mif
Side Effect Configuration Spreadsheet (for use in WebADI) repc_mt002000ht02.csv
Interaction Schemas repc_in002001.xsd


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