Implementation Notes

The following restrictions apply for the Oracle implementation of the password biometric:

  • The minimum password length to be enrolled must be 5 bytes.

  • The maximum password length to be enrolled must be 50 bytes.

The array containing password data during enrollment or matching must have the password laid out as a byte array with each character represented by a byte starting from index offset. There can be no other information in the byte array from index offset to index offset+length-1. For example, password "tests" must be represented by the byte array {116, 101, 115, 116, 115} starting at index 0 with length 5.

The public template for the stored password returned during a matching session is a byte array (dest) with formatting as shown below. The version for this implementation is 1.0.0, so the dest array would be as follows, where passwd length represents the length of the enrolled password.

  • dest[0]=1

  • dest[1]=0

  • dest[2]=0

  • dest[3]=passwd length