Choose a data type for an attribute

Choose a data type for an attribute

When you create a new attribute you need to define the type of attribute it is, based on the kind of information it represents.

The table below shows the types of attributes that are supported in Oracle Policy Modeling:


Attribute type Icon When used Example
Boolean for statements the claimant is eligible for family benefits
Currency for amounts of money the claimant's annual income
Number for any type of number the claimant's age
Text for text strings the claimant's name
Date for date values the claimant's date of birth
Date and time when a date and time together is needed the date and time of the car accident
Time of day for times of day the store's opening time


Note that for datetime and time of day attributes, you have the option in the Attribute Editor to specify whether seconds will be displayed. If 'Display seconds' is unchecked, any seconds values entered in Web Determinations will be discarded.

The format that values of non-boolean attributes (variables) must take in rules is specified in Use constant values in rules.

The format that values of attributes must take when being entered into input fields, and the format as they appear in decision reports, is specified in Formatting of attribute values.