Error Messages

The following table describes the different error messages for the OHTR REST APIs.

Category Error Message Validation Logic/Error Condition
Variant APIs Prediction Type supplied is not valid Provide a valid Prediction Type
  Prediction Code is either not valid or does not correspond to the Prediction Type Check the Prediction code and Prediction Type supplied
  Genewid is not supplied Provide Gene Identifier in the request
  Variant ReferenceId is not supplied Provide Variant Reference ID in the request
  Alignment ID is not supplied Provide Alignment ID in the request
  GeneComponent is not supplied Provide Gene Component in the request
  Filter Variants input is not valid Provide valid filter variant input in the request
  Prediction Comparator has been supplied but Prediction Score is not supplied Provide Prediction Score in the request
  Prediction Score has been supplied but Prediction Comparator is not supplied Provide Prediction Comparator in the request
  Either Prediction Score Value or Prediction Code Value is mandatory Provide either Prediction Score or Prediction Code value in the request
  Permissible Prediction Score value is between 0.0 and 1.0 Provide a valid Prediction Score value
  Unsupported Prediction Comparator supplied. Supported values are '>','<','=' Provide a valid Prediction Comparator value
  Chromosome Value is not supplied Provide Chromosome value in the request
  Chromosome Start Position is not supplied Provide the Chromosome Start Position in the request
  Chromosome End Position is not supplied Provide Chromosome End Position in the request
  Allele is not supplied Provide Allele value in the request
  VariantEffect is not supplied Provide Variant Effect in the request
  StartPosition value is higher than EndPosition value. Please provide valid values Provide valid Start Position and End Position values in the request
  VariantEffect supplied is not valid Provide a valid Variant Effect value in the request
  VariantWid is not supplied Provide Variant Identifier in the request
  Invalid flanking offset supplied. It should be less than or equal to flanking offset in ODB. Provide a valid Flanking offset in the request
  Invalid promoter offset supplied. It should be less than or equal to promoter offset in ODB. Provide valid Promoter offset in the request
  Variants not found for the Chromosome and VariantEffect supplied No Variants were found for Chromosome and Variant Effect supplied
  Variants not found for the Gene Wids and VariantEffect supplied No Variant was found for the Gene Identifiers and Variant Effect supplied
  Variants not found for the Gene Wids and Prediction details supplied No Variant was found for the Gene Identifiers and Prediction details supplied
  Variants not found for the Chromosome and Prediction details supplied No Variant was found for the Chromosome and Prediction details supplied
  Variants not found for the Chromosome supplied No Variant was found for the Chromosome supplied
  Variants not found for the Allele and Chromosome details supplied No Variant was found for the Allele and Chromosome details supplied
  Variants not found for the Reference Ids and Reference Databases supplied No Variant was found for Reference IDs and Reference Databases supplied
  Variants not found for the Gene Wids and geneComponents supplied No Variant was found for Gene Identifiers and gene Components supplied
  Variants not found for the Gene Wids and component details supplied No Variant was found for the Gene Identifiers and component details supplied
Geneset APIs Gene Set deleted Gene set with the given ID has already been deleted
  GeneSet with the given ID does not exist Gene set with the given ID does not exist
  GeneSet with the given name already exist Gene set with the given name does not exist
  All genes not found None of the genes supplied in post body exist in the system
Gene APIs No valid genes found No valid genes were found
  Request does not contain ID list Provide an ID list in the request
Cohort List APIs Cohort list with the given ID does not exist Cohort list with the given ID does not exist
  Cohort List with the given name already exists Provide a different Cohort List name
  No valid patient or subject wids found No valid patient or subject Identifiers were found
Configuration APIs Invalid configuration property name Provide a valid configuration property name
Jersey Error Messages Request parameter is not a valid number The alphanumeric row ID supplied as a part of phenotype API URL
  Invalid Id ${id} Negative row IDs were supplied in pheynotype APIs
  Invalid Id list The patient or subject row IDs has not been supplied in request parameter for any phenotype API
  Invalid offset value. Must be greater than 0. The pagination param offset should be greater than 0.
  Invalid limit value. Must be greater than 0. The pagination param limit should be greater than 0.
  No valid alignments found The assemblies supplied in the request do not exist