Access Dashboards

You can access Management Dashboard (Dashboards) in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management, and then click Management Dashboard.
    Management Dashboard in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console menu
  3. On the left pane, select a compartment.
  4. Optionally, use the following filters on the left pane to filter the list of dashboards.
    • Services: Select services in the drop-down list to view the dashboards that display data for those services.
    • Created by: Select a user name in the drop-down list to view the dashboards created by the user.
    • Updated by: Select a user name in the drop-down list to view the dashboards updated by the user.

On the Dashboards page, the list of Oracle-defined dashboards and custom dashboards, if any, is displayed. On this page, you can:

  • Click Create dashboard to create a custom dashboard. For information, see Create a Custom Dashboard.
  • Click Import dashboards to import a dashboard. For information, see Export and Import Dashboards.
  • Sort the list of dashboards by clicking the Sort ascending or Sort descending icon (Sort ascending or Sort descending), which is displayed when you hover the mouse over column headings.
  • Enter text in the Search... field to view the dashboards that have the text in the name or description.
  • Click the name of a dashboard to open it.
  • Click the Actions icon (Actions) for a dashboard and click the available options to perform tasks such as duplicating the dashboard, moving the dashboard to another compartment, or deleting the dashboard. For Oracle-defined dashboards, only the Open and Duplicate options are enabled in the Actions menu.

On the left pane, under Dashboards:

  • Click Widgets to view the list of available widgets in the widget library for supported Observability & Management services. For information, see View Widgets.
  • Click Filters to view the list of available filters in the filter library for supported Observability & Management services. For information, see View Filters.

On the left pane, you can also add a tag filter to filter the list of dashboards. For information on: