Save or reload a debugger session

Save or reload a debugger session

When testing rules with data in common it can be useful to save a session containing the base data so that it can be reused in future testing.

Save a debugger session

To save a debugger session:

  1. After you have set up your baseline data in the debugger, click on the arrow on the right side of the Export button (located in the top right of the Debug view), and select the Export as XML option.
  2. In the Save As dialog box, enter a file name and select the destination folder. Click Save.

The entity instances and user-set values in the test will be saved in the Data Set (XDS) XML file.

Reload a debugger session

To reload a debugger session which you have previously saved:

  1. Open the debugger and click the Import button.
  2. In the Open dialog box, browse to select the XDS file which contains your saved data. Click OK.

The data and settings from your saved session will be added to the existing session. If you already have entity instances in your session, it will try to match up any entity instances in the data set with those that already exist.


NOTE: Only entity instances and user-set values are saved in a Data Set (XDS) file. Inferred attributes are not saved.