Define interview screen order

Define interview screen order

By default, the screen order in an interview is primarily driven by the question search. There are several limitations, however, to solely using the question search to drive question or screen order. For instance, using the question search alone to drive question or screen order:

It is therefore beneficial to specify an explicit screen order in Oracle Policy Modeling that you would like your interview to follow. Using a defined screen order, the interview will follow the specified order of the screens only until enough information is known to make a decision, thereby avoiding making the user visit unnecessary screens. (This is in contrast to the functioning of a Screen Flow in which the interview will follow exactly the specified flow to its completion even if sufficient information is already known to make a determination.)

What do you want to do?

Use the order of screens in the Question Screens folder to define the interview screen order

Create a new screen order

Edit a screen order

Use the order of screens in the Question Screens folder to define the interview screen order

By default, the first screens file that is added to a project will contain a default screen order (labeled Data Review in the screens view). This screen order is automatically defined as being the order of the screens in the Question Screens folder.



This means that you just need to order your screens in the Question Screens folder as you would like them to appear in the interview, and this will automatically determine the screen order (and the order of the screens on the data review screen). That is, you do not need to manually add a new screen order to your screens file.

Note that this default behavior only applies to the first screens file added to a project. Any subsequent screens files added to the project will need to have a screen order added manually (see below).

Create a new screen order

If you need to manually add a new screen order follow the steps below. (By default, the first screens file that is added to a project will already contain a default screen order - see above).

To create a new screen order:

  1. Right-click the *.xint filename, or another folder, in the screens view.
  2. Select New Screen Order from the pop-up menu. The following dialog will appear: 

  3. Drag individual screens or folders from the screens file into the top pane to define the screen order.
    TIP: If you have your question screens in a separate folder in your screens file, you can order the screens as you would like them to appear in the interview in that folder. Then when creating your screen order here it is simply a matter of dragging that Question Screens folder into the top pane.
  4. New folders can be added to the screen order by clicking on the New Folder button. (The folders in a screen order are used to group screens into the 'stages' that are displayed at the top of an interview to indicate progress through the investigation. If screens appear at the top level in the screen order (outside of any folder), they will also be used as stage names).
  5. Click OK.

Edit a screen order

To edit a screen order:

  1. Double-click the screen order in the screens file to open it for editing.
  2. Change the order of screens by dragging and dropping the screens into new locations. Alternatively, if your screen order is defined by the Question Screens folder, reorganize the order of screens in that folder in the screens view.
  3. Click OK.