About Management Dashboard

Management Dashboard allows you to build performance monitoring, diagnosis and data analysis solutions on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure platform, infrastructure, and application resources. It has powerful data visualization options that gather real-time and historic data and display it in widgets.

Management Dashboard is available as part of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Observability & Management and can be used for the following services:

  • Application Performance Monitoring
  • Database Management
  • Logging Analytics
  • Management Agent
  • Ops Insights
  • Stack Monitoring

You can use the rich Management Dashboard visualization framework to obtain a quick insight into the health and performance of your resources such as databases, hosts, and WebLogic server domains. The visual representation of information in a dashboard makes the information easy to interpret and helps identify outliers, isolate issues and take corrective action.

For each Observability & Management service that it supports, Management Dashboard provides:

  • Oracle-defined dashboards, widgets, and filters that cover many common resource-monitoring scenarios. For the list of Oracle-defined dashboards, see About Oracle-defined Dashboards.
  • Ability to create custom dashboards and widgets that meet your specific requirements.

As you work with Management Dashboard, here are some of the common terms that you will come across:

  • Dashboards: Data visualization tools that gather real-time data from the various tiers of an application or other monitored resource, and display it in widgets.
  • Widgets: Single data visualization for one type of resource, which allow you to display data in various presentation styles. The primary role of a widget is to display monitoring data in a form useful to you.
  • Filters: Data perspectives that can be applied to narrow down the results displayed in a single widget or multiple widgets.

The Management Dashboard documentation provides detailed information on how to use its features, however, you can also see service documentation for additional information: