Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report - PORT_RM030001HL02
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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4.5 Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report - PORT_RM030001HL02

This section contains the following topics:

4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 RMIM
4.5.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events
4.5.4 Interactions
4.5.5 Referenced CMETs
4.5.6 Links to Artifacts

4.5.1 Introduction

The Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report RMIM is used for communicating clinical trials laboratory result information. The model represents the administrative aspects of a clinical trial (protocols, trials, sites, investigators, subjects and study events), and the information requirements for representing the laboratory observations generated during the conduct of a clinical trial. It also represents the set of actions that define an experiment to assess the effectiveness and/or safety of a biopharmaceutical product (food, drug, device and so on). In the event mood, this designates the aggregate Act of applying the actions to one or more subjects.

Default Values

For HDR conformance, it is expected that the following values have been defaulted prior to the receipt of the message by the Inbound Message Processor. This must be done by either the source system or the message transport mechanism (Interface Engine).

Attribute Default
component/trialAtSite/component/investigatorAtSite/component/subjectAssignment/ component/studyEvent/component/accession/component/baseSpecimenDefinition/subject/ baseSpecimen/productOf/specimenCollection/pertinentInformation2/pertinentAgeAtVisit/code 000817/HDR Supplemental
component/trialAtSite/component/investigatorAtSite/component/subjectAssignment/ component/studyEvent/component/accession/component/baseSpecimenDefinition/subject/ baseSpecimen/productOf/specimenCollection/pertinentInformation1/pertinentFastingStatus/code 001818/HDR Supplemental

4.5.2 RMIM

The following figure diagrams the Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report RMIM:

Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report RMIM

Figure: 4.5.2-1 Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report RMIM

See Full-size Image

4.5.3 State Transitions/Trigger Events

The list of trigger events follows:

Table 4.5.3-1 Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report - Trigger Events
Begin State End State Trigger ID Trigger Event
    PORT_TE010001 Clinical Trial Agreed Transmission Criterion Attained

4.5.4 Interactions

The list of Interactions follows:

Table 4.5.4-1 Clinical Trial Laboratory Observation Periodic Report - Interactions
Interaction ID Trigger Event Transmission Wrapper Control Act Wrapper
PORT_IN010001 PORT_TE010001 MCCI_MT000100HT04 MCAI_MT700200HT01

4.5.5 Referenced CMETs

4.5.6 Links to Artifacts

Table 4.5.6-1 Links to Artifacts
Artifacts Link
Visio File port_rm030001hl02.vsd
Visio XML File port_rm030001hl02.xml
Hierarchical Message Description (HMD) port_hd030001hl02.xls
Schema port_mt030001hl02.xsd
Model Interchange Files (MIF) port_mt030001hl02.mif
Side Effect Configuration Spreadsheet (for use in WebADI) port_mt030001hl02.csv
Interaction Schemas port_in010001.xsd



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