API Level Validations and Errors

The API level parameter validations executed by Create Export Definition endpoint.:

Most API level validations require corrections before the export definition is saved. Following are some warning messages that are returned in the Create File Export Definition response. In these cases the export definition is saved without the parameters identified in the warning messages.

Table %s 1. Warnings Returned in Response
Error Message Validation Logic/Error Condition JSON Property
Problem converting line {0} from BED file {1} to valid name, start position, end position. See parsing information BED File Information bedFileNameUploadService
For bed file [{0}] cannot find chromosome id for chromosome names [{1}] See parsing information BED File Information bedFileNameUploadService

The following errors should be corrected before the export definition can be saved.

Table %s 2. Errors to be Fixed
Error Message Validation Logic/Error Condition JSON Property
BED file not found: {0} Check that the BED file exists in the file upload directory specified in the upload services bedFileNameUploadService
Problem reading BED file, IOException occurred: {0} IOException bedFileNameUploadService
No valid genomic positions found in BED file: {0} Check that genomic positions were read from the BED file bedFileNameUploadService
No valid chromosome names were picked up from the BED file: {0} Check that chromosome names were parsed from the BED file bedFileNameUploadService
No chromosome names picked up from BED file {0} were found in the database: [{1}] Make sure chromosome IDs exist for chromosome names found in the BED file. bedFileNameUploadService
Cannot find FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION. Check that FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION is configured in upload services bedFileNameUploadService
No valid genes found Genes specified in query criteria not found queryCriteria
No valid alignments found Alignments specified in query criteria not found queryCriteria
Invalid results for bucket [{0}] and object [{1}] The upload service bucket name and/or object name not specified correctly bedFileNameUploadService
A single service provider id was not found for [{0}] Looking up the service provider ID produced no results or more than one result. Only one result is expected. serviceProviderIdentifier
Invalid Alignment Id Alignment lookup failed alignmentId
Invalid Named Query Cannot find named query queryName
Invalid Gene Hugo Name Invalid gene name geneHugoNames
Invalid Geneset id Invalid geneset geneSetIds
Invalid pathway Invalid pathway pathwayNames
Invalid specimen id for ODB Invalid specimen ID specimenIdsOdb
Invalid specimen id for CDM Invalid specimen ID specimenIdsCdm
Invalid Study Name Invalid study name studyNames
Invalid Patient List Id Invalid list ID patientSubjectCohortListId
Invalid row wid for patient identifier Invalid patient ID patientSubjectId
Invalid row wid for subject identifier Invalid subject ID patientSubjectId
Cannot specify a bed file and genomic position. It's one or the other or none. BED file or genomic position bedFileNameUploadService, genomicPosition
Alignment must not be null Alignment must exist alignmentId
Invalid context Context must be PATIENT or SUBJECT context
Invalid chromosome A genomic position must have a chromosome identifier defined genomicPosition
Only one cohort id source can be specified Only one of the following properties can be defined:
  • queryCriteria

  • queryName

  • patientSubjectCohortListId

  • patientSubjectId

queryCriteria, queryName, patientSubjectCohortListId, patientSubjectId

Error Message Error Condition
Unable to submit job for export id [{0,number,#}] Most likely a database problem submitting a job
Unable to get status for job id [{0,number,#}] Most likely a database problem getting job status
Error with export def id [{0,number,#}]. The message for error code [{1}] could not be found. Internal error - no error message found