Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Blockchain Platform is integrated with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services and features.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM) lets you control who has access to your cloud resources. You can control what type of access a group of users have and to which specific resources. See Overview of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management.

For information on how IAM policies are used in Blockchain Platform, see Using Permissions and Policies to Administer Oracle Blockchain Platform.

Work Requests

Work requests allow you to monitor long-running operations such as the provisioning of instances. When you launch such an operation, the service spawns a work request. A work request is an activity log that enables you to track each step in the operation's progress. See Work Requests.

Blockchain Platform is not integrated with the common Work Requests API.

For information on how work request REST APIs are used in Blockchain Platform, see Blockchain Platform REST API documentation.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events enables you to create automation based on the state changes of resources throughout your tenancy. Use Events to allow your development teams to automatically respond when a resource changes its state. See Overview of Events.

For information on how events are used in Blockchain Platform, see Service Events.


The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service enables you to actively and passively monitor your cloud resources using the Metrics and Alarms features. See Monitoring Overview.

For information on how monitoring is used in Blockchain Platform, see Monitor Metrics

Region Availability

Oracle Blockchain Platform is currently available on data regions in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific (APAC). Thereafter, Oracle Blockchain Platform may expand to other regions.

For the latest information on availability in regions, see Data Regions for Platform and Infrastructure Services.

For information about regions hosting Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Regions and Availability Domains.

Service Limits

Oracle Blockchain Platform has various default limits. Whenever you create an Oracle Blockchain Platform instance, the system ensures that your request is within the bounds of your limit. The limit that applies to you doesn't depend on which edition and size you subscribe to (Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition).

Resource Limit Limit Short Name Default Value (Universal Credits) Description
Oracle Blockchain Platform Count platform-count 100 Maximum number of Blockchain Platforms available with Oracle Blockchain Platform

You can submit a request to increase your limits from Limits, Quotas, and Usage page in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

See About Service Limits and Usage.

Service Quotas

You can use quotas to determine how other users allocate Oracle Blockchain Platform resources across compartments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Whenever you create an Oracle Blockchain Platform instance or scale up, the system ensures that your request is within the bounds of the quota for that compartment.

The quota that you use to allocate Oracle Blockchain Platform resources depends on which edition you subscribe to: Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition.

Quota Name Scope Description
platform-count Regional Number of Blockchain Platforms

Example Quota Statements for Oracle Blockchain Platform

  • Limit the number of Blockchain Platforms that users can create in compartment CompA to 2.

    set blockchain quota 'platform-count' to 2 in compartment CompA

  • Prevent users from creating any Blockchain Platforms in compartment MyCompartment

    zero blockchain quota 'platform-count' in compartment MyCompartment

See About Compartment Quotas.

Service Events

Actions that you perform on Oracle Blockchain Platform instances emit events.

You can define rules that trigger a specific action when an event occurs. For example, you might define a rule that sends a notification to administrators when someone deletes an instance. See Overview of Events and Get Started with Events.

This table lists the Oracle Blockchain Platform events that you can reference.

Event Name Event Type
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Change Compartment com.oraclecloud.blockchain.changeplatformcompartment
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Create Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Create Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Delete Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deleteplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Delete Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deleteplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Scale Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.scaleplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Scale Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.scaleplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Start Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.startplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Start Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.startplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Stop Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.stopplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Stop Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.stopplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Update Instance Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updateplatforminstance.begin
Blockchain Platform - Instance - Update Instance End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updateplatforminstance.end
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Create OSN Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createosn.begin
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Create OSN End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createosn.end
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Delete OSN Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deleteosn.begin
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Delete OSN End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deleteosn.end
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Update OSN Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updateosn.begin
Blockchain Platform - OSN - Update OSN End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updateosn.end
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Create Peer Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createpeer.begin
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Create Peer End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createpeer.end
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Delete Peer Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deletepeer.begin
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Delete Peer End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.deletepeer.end
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Update Peer Begin com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updatepeer.begin
Blockchain Platform - Peer - Update Peer End com.oraclecloud.blockchain.updatepeer.end


This example shows information associated with the event Blockchain - Instance - Create Instance Begin:

        "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
        "contentType": "application/json",
        "source": "blockchain",
        "eventID": "<unique_ID>",
        "eventType": "com.oraclecloud.blockchain.createplatforminstance.begin",
        "eventTypeVersion": "<version>",
        "eventTime": "2020-06-14T00:53:04.126Z",
        "data": {
            "additionalDetails": {},
            "availabilityDomain": "<availability_domain>",
            "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>",
            "compartmentName": "my_compartment",
            "freeformTags": {},
            "resourceId": "ocid1.blockchaininstance.oc1..<unique_ID>",
            "resourceName": "my_blockchain_cloud"
        "extensions": {
            "compartmentId": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>"