Use the regression tester from the command line

Use the regression tester from the command line

The Oracle Policy Modeling Command Line Regression Tester provides a means of executing a rulebase project's text scripts using the command line.


This tool can be used in two different modes. The syntax for these modes is given below.

  1. Oracle.Policy.Modeling.RegressionTester.CmdLine rulebase-file testscript-file [options]
    This is the default mode. The tool takes the supplied compiled rulebase file (.xml) and tests it using the supplied test script file (.tsc).
  2. Oracle.Policy.Modeling.RegressionTester.CmdLine -project rulebase-project-file [options]
    Project mode. This mode takes the supplied rulebase project, and tests it using all test scripts that are associated with the project.


The following options can be used:


For the tool's standard (non-XML) output, the region setting for the rulebase provided is used to determine the formatting used for data types such as date, datetime and timeofday.